Your killer rankings?

So this list is for how I rank the killers based on how well I do with them, how easy I find them to play and how much overall fun I have whilst playing as them.

Obviously these are my own personal opinions based on my own experience before people try to tell me I’m ‘wrong’ for how well I play as certain killers.

What would your list look like?



  • Hallowgeek
    Hallowgeek Member Posts: 107

    Your thread wasn’t the same. You said Michael takes less skill to play than Doctor. And that’s not an opinion. That’s just wrong. And I saw that you took my advice and deleted the thread. So well done. 😘

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Myers is technically a M1 killer. I do think doctor is tougher to play than myers. Doesn't mean Myers is stronger.

  • Hallowgeek
    Hallowgeek Member Posts: 107

    Well guess what, I won’t be doing the same. 💁🏻‍♂️

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762
    edited July 2020

    Here's mine:

    Further left they go, the better I am with them.

    [BAD WORD] you Oni.

  • Hallowgeek
    Hallowgeek Member Posts: 107

    I definitely agree with Oni. I don’t know if it’s a console thing or just my taste, but I just find him so frustrating to play.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    I'm on PC and despise the ######### so it may not be to do with console.

    I just can't play him and don't want to play him either. He's just frustrating and way too clunky for me.

    I find Nurse more enjoyable and she makes me wanna throw up (although admittedly less and less the more I play her).

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You do know that Myers really does take less skill than Doc, objectively speaking? It's not really an opinion, he just has more things in his base kit, whereas Myers is a basic chase killer that has nothing creative but a slightly increased lunge distance. Which means that every skill can be lifted from basekit Myers and applied to basekit Doc, but the same cannot be said in reverse.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897
    edited July 2020

    I disagree. Doc has free location information on survivors with static blast. Its easy to zap them in chase and stop them dropping pallets or vaulting windows. You get free deerstalker if you get them to tier 3 and then slug.

    Myers starts in tier 1 with slower speed and small lunge. You have to be strategic to not over stalk one survivor too early or else you will have nothing left on them when you see them again later in the match. Smart Myers will 99 their tier 3. You have to be strategic and know the right time to pop your tier 3 so you can ensure you get a down and make sure they don't make you waste it by being at a super safe loop when you pop it.

    I think all that takes more skill than Doc and his madness zapping.

  • PlantCollector
    PlantCollector Member Posts: 344

    Playing on PC.

    I have to say i played pretty much every killer a decent amount of time, except for oni, but there are some i'd have to play a lot more to handle the power the way i'd prefer. I'd also probably rate deathslinger higher if my mouse sensor would'nt be that awful atm.

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953
  • Hallowgeek
    Hallowgeek Member Posts: 107

    The thing about Michael is his power is dependent on survivors. If he can’t locate anybody then he’s an ultra slow killer with zero map pressure. I’ve been in lobby’s before where every survivor is running Spine Chill and Michael has JUST reached Tier 2 when the last generator pops. Whereas Doctor can locate survivors, deny loops and pallets by simply pressing a single button. 

    I understand that we all have different opinions but can you honestly tell me that if you had a friend who was playing as killer for the first time and they wanted to choose between Michael and Doctor you’d honestly recommend Michael? I find that hard to believe. Doctor is somebody I’d recommend to newbies because he has abilities that help him locate survivors which is what most new players struggle with.

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088
    edited July 2020
  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    My rankings, i haven't unlocked Freddy or Pig so i can't really rank them, might update it if i get em

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    #########, forgot about him, i'd put him in the Meh tier just cause i don't play him often

  • Chloan
    Chloan Member Posts: 91
  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Here's mine

  • Kees_T
    Kees_T Member Posts: 811

    Seems like people don't like to play Huntress too much.

    Huntress mains, where are you?

  • tactic
    tactic Member Posts: 356

    Surprised to see so many put huntress on the lower end, she can be pretty effective when you get used to her

    Oni on the other hand feels far too clunky and it's like I'm just playing an m1 killer; I'd rather just play Hillbilly.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,147

    For a second i thought this was bout the mmr ranking for killers.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Michael DOES take less skill than doctor. You just stalk. Then insta down.

