So, Deathgarden Cosmetics?

Not sure if this has been brought up, it probably has, but with the whole no more exclusives thing (except legacy as the arguments continue to point out), will we ever be getting the Deathgarden cosmetics given out to those of us who never had the opportunity to obtain them? (Mostly console players)
Especially since its shutting down in August and nobody would be able to buy it...
I mean, you could argue you had to buy deathgarden to get the code/unlock, but the same could be said about the con codes for various outfits.
Or is it going to remain a pc purchased Deathgarden exclusive?
I imagine the Deathgarden masks will eventually be given out for free. Hopefully as soon as they add the feature to redeem codes in the store or maybe just straight up add them into the game.
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Yeah I'm "guessing" theyll wait until it closes officially if they do. Since being able to sell copies for any reason is a business move.
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I spent ######### money buying that stupid game, I'd be pissed if they just "hand it out."
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I spent time earning bbq cosmetics.
People paid for tickets to cons that granted codes for skins.
Some even paid money for JUST a skin from someone.
I'm salty about the bbq #########, and people who paid lots of money for at the time unobtainable skins are upset, because of the same exact reason. It was just given out regardless of time or money spent obtaining it...
What makes this any different?
Not trying to argue, youd be right to be upset, especially since the game failed. But isnt it the same thing?
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Honestly even though it was only a fiver, same.
It's like the Bloodletting shirt for Dwight. They don't hand that out because people had to spend real money in the store for it; I had to spend real money on DG so why should others get it for free?
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In the store for the game or on steam/console, and spending money on a SEPERATE item and being gifted the cosmetic AS A BONUS is the issue.
Science fair claudette, golden feng, etc.
Also, "I had to play during the event and do the tasks to obtain the items, why should others be given for free?"
Plus, us on console HAD NO OPTION to get the mask. Buy DG on steam and get a mask for a system I dont play on? Nty.
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You also had no option for the Bloodletting shirt yet I don't see people asking for that to be given away for free.
The event ones I don't really care about since they technically were free, provided you played a game. Spending free time and spending money are two completely separate things though, and I'd be pretty pissed if the masks go out for free, like I'm sure some people would be pissed of bloodletting went out for free.
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And I know plenty of people pissed that event cosmetics and con cosmetics are given away for free.
It's not different at all. They said no exclusives, and applied into pieces of the game, not all of it.
Arguing we had no option for bloodletting is actually a good point. It should be AT LEAST made available on other consoles. Thanks for the info!
I decided to spend time playing during the event, some people decided to spend money buying science fair skins, and some decided to buy DG. It's all personal preferance and priority. My time is worth more to me than my money.
And that time was wasted now. By handing them out, it effectively made me playing daily to ensure i got Kate's shirt a waste of time. I could have opted not to and still got it.
People opted to buy DG or a con ticket and got a free cosmetic. They made con cosmetics freely available, how is DG different?
It would be one thing if it was a living game or potentially coming to console. But it's being shut down. There will be NO WAY to obtain it. Just like event cosmetics and con cosmetic codes.
Their own logic states that it should be made available...
Except legacy. Which is also a stupid point by them. Because its ALSO the same thing. Earned or obtained one way, and is now no longer able to do so.
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No one complains about the bloodletting because it was advertised as a limited time thing.
Deathgarden however never got such a luxury some of us console players were anticipating it we never got the chance we were never told it was purely always going to be for PC.
In fact a lot of console players were hoping to get deathgarden when it eventually got a port whether it was for the cosmetics or for the actual game those people didn't even get a chance.
If it bugs you that much let them just put it in the store for auric cells that way you still have to pay money for it.
Post edited by Volfawott on0 -
Sure in the store is better than for free. I wouldn't be happy about it but I'd take it.
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I bought the game just for the mask :(
I'd love if its a similar mask with smth extra (bloodstains or marks) that's available to buy at the store.
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The main point with the deathgarden shirts is the monetary value attached to them. If they give them out they would have to give all skins out with the same conditions like the blood letting one. Deathgarden was advertised with those skins as part of the purchase.
Now ones which were given out for free at game conventions are different as people paid money for the convention tickets but the skin was free for visiting the stand and not part of the ticket purchase itself.
These were also codes and not tied to the account so they gave them out as many people were being scammed online and they had a means of stopping that from happening and so they did.
Game event exclusives well I had them all by playing and I feel they were extremely easy to obtain and I also feel it was something they went back on as they found they couldn't track the data needed to get in the skins to those that lost them.
Legacy is a hot topic for those that lost them of course. I think they should do something for those players. Since they can see user data now and who has what along with steam achievements a simple way to fix this is to just give one legacy skin for each side of the players choosing. They may have had more but I feel one is better than none.
Post edited by twistedmonkey on4 -
Just so you all know, they already handed out the Deathgarden masks in a way. Once they gave up on the game a long while back they made it free, so anyone could get