Open Discussion: Alert will become meta soon

That is my prediction for the close future. With all the maps being reworked and having breakable walls, I think Alert will become an incredible perk, because it's already a good one. I think it will become meta for survivors. The info this perk gives is insane and totally worth running. Am I the only one that thinks like this?
Oh wait... This is a good point? I completely forgot about breakable walls factoring in on alert, especially with how long it's taking to add them in. I actually forget they exist until I get a new map lol.
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Alert will remain obsolete as long as spine chill exists.
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honestly I don't really like it because when I see the killer breaking a pallet I feel like "ah ######### now they wasted 4 pallets before I could even repair a gen there won't be enough for me later"
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interesting point about breakable walls. though I have to question your definition of "soon" since we know BHVR's definition is not exactly impressive. hell, that window at ironworks just got fixed after about 4 years. and they could have added a breakable wall there, but havent.
they could also add a breakable wall at the shack in every level since it's always the same asset, but that hasn't happened.
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Alert is okay at best
decent survivors will always have an idea of where the killer is or what they're up to, spine chill is better and even that is easily replaceable
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Except they have completely different uses. Spine Chill is as an early warning. Alert let's you track the killers location and which pallets have been broken.
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The pallet break detection is already way more useful (and more common) than wall break detection will ever be, and still no one uses the perk, so, no, I don't think Alert will ever be meta. Condemned to be another of the countless pathetically underpowered perks in the game.
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Someone watching Ayrun i see.
On topic, i really like alert and usw it actually quite often.
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Thanks for alerting us
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I see what you did there.
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Did you actually tested ever in a real match to say that? I can understand the first part, but man, this perk not only does its job flawless, but it is also restriction-free. Everyone has their tastes, i know that...but there are other perks that are actual trash, like Camaraderie. That perk is PaThEtIc, not Alert. I dont think you realize the benefits this perk gives you. I sometimes see this perk run by a few players, not many, that's true, but often enough to come to the conclusion that people actually enjoy running this 'underpowered' perk.
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you're welcome sir
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Alert gives too much info to be honest. Should just be a noise notification not aura. In my opinion. It is a good perk though. Just one i usually forget about.
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Alert>Windows of Opportunity, but Windows of Opportunity is good for newbs, or casuals. The top perks for survivors are those which either boost repair speed (gtfo speed) or survivability in chase. If you can survive chases longer, you can save pallets and win time. So, if its only info that you need, info alone doesnt significantly change the chance to escape good killers. Exception is perk Distortion. It doesnt increase repair speeds, but it allow to dodge BBQ and keep killer guessing where survivors are. IMO, its the best thing for genrush. The big question for me is - why Distortion is not meta? :^)
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Otzdarvas been using it. Makes sense that what he does becomes meta.
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My post has nothing to do with any of Otzdarva's or Ayrun's videos regarding Alert. It is just an opinion I've had for months, and decided to be vocal now because I realized that Breakable walls are going to become a bigger thing after the reworked maps go live, and so Alert will become more popular.
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Breakable walls is a good point. But give credit where credits due.
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I don’t think it will ever be truly meta, but it’ll probably see more use in solo queue once people realise its uses. Info perks are more useful for solos and Alert does give a lot of nice info.
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I don't think it'll be meta but I think it's always been a pretty good perk.
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I am personally a big fan of Alert. It enables a lot of what I call "squirrel plays*" when combined with Urban Evasion.
* like when the squirrel is on a tree, you can't see it, and as you move around the tree to see the squirrel, they move so you can't
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Since it's rework a while back it's always sat firmly in B tier for me personally. I definitely enjoy it, but there are other solo pkay info perks that I find more useful, i.e. Bond/Kindred.
Edit: particularly Kindred. If someone is nearby the hook and you're farther away, you can stay on your gen and not have to make a break for it which saves a lot of time. It's useless in SWF, but for me when you soloq a lot it's quite nice.
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I don't see myself trading kindred for it, but good point
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Alert is underrated, much like Spine Chill used to be. Alert's problem is that, while it's pretty good, there's a lot of perks that are considered more important.
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Why use alert when you can use 4 second-chance perks? Unfortunately Alert will be far away from the meta, even after the update.
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Some perks could use an Alert treatment...
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Idk if it will be "meta" but it will likely become off meta, as it is very much almost at the peak of being. Ie like for example prove thyself, or soul guard/for the people.
Its never going to be taking the place of unbreakable/decisive strike for a lot of people as an example (purely because people both love those perks, and unless they were nerfed into the basement and back i don't know if people would even want to stop using them then because of what they do)
But what it does do is hugely beneficial. its to the same degree as spine chill, which you see every 4-5 builds. the more pallets/walls/gens there are to break the more info it gives. and its incredibly good at giving info even in a chase, as it stops the killer from fake breaking a pallet.
The one bad thing with alert though no matter how good it is, is that i always tend to just... forget about it for some reason? like its an amazing perk even now, and i accidentally ran it again during the event whilst crown collecting due to having it on other survivors and like god was it good? but i forget about it in tandem for my other preferred builds which are uber-over heal, hook bomb and survive for bp, and ultimate slug build etc. Even when i typically use killer detection perks i'll pop in OoO or spinechill instead, because alerts never at the forefront of my mind which is ironic considering its name. Its an amazing perk, and i love it a lot more then i give it credit for, but god do i forget it exists?
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Doubtful. Stealth killers completely avoid it, Ghost Face is played commonly enough and there are enough instances of oblivious and undetectable that I see no use in using it. It was good before they started with that mess to nerf OoO but now Spine Chill is infinitely better unless you purely want to know where not to lead the killer during the instance there is potentially aura reading available.
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i think spine chill is a better perk to use.
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Want to add that Spine Chill is just a "Yes" or "No" statement and Alert gives aura reading, which is many times more useful than Spine Chill.
Both are equivalents to each other, it just depends on your playstyle! 🙂
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I have to disagree. Spine Chill is better in my opinion. But yeah, it depends on your play style .
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Alert is a great perl, but there is better options. Spine Chill, OoO, even Dark Sense.
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Iron Will is much better for most encounters, personally. You can fake a killer near stuff, hide easier and even escape Spirit. It's a great perk every time.
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Alert is one of those perks that’s really really good and you want to take it but something happens in your games and you have to resort to meta perks or other perks.
Its the problem with introducing perks to fix design flaws in the game
Ive been trying it on and off the past few weeks though and I forgot how good it was.
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My bad, I was thinking about Premonition.
Alert is pretty dope. I really like it as well.
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I honestly don't see it rising that highly in popularity with the amount of Undetectable or even Oblivious available to killers today. If stealth killers especially were to rise in response to Alert, then that would nullify the perk's existence. But this is also provided that killers chose to actually adapt to survivor perk choices for once, rather than sticking with older ideas.
Or they will even start using more perks like Trail of Torment to disguise themselves for a short while.
The most likely option though, is that they will complain about the information it gives and SWF who will also largely ignore the perk in favour of having their comms communicate the position of the killer, or limit themselves to one person using the perk if they really care that much about team building.
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Of course I've used it before, it's a three-year old perk.
And yes, I actually once thought it was decent too. After a while, even after it was buffed, I realized I had been wrong.
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i honestly don’t think alert will ever be meta as long as object is in the game.. object just does more in terms of information at the expense of giving off ur location which isn’t much of a con since u should be a good looper to begin with (if using object). also object can mesh with perks like off the radar or sole survivor.. alert doesn’t mesh with anything on a consistent basis if u ask me.
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Too bad the pitiful excuse for a perk called object exists.
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just because ayrun made a video about a perk no one uses doesnt mean is a great perk.