    Doctor has TR shock, wave shock, and illusions. Knowing when to use which is a big deal.

    Everything else is mindgames, which you can do with both.

  • Lx_malice
    Lx_malice Member Posts: 1,417
  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I play console and rank 13-17 for both (just don't play enough to get lower) As a survivor, the easiest killer to face is nurse, ive only faced one good one all the other occasions (about 15) have been easy escapes. The hardest killers to face I find are Spirit, Hag Myers and Ghostface. All 4 seem to clear up in low to mid ranks. The other killers are all ok, some good legions and trappers.

    Billy's and Wraith's seem to camp a lot at low ranks.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited July 2020

    Im assuming you mean killers that a person is good with so here are mine. Favorite to least favorite.

  • Hallowgeek
    Hallowgeek Member Posts: 107

    “The thing about Michael is his power is dependent on survivors. If he can’t locate anybody then he’s an ultra slow killer with zero map pressure. I’ve been in lobby’s before where every survivor is running Spine Chill and Michael has JUST reached Tier 2 when the last generator pops. Whereas Doctor can locate survivors, deny loops and pallets by simply pressing a single button. 

    I understand that we all have different opinions but can you honestly tell me that if you had a friend who was playing as killer for the first time and they wanted to choose between Michael and Doctor you’d honestly recommend Michael? I find that hard to believe. Doctor is somebody I’d recommend to newbies because he has abilities that help him locate survivors which is what most new players struggle with.”

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Oh I know Huntress can be very effective. I just don't like to play her. And few have said Oni is clunky while I think he is not and drifting is quite fun. At least on PC that is.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    If it is an opinion, true. But when it can be disproven by combing over the different mechanics and strategies, not so much. And when that person arrogantly states something as an "objective fact" and refuses to accept that they are deliberately not taking anything that disagrees with them into consideration, I do like to point and laugh at their hypocrisy.

    If someone wants to say something, fine. I can say the sky is indigo. That doesn't mean I can slap colour palette's put of everyone's hands when they hold them up to correct me.

  • Hallowgeek
    Hallowgeek Member Posts: 107

    Thank you.

    I would never tell somebody that their opinion is wrong. But as me and other people have mentioned in this thread, you wouldn’t put Michael above Doctor in terms of who is easier to play. The fact Doctor is a killer you’d recommend to newer players and Michael isn’t says it all.

    Plus what I said in the other thread wasn’t supposed to be taken to heart. I’m a very sarcastic person and it wasn’t supposed to offend. 😂

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited July 2020

    Yes, I would and do recommend Myers. He's so easy, all you do at bare minimum is stare and fill your stalk meter, then commence a basic m1 chase. Whereas the bare minimum from doc is having to learn how to use both his blast, his madness, and his shock, because otherwise you may as well be playing another killer.

    And at the other end, when you look at their skill ceilings, Myers still falls short. He has nothing he can do to scare good survivors, and he is the most loopable killer in the game. His biggest asset isn't even T3, but his small TR. Whereas Doc always has the ability to block pallets and windows if the killer is good enough, but has to know exactly when and where to use his shock or else you slow yourself down too much. You have to know how to use his madness, and you have to make constant decisions about who is vulnerable or not - something that all killers must do, but that he must do even more. It even takes more skill to read his illusory aura's.

    And don't get me started on his adodns. They are all so very complicated. So are Myers, to be fair, and considering that they are both hot messes I don't even want to touch that pile with a ten foot pole.

    Edit: perhaps I should clarify: the example you have has nothing to do with skill. Not finding a survivor isn't a thing a more experienced Myers has less trouble with, but it is something that a more experienced killer in general has less trouble with. Taking basic killer knowledge and attempting to apply it specifically to one killer is a bit... Wierd.

  • ZephanUnbound
    ZephanUnbound Member Posts: 227
    edited July 2020

    Note: These are based on which I think the best killers are overall for the entire playerbase, not necessarily my own personal opinions of each of them. For instance, I'm terrible with Nurse and Huntress because I play on console, but in the right hands, especially on PC, they can be quite good. Also, my Billy and Bubba rankings are based on the current PS4 build, not the new new PTB changes for them, which I've heard make billy much worse, and make bubba much better.

