Controversial Suggestion

Make maps with more than one floor have the heartbeat non-existent or muffled or something to give survivors some chance of knowing what floor killers MIGHT be on.

I hate The Game and I hate Midwich (and the Stranger Things map too I guess), part of the reason for that is it's so hard to not only find gens (diff topic) but half the time you don't even know when someone's getting chased which damn floor it MIGHT be on. Could be yours, could be the one above or below. You don't know unless you're running empathy and they've been hit, or running Bond and they're within range. I'm not asking for like 100% accuracy or anything, so the surv ALWAYS know they're safe. But something. Maybe the heartbeat is inconsistent compared to normal. Like instead of constant occasionally it skips a beat, letting you know they're nearby (aka under or above you) and you still have to be careful, but not immediately run.

Like I'd just like some small indication, some small way to possibly tell. Hell make it so distressing still makes the heartbeat like all stories or whatever, but please do something about omni-story heartbeats please.


  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
    edited July 2020

    There are perks to assist with this. And you have eyes.

    This is unnecessary. The entire point of 2 floor maps is to keep you on your toes. If you, or anyone else REALLY needs this level of handholding, perhaps this isn't the game for you.

  • Anara
    Anara Member Posts: 1,297

    I think it's why these maps are the best

  • shanny_boi
    shanny_boi Member Posts: 146

    You can already tell if the killer is coming just by being attentive and looking around with your camera.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    it’s something you can actually use to your advantage. Here’s a play I’ve made in the past:

    Midwich. Hook a survivor. BBQ tells me somebody is working a gen upstairs, but I’m on bottom. I stay on bottom and to to where I’m nearly beneath the generator. Then I go toward the nearest drop-off (usually the courtyard or the cage room by the exit. 80% of the time I’ll hear a falling scream and then the survivor lands right in front of me!

    Now I understand that this is prolly the point that the OP is trying to make, but I’m just saying that if you know of an issue, you can use it as a tactic. Survivors wouldn’t fall for it if they looked and saw I wasn’t behind them. Conversely. If they think this might be the play, they can listen for the terror radius to intensify and then fade. They can stay on the gen that entire time and get lots of progress while the killer mindgames himself.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    Stealth killers, bad angles, working on a gen with no good line of sight. These are all things that exist, ESPECIALLY on Midwich. Where the gens are mostly located in rooms right along the walls right next to the doors but with no good line of sight. You MIGHT see the red stain, you MIGHT see the Wraith blur, or you might not because LOS is ######### on that map. Not to mention it's a fairly dark map, with few ways up or down.

    Almost everyone hate Midwich because of this and other factors. The ######### storywide heartbeat is another annoyance to throw into the bucket.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,689

    Please keep the discussion civil and respectful, no need to attack others because of their opinion.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507
    edited July 2020

    I think that's one of my issues though, and why multiple story maps are generally really good for killers and not so good for survivors. Like I'm not saying there shouldn't be maps that are most titled to favor one side, it just bothers me that like say you're going against a doctor on The Game, you can literally have your Madness Tier up from him not even being on the same FLOOR as you. That's imo messed up.

    Like The Game at least has decent LOS, but Midwich, while pretty, has some of the worst LOS I've ever seen. Working on gens on that maps one of the most frustrating experiences, because normally they're located in place where there's almost no LOS.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    Also I literally also discussed some of the perks that may, "help with this" and how they might not actually "help with this." Someone has to be injured for empathy to proc, someone has to be closer than Empathy for Bond to proc. Aftercare is super situational, so is Blood Pact. Etc. Etc. You telling me to run OoO on solo q?I don't want to get tunneled to death. Spine chill might help, but I'm not sure it procs through walls, which is what most of the Midwich gens are located behind. Midwich (except for the Super Long Hallways of Death) has really REALLY bad LOS, which makes "using your eyes" a bit more difficult than usual on that map.

    That's like saying for a killer to "Use their eyes" against a Blendette on Yamaoka. It's not impossible, but harder than usual.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Spine Chill procs through everything. The fact that you don't know that shows your inexperience with the game, and thus how baseless your suggestion is.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507
    edited July 2020

    I've been playing this game for at least 3 years, over 1000 hours, I am not inexperienced. I barely use Spine Chill, thus not knowing what it procs through. I didn't know I had to be an expert on the game and know what every perk does at all times to have an opinion. And you still haven't really given any useful tips or information besides "this game might not be for me" and I should "use my eyes."

    What are these perks that could be helpful? You haven't mentioned one.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Spine Chill is considered a meta perk. And you didn't know what it did. So yes, I question your experience.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I see more as a positive, just another tool to mindgame with. It could be muffled a bit, but I feel like we already have enough indications for it, but thats just me.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507
    edited July 2020

    I just said I don't really use it, the tooltip says NOTHING about procing through walls. So again, how am I supposed to know if I don't: A) really use the perk, even if it is meta. And B) The tooltip says nothing about procing through walls.

    If I don't use it, and the tooltip says NOTHING about what it can and can't proc through besides that they have to be looking in your direction and within 36 meters. That doesn't indicate it works through solid objects. At all.

    And again, you haven't mentioned a single perk that may "help with this."

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Apparently we haven't been talking about Spine Chill this whole time. Which would literally do what you want by telling you if the killer is looking in your direction. Nope, "haven't mentioned any perks".

    This just goes back to what I said about having eyes.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507
    edited July 2020

    You said "perks" not Perk. Also I brought up Spine Chill. You haven't mentioned any of these perks (multiple) that may help with this. Also if it can proc through walls it can probably proc through floors, aka making it less useful. All the killer has to do is look up or down, Spine Chill procced.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507
    edited July 2020

    I'm curious, how do you propose survivors mindgame on multi story maps? Genuinely curious.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I was talking from the killers perspective, you can convince survivors to stop doing tasks without being anywhere near them if you can do it right. A good survivor will be able to call your bluff though.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952
    edited July 2020

    Honestly, Terror Radius SHOULD be calculated around objects, based on distance to the survivor, and not through walls or up and down.

    This could help a lot of Killers on maps with unpredictable Walls/Gates (Game, Lerys) and make the game more scary for Survivors

    Any reading through walls should be done by perks instead.

    ...I heard the monster, I could feel its presence through the wall...

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    Your idea isn't controversial. DbD just doesn't have a 3D directional soundmap (as I understand), so all the devs can do are workarounds (eg. objects like floors muffle sounds when players are at certain angles). Heartbeats not differentiating between floors is not a design decision per se; it's a fault in the core code (maybe engine? idk).