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General Discussions

Make Hooks Act Like Cages

Member Posts: 2,723
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

I'm not talking about the downsides. I'm talking about the second stage hook. Give us skill checks here and there so no one can suicide immediately because they got caught early and it helps incase you miss a skill check and lose a little bit of the timer but don't instantly die.

I think it would be a healthy change instead of smashing your spacebar just to die to the game stuttering. Thoughts?

Edits: Had to edit twice due to spelling.

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  • Member Posts: 393

    The only thing I don't like about this is server instability. I've seen it myself, and talked to many players in post chat about it. The server lag is real. Many missed skill checks, or grab freezes. I've had complete "pauses" and BOOM, gen blows up. I don't want people dying on the second stage like crazy because the server lags, or someone's connection goes. That is less BP for me as killer and it could impact scoring for rank.

    I don't like it. You can perhaps have it work in a way that gets you extra points, but does not hasten your death. I just don't want people dying after 2 hooks constantly because of various forms of lag.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Devs said multiple times that hook suiciding didn't increase when DCing Penalty was added, people rarely kill themselves on hook and I think preventing people doing so would be far more unhealthy for the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    I think this is why they asked this question in the survey.

    I can see how this mechanic would be much more interactive than just spamming the bar. Hopefully they implement this change, because even letting themselves die on the hook wouldn't be instant, they'd have to miss a number of skill checks which would be beneficial to killer players as well.

  • Member Posts: 3,099
  • Member Posts: 2,068

    I thought you were going to say "make a hooked survivor teleport to another hook on the map if the killer stays around them for too long" like how cages currently work.

    As for the 2nd stage having skillchecks, that is a decent idea, but it won't stop survivors from suiciding in 2nd phase when they can still purposely fail skillchecks to get it over with quickly. As it is with the Cages, 3 failed skillchecks kill you, so while the skillchecks delay the suicide by a few seconds, they don't prevent it.

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  • Member Posts: 222

    I've seen the lag effect the spam struggle more than skill checks, I almost think skill checks at gen are client side

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    @Pryzm The chance of death is much faster if you freeze for a sec and the hook just kills you.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    @SenzuDuck It also helps other survivors still do gens a little longer for a chance at escape just because someone is unhappy that they got caught first also.

  • Member Posts: 393

    I get what you guys are saying, but the freezes tend to center around events. It's weird. So as a skill check starts to pop up, it is an "event' occurring and freezes for a second. Same thing with grabs and swings sometimes. I've seen it happen if I hook someone while someone else is in struggle, they suddenly die, but that one seems specific.

    Really good job so far on these servers.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    @TWiXT Yes but this at least helps with the accidental death and they can't say it was an accident when they miss all 3. Gives survivors a chance to do a gen before someone kills themselves because they're mad that they got caught early, screwing their team over.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    I'd be much in favour of skillchecks on second hook cause of a hand injury that very much keeps me from struggling the 'regular' way

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    @SpaceCoconut It would benefit survivors so they have a chance to finish a gen before someone tries to kill themselves but at the same time, gives a killer a chance to allow a survivor do a rescue so they can pusg another off a gen. Also helps with the stutter that can kill you by accident.

  • Member Posts: 1,009

    I like the idea, cause I prefer the skillchecks over the struggle. However, don't think it'd change much. Can't stop people if they don't wanna play a match. They'd try to self unhook, then miss every skillcheck and if someone saves them, then they'd just go AFK at the hook. The person running to save them will have wasted precious gen time, so it's just giving killers more pressure in their 3v1 game.

    I'd still prefer skillchecks over mashing though

  • Member Posts: 2,117

    No Hook suicides? Hell, this added 15s doesnt bring much benefit, besides it just screws escape changes for last survivor. I dont hink this is well thought at all. the same for teleporting cages. In reality its even better for killers to run around the cage til it teleports cause it cost much more time for survs, or they just die cause the cage spawns too far away.

  • Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2020

    @TWiXT "I thought you were going to say "make a hooked survivor teleport to another hook on the map if the killer stays around them for too long" like how cages currently work."

    ... and that's exactly what Behaviour should do. It's long overdue.

