Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

A rework for The Legion

Bard Member Posts: 657


4.4 m/s movement speed

24 meter terror radius.

Power: Feral Pack

Divide and Conquer

The Legion starts the trial alone, but has the other three Legionnaires on call.

Press LCtrl to summon a Legionnaire at your current location to stand watch.

Any survivor who comes within 16 meters of your watching Legionnaire will be revealed by Killer Instinct. Watching Legionnaires have no terror radius, but listen to their walkman at a volume such that the music is audible at 24 meters range.

Press and hold LShift while looking at a watching Legionnaire to transfer control to that body.

Feral Frenzy

The Legion builds up stamina over time (30 seconds to fully charge).

Each Legionnaire has independent stamina.

Press M2 to activate Feral Frenzy for up to 10 seconds.

While active:

  • The Legion moves at 5 m/s
  • The Legion's basic attack is replaced with a pounce.
  • The Legion cannot see scratch marks or blood trails
  • Pounce has a 0.75 second windup, a 4 meter range, and a 3 second backswing. The Legion cannot turn while in midair from pounce. The Legion leaps one meter into the air at the beginning of his pounce, allowing him to clear small objects.
  • In flagrant disregard for the laws of physics, Pounce can be activated to change your direction in mid-air.
  • Landing pounce does one instance of damage, applies on-attack effects (except for Exposed), refills your stamina, and triggers Killer Instinct on all survivors within your terror radius for 6 seconds.
  • The Legion can scale walls by running directly towards them.
  • The Legion can run along walls for a few meters, even without a floor, by running parralel to it.
  • The Legion cannot break pallets or vault windows.
  • The Legion can jump 1 meter into the air.

When The Legion runs out of stamina, misses a pounce, or manually ends the ability with M2, he enters a 3 second fatigue.


  • Octobersmoke
    Octobersmoke Member Posts: 37

    The concept of switching to different versions of the legion is pretty awesome imo, but I think some of the rest needs to be toned down... like a lot lol, but still cool idea.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    I like the idea of having 2-4 characters that the killer can play with instead of them being just skins. Current iteration of legion is very boring and the only place skill is required is when you M1...just like for every other killer, except nurse.

  • Smoker101
    Smoker101 Member Posts: 52

    I think this is a cool concept

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 954

    I just cant my head around how Legion cant vault windows. But can run along walls 🤔 (and jump)

  • Nickeh
    Nickeh Member Posts: 282

    Okay, let's add jumping to a game where most of it's game breaking glitches require floating in midair or landing on top of something you clearly are not supposed to be on top of.

  • Bard
    Bard Member Posts: 657

    You can't perform a vault action, but all vault points are low enough to the ground that you can clear them with a jump.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Everyone will just have the dummys stand watch around hooks to camp them. This kind of idea of clones has been floated around before but this is always the problem with it