    Note 2: Several of these are based on my perceptions from survivor games and watching Tru3Ta1ent play them, because I only own like half the DLC's.

    Note 3: My personal top 3 best killers are Spirit, Freddie, Doctor. I have the best luck getting sacrifices with those 3.

  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    I don't play all the killers, but here are the ones that I have played/like to play. I'm not actually GREAT at most killers, so like my 'best' efforts would be a good killer player's medium efforts aha. Not in any particular order within the rows.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It really, really doesn't. Your entire argument is that Doc is mechanically easier, which is inherently flawed by the fact that... He isn't. His shock is actually very, very hard to use, because you will lose if you mindlessly zap til you are in melee range. That's like chasing someone as T1 Myers.

    You literally just compared Doc's skill floor to Myers skill ceiling. Perhaps you should compare skill floor to skill floor (not-so-mindless zapping to basic staring) or skill ceiling to skill ceiling (what you said, compared to docs blast and all of the complicated little mechanics behind madness, the difficulty of a well-executed chase, etc). But pointing out the most complex part of playing Myers and the most basic and least effective way of playing doc is silly.

  • CJCA915
    CJCA915 Member Posts: 56

    I don't play enough of them often enough despite prestiging them, but my best killer as of late is Freddy, although I'm fairly decent with Legion.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    This is mine. Hillbilly is pre-nerf, haven't tried post yet.

    I'm hard of hearing so Spirit's my weakest killer, which is a shame because I like her design. Ghostface I'm just always in the action with the addition of sneaking up on people. I play them all though.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772
  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897
    edited July 2020

    It really, really does. Its very easy to hit survivors with shock if you have a pair of functioning eyes and look where they are running to. Its not like Huntress or Deathslinger where you need pin point accuracy. Its easy as pie to hit them with the shock blasts. If you are mindlessly zapping, then you're flat out bad. Nobody should be doing anything mindlessly as killer.

    I did compare skill floor to skill floor and skill ceiling to skill ceiling. Doc's skill floor is just setting off a static blast. Instant information location on survivors. Start a chase, simply point your blasts where they are running. Its incredibly straight forward. That's not counting all the advantages you can get with putting them into madness. Denying them pallet drops and window vaults, backward skill checks, doc's illusions telling you where they are etc. Doc's skill ceiling is timing the blasts to deny them loops at windows and pallets. That is incredibly easy in comparison to being strategic with your stalk on various survivors, timing the most opportune time and place to pop your tier 3, and all this is after you have to get out of tier 1 with your slow movement and small lunge.

    You can say your opinion that Doc is mechanically harder is a fact......that doesn't make it true. Facts can be proven. You've not said anything or shown anything that proves it.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    And yet with Myers all you have to do is hold down M2 a bunch with no real or thought til you hear a dingle dingle. It takes no real skill to find people, because there is nothing you can do to make that easier. As compared to the skill floor of Doc, in which you run around shocking people and wasting loads of time. Wait, that's not a skill floor, that's just being unable to play the killer. Docs skill floor is more along the lines of mindlessly using the blast, then mindlessly using the shock, then... Wait, no, that still doesn't help because you actually need to know how to block drops and vaults, which requires actual skill that tiering up madness doesn't. Which means that if you are simple teiring up madness then you are playing an m1 killer with no instadown potential.

    And it is actually difficult to use Doc's shock effectively, because you have to time it perfectly and hit them just right. Hit them early, they go for another loop. Hit them late, they perform the action they needed to. Spam it, and they can loop almost forever. As compared to Myers, who takes no mechanical practice whatsoever, and whose skill ceiling doesn't include anything even remotely along the lines of a Doc chase, since Myers is a basic m1 killer and uses all the same things that Doc can choose to use.