  • Member Posts: 2,068
    edited July 2020

    Except, then high mobility killers like Hillbilly could play a sick game of "Keep away" with hooked survivors. I had that happen to me accidentally while I was playing PH, the survivor was in their 2nd phase in a cage, and the other survivors kept leading me to her but didn't rescue her because I was after them, she teleported across the map (mothers dwelling) twice, and ended up dying in the cage. If PH had the mobility of Hillbilly though, then I wouldn't have had to chase survivors at all in order to get the caged survivor to teleport around on purpose.

    While the idea of having survivors teleport from hook to hook if the killer sticks around them for too long is a good way to prevent camping in theory, in practice i feel it would become a race around the map to see who reaches the hooked survivor first.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    It creates survivor stand-offs for one, last person on hook, other person finds hatch and signal (t-bagging/repeated pointed) that they've found hatch and now if the survivor wants to let someone escape they aren't they're forced to to stay on the hook until sufficient skill checks have passed that kill her, significantly increasing the amount of 4Ks because survivors can no longer opt into sacrificing themselves so one can escape.

    and if you're lucky enough to be on a hook while everyone else is downed etc you can no longer give up if a survivor is hiding well enough that the killer can't find their slugged body, you then have to sit there until your time is up, when I play killer I rarely see hook suicides, I think this is just another thing that is being blown out of proportion, I agree with the change of spamming etc but you need to give survivors a "hold E to die".

  • Member Posts: 350

    2022 ? Damn dude, I want to be that optimistic about smth in my life...

  • Member Posts: 2,557

    Not gonna lie, I am torn.... as a killer, when I play surv I hate button mashing, but I LOVE bloodpoints, so I always struggle to the end just for the points.

    Will the skill checks award us a similar bloodpoint amount or just 50 points that may occur on 2-3 checks before rescue?

    I despise mashing buttons, but want muh bloodpoints man

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  • Member Posts: 723

    I wish they'd consider adding a "pick one" sort of option- imagine if you could choose in settings whether you struggle traditionally, or have skill checks.

    I would choose the traditional button mashing, not because I like it, but because there have been multiple times where I have prematurely stopped struggling just to give the other last survivor the hatch. Removing that ability will take out a little bit of the game for me that I will really miss. Nothing like suiciding on hook so that the last person can escape against the Iri hatchet mori-off-first-hook Huntress 😚

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    While that is true, the poster said "Give us skill checks here and there so no one can suicide immediately" which is a clear indication that they don't want that to be possible unless you just force miss skill checks which would 100% give the killer enough time to find hatch.

  • Member Posts: 826

    Considering how much I despise mashing spacebar, yes please.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    @SenzuDuck It's meant to help their teammates do gens if so a survivor can't off themselves in the first 10 seconds of the match. If you want a button to suicide with only 1 person left and you're hooked, I wouldn't be opposed to it but there shouldn't be on in the first 10 seconds of the match.

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    Or just let people suicide? You either let people suicide or they'll just throw themselves infront of the killer and be dead ASAP anyway, I don't get this obsession to force people into playing something they don't want to, especially in a game that's so obviously casual.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    @SenzuDuck And what about the teammates who are doing their best and inevitably get crushed because one teammate was salty? This is for balance, not for feelings.

  • Member Posts: 251

    I’m sorry but. If I’m getting chased and nobody is doing gens or if everyone is running to the hook and not doing generators or my teammates are just generally being useless or ignoring that i’m on hook or i’m getting camped or tunneled you best bet i’m straight up nopeing out of the game

  • Member Posts: 282

    Sometimes the server stutters during current 2nd phase and causes a swift death on second hook, so that issue already exists but worse right now.

  • Member Posts: 2,723

    @Mak0 It just creates more issues. You dc'ing because someone is tunneling and camping you is just helping the killer more than hurting him. I've had games where I've been 1 hooked. Yeah it sucks but it's part of the game. Telling 1 side to play differently because you don't like it is unjust and leaving a match early for them to be slaughtered isn't sportmanlike. If everyone left every match because they didn't like something, we wouldn't even have a game.

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