Which do you believe is the strongest addon combo on Spirit?

Back before she got some addon changes, obviously prayer beads were just insane. Since then came the nerf of PB and some other addons, more notably the Yakuyoke Amulet.
Honestly, I think it's a pretty big buff given the numbers associated with it. Hence why I will claim double duration is the strongest addon combo spirit has available.
According to the DBD official Wiki https://deadbydaylight.gamepedia.com/Rin_Yamaoka (hover over the Slightly, Moderately, ect.), the Amulet adds an additional 3.5 sec to spirit's phase walk while taking away 15% of her phase walk speed. Her base PW speed is 176%, which would mean she's brought down to 160%. Honestly, I don't think it's a terrible trade off at all for an extra 3.5 seconds to your phase. It still lets you go much farther than you would without it. Pair that with the Talisman (1.5 sec) and you get a total of 5 extra seconds of phase walk ontop of the base 5 seconds. 10 second phase walk with the regular 15 second cooldown.
Oh yeah, let's not forget that the cooldown at this point is basically halved if you use your power in bursts only. The way the game calculates extra time added to the phase doesn't seem to affect the recharge rate, so if you only use 4-5 seconds of phase for say map traversal or quick hits, you have what is essentially a 7.5 second cooldown (granted you're using a bit less than 5 seconds of phase) on every down. It literally is 50% cooldown.
I do see this combo being nerfed sometime in the future when more people realize just how powerful and dummy-proof this makes her power, other than that enjoy!
Probably mother-daughter ring and the green talisman addon.
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definately not. Its the mother daughter ring and the purple amulet.
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Honestly, anything for spirit thats green rarity or above is strong.
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Spirit has a lot of really strong addons still, I think another good contender would be the wakizashi saya with the bloody hair brooch which allows her to quickly get into her power and also very easily land hits on people without having to be very accurate with her phasing. Even if it isn't her strongest possible combo, it's still pretty notable.
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MD Ring + Yakuyoke Amulet is arguably her most insane add-on combo, especially when sounds are working properly.
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I would also say Mother-Daughter-Ring and Yakuyoke amulet. The speed and duration buff is pretty evil, almost Billy map pressure.
Probably underrated is the combo with both charge speed addons and STBFL. Survivors sometimes don't even reach the next loop with that insanely quick possibility to go into phasing after a hit.
I would also mention Fathers Glasses in combination with Sloppy and Bloodhound. The weakest of the strongest combos as you need an addon and 2 perks for that effect, but you simply don't have to mindgame anymore. You just know exactly where people are, on which side of the pallet they are, you see when they slowvault back...
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Before they got nerfed I really liked stacking the activation addons.
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Btw I think double duration addons is not the strongest thing. If the power recovery is that strong and you are able to read the power spamming, it is easier to counter by holding W. The less speed gives the survivor more distance, which you also have to catch up with less speed. This adds up. I noticed that when trying this addon without other speed/ duration addons. Survivors that just keep running and using kinda save windows you have to walk around with some noticable distance can get really annoying with the Yakuyoke amulet only.
It is good to spam the power for short distance like on loops, but it really cuts you for longer ranges. And don't forget: for map traversal you NEED the higher duration, as you can cover less distance in the same time. Otherwise your phasings won't go much further that nurse blinks.
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Why the rage? That's what I said as well XD Or should I have said "+1"?
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I believe the strongest combo is double lunge. It was nerfed, yeah, but it still remains a pretty nasty combination.
Also, double phasing addons and don't use power, it's a very meme combo.
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nowhere near the power of amulet/ring combo
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Sure, a lunge attack that covers more than 3/4 of a normal loop is nothing compared to slightly faster&longer haunting.
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Most underrated combo: Dried Cherry Blossom + Juniper Bonsai. While you don't see when you're passive phasing (needs to change, imo), you still appear to go invisible in a chase for significant periods of time. Survivors lose all of their looping knowledge when going against this and make stunning mistakes. These add-ons won't pressure gens, but you'll end chases quick.
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It will vary according to playstyle. She has very good add-ons in general, even the passive phasing ones are decent.
In general speed+duration is the strongest combo, imho. It gives map pressure, which is something she could struggle with being 110%, and they're nasty for anti-looping, provided you're good at sound tracking.