    And then you go into being strategic with your stalk - but that's not a skill floor, that's a skill ceiling, and it is mechanically extremely easy. You just need to hold M2, only this time carefully so. So let's go with tactics: Stalking people correctly. Keeping an eye on the red in someone's aura. 99ing. Looking at their knees. And thats... well, I can't think of anything else except perhaps knowing when to pop a t3. But let's look at Docs skill ceiling - well, here's where the shock timing comes in, and using the info you get to make good decisions, and using environmental clues to tell when someone is in a locker to avoid a blast, and reading doc aura's, and knowing who is screaming, and knowing who is in what madness, knowing when it's one or two people screaming, knowing how close or far away they are and accurately knowing where they are because of it and what tiles are around them, and actually using your blast to dial in on people instead of just finding them so as to not waste it, and using his shock to prevent long loops instead of just preventing vaults. And then there's the fact that Doc is so strong when played well, it's almost entirely on you to win. No pressure.

    Another way to look at it is the sheer difference in number of players. They've both been out for a similar amount of time, and Doc recently got a rework that made him even stronger, AND he's an in-game DLC character. And yet there are way more Myers players than Doc players. So why is that, if Doc is easier and has a lower skill floor?

  • xDevious_Desire
    xDevious_Desire Member Posts: 5

    Here’s mine. Generally based on how well I do when I play them around Rank 1-4. The ones in “bad” and “awful” I obviously barely even play, because I’m so bad at them. Huntress being the only exception, because I really wanna get good with her, I just seem to always do terrible. I also barely play Freddy and Doctor, despite them being that high on the list, just because I find them extremely basic and boring to play as.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,897
    edited July 2020

    You think because you have to hold a button to use Myers that makes it any easier? You're either blissfully ignorant of playing as Myers, or you're used to facing potatoes regularly. Yes that's right, there is nothing you can do to make it easier to find survivors, but survivors can make it difficult to be seen by Myers and starve him of stalk. That's not even counting the spine chill gamers. Whereas with Doc, unless you're running Calm Spirit, and they are few and far between, you're getting located by Doc whether you like it or not.

    It is not difficult to use Doc's shock. His shock is very straight forward to use. Again all you need is simply look at where a survivor is running to and blast at them accordingly. The field of the blast is easy to hit them with even without add ons. Doc can then destroy loops by stopping survivors vaulting windows and pallets, or dropping pallets. With Myers you have to use your skill to try and counter a good loop, and also get your timing right to choose the opportune moment to pop your tier 3. Far more effort and strategy required than simply denying a vault with a blast.

    Being strategic with your stalk is very much a skill floor. Sloppy players will over stalk one survivor, encounter them later and not have anything left to pop their tier 3. Or they will choose the worst time to pop it like if they are chasing down a survivor to a very safe loop where their tier 3 can be run out. Using proper strategy of how much to stalk, when and where to pop your tier 3, all requires more skill and thinking than any madness blasting Doc has to do. By far. Doc gets free information location, and then can begin the chase and slice off those loops with his blasts. Of course it takes some skill to know the timing of the blasts. But not nearly as much as with utilizing Myers' stalk effectively.

    Now how about you post your stats that show us that the number of Myers players far out numbers the Doc ones. Then we'll get into a lengthy discussion about that point, once you've established credibility of it.

  • Hallowgeek
    Hallowgeek Member Posts: 107

    There’s more Michael players than Doc players? Definitely not on PS4 in red ranks. You rarely see Michael and get Doctor almost every game. So stop talking complete shite.

    I’m not bothering to reply to the rest of your essay as you’re trying to sound all insightful but you are pulling things out of your arse. You’re either a really low rank killer or completely stupid. Maybe even both. 💁🏻‍♂️

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited July 2020

    There should never be an "SS" tier on a tier list. It's completely redundant because that's what "S" is for.

    This would be mine, combination of enjoyment and performance.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060
  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,216

    Based on how much I can relax during the match after a few stressful matches and still come out on top.

    Yes, Legion is top tier. I'm not saying they're the best, but I can sit back and still destroy a Legacy Nea and clicky clicky Pink Bunny Min, so... Git Gud. (Says the person who can't play Hillbilly.)