Salty survivors do not realize what killers go threw

slunder Member Posts: 247

So, today I just got camped by 2 killers, and in both cases I died. After the game tho, my teammate was accusing the killer. I feel like this is unfair. Yes, camping sucks and should not be a thing: it is broken, and it should be removed from the game.

However, the killer is not at fault for camping. Let me explain: first, killers can deal with a lot of stress. Losing a down due to a dead hard for distance, for example, can feel bad for the killer and put a lot of pressure on him when he realizes gens are flying. Being put under a lot of stress can make the killers want to stop and they will panic, not knowing how to win besides camping. Afterall, the killer is supposed to kill: it is not their job to avoid using dumb things that devs allow in the game: their job is to kill us, the survivors.

Then, there is another thing that makes me think killers are not to blame. It is the fact that camping is a strategy that the devs allow: the killer has that tool to his disposition and he is allowed to use it. And like I said, the game tells the killers to kill, it is their goal: the game does not ask them to do it without tunneling or stuff like that. They want to kill, it is what their role is about. Their goal is not to obey to survivors, it is to slaughter. Basically, this means that its up to the devs to fix this issue, and killers are not to blame.

In conclusion, I hope that survivors understand killers a little bit more and come here to complain instead of trying to make the killer feel bad. At the end of the day, this is just a game and killers are just humans, like you.


  • potatogamer
    potatogamer Member Posts: 27

    I do understand where you're coming from but frankly I don't see the point of camping. I do main survivor so you know all that jazz attack me as you will but lately I've been playing a lot of killer as it's fun to try both sides. I do see where you're coming from as stress and wanting to camp does come up a lot but tbh I feel like such a wuss when I camp. It just feels cheap and if I do it I expect to be berated for it as I should. Whenever I ######### up I usually realize what I did wrong and try to improve. I have had my fair games of being dunked on by survs and usually I learn from what I did rather than being so salty about it. I understand how annoying and bad killer can be but I don't feel that killers should have this complex where nothing is in their control. If I get ######### on in post game chat generally I deserve it, I played badly, I made mistakes, sure they feel bad but there's still something to learn from the games you get dunked on.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Wow another unreasonable try to defend annoying game play.

  • Zaonhort
    Zaonhort Member Posts: 101

    A lot of survivors just follow the survivor rule book and say all camping is bad when it's situationally good. I totally accept it as a survivor during the end game the killer has no other objectives at that point. I admit it does suck when you are found first and face camped but if that happens hopefully your team does all gens and escape. The problem with camping like that, is that overly altruistic survivors will just wait 2 minutes and not do anything trying to wait for an opportunity that never comes but that's a survivor problem not a killer problem.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    I did realize that Huntress threw hatchets and clowns threw bottles, not sure about any other killer.

    In all seriousness, this goes both ways. It's obviously common courtesy to do certain things and the game banks on the fact that both sides will follow a code of honor just like how society functions. However, not everyone is going to do that and you just have to ignore it or learn to deal with it.

  • Samwise444
    Samwise444 Member Posts: 195

    I mean, it sucks that that happened to you, but camping is hilarious and should definitely not be removed. If survivors knew what was happening, they could abuse the killers stupidity of giving them free gen and totem time. There is absolutely no pressure on the map when a killer is camping. While camping at the end is like eh, kinda see its strategy, camping in the middle of the game is just dumb. Those survivors should be thanking the killer.

    You are right about the stress that the killer is under.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i say play how you want also camping is ok in my book when it the EGC.

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @potatogamer its the devs that need to fix it. Killers want to kill and their job is not to follow an honor code.

    @Samwise444 kyea but what about fun. Losing for being downed only once sucks. And before you get out wataboutism arguments, know that just because killers have to deal with crap that should be fixed does not mean that survivors do not have crap that should be fixed.

    @Zaonhort same reply like I replied to Sam if you are saying it should stay like that?

    @LetsPlayTogether well saying it needs to be fixed by the devs is not really defending it. Just saying.

    @Slickstyles no, bad people make us feel bad and its not to us to adapt, its to them to stop.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    i don't know how they fix it killer already get less BP if they do it.

  • Leachy_Jr
    Leachy_Jr Member Posts: 2,196

    Not everybody plays both sides so it's hard for them to realise what the opposing side has to go through.

    Until people realise you either need to camp, tunnel or slug against good teams (of which you can't slug because of unbreakable) against a good squad to have a chance to win, they will be continued to be named scummy strategies.

    (I do understand however that those strats are unfun to verse)

  • Samwise444
    Samwise444 Member Posts: 195

    This might come off s mean, but I really don't understand your response to me. Can you please explain?

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    I'm not sure if you've gone outside to the real world yet. "Bad" people will not stop doing things just because you tell them to stop. If only it were that easy. It's ingrained in their nature and upbringing. Good luck getting them to listen to you.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    There needs to be a consistent definition of "camping" too. It's one thing to just stand there in front of the hooked survivor and doing nothing else, but I was had an incident yesterday when I had a survivor literally standing next to me as I put their teammate on hook and accused me of camping when I hit them. You're standing beside me waiting for the hook to go on and expect that I shouldn't hit you???

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Because some people don't play killer. It's pretty simple.

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Alot of self-proclaimed "killer mains" who don't play high rank survivor dont understand what they go thru

    If a killer opts to camp someone to death instead of going after someone else readily available and tries to use the "well its the BEST strategy" excuse, I know the type of person I'm dealing with, the type who doesn't play survivor and/or doesn't understand how to have fun.

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723
    edited July 2020

    If a killer hasn't got a hook but 4 gens pop, will a survivor stop doing gens until a killer can get a few hooks? No. I don't understand why survivors tell killers not to tunnel and camp but don't let killers get a few hooks and chill off of gens and do totems and check chests. All I hear is, it's cheap and unfun. Do I look like I'm having fun when I'm just trying to hook someone and 4 gens are popping because of a crap map like midwich or saloon?

    No but I'm expected to let survivors do what they want. I play both sides. I've had 2 people from the forums play as solo's while I was playing survivor today and 2 days ago who can say I'm Rank 1 and ran a Spirit with an Ebony Mori and Stridor for 2 gens. I fully accept the killer to remove someone quickly out of the game and if the person is feeling like his power is gone, camp it and try for 2 kills like the devs want. I don't get upset by it.

    Really tired of everyone saying how a killer should play. If a killer is nice, they WILL be stomped by me. I can promise you that. It's a game. Both sides want to win and telling one side not to do something because they don't like it is like telling someone in COD on the enemy team to not shoot you because you're close to a score streak. It's just not logical. Feel free to reply.



    I'm Lupin The 3rd on steam.

    Post edited by AVoiceOfReason on
  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Me: Camped to death 2 games in a row.

    Me again: Poor killers. They have to deal with a lot of stress.


  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    dam bro thats crazy

    Did you hear that new NBA Youngboy single?

  • slunder
    slunder Member Posts: 247

    @xenofon13 I am asking you to understand them, I did not say they are victims

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    While I find camping to be generally unfun to play against and to do myself (standing around staring at someone on the hook is way less exciting than chasing people) I can definitely understand why you'd want to turn one hook into 3 hooks (thus a kill) to slow the game down. Sometimes the gens feel like they're popping every 30 seconds when I'm playing killer. Meanwhile I get hooked as a survivor and all my teammates are just crouching in random corners sometimes across the map. It is what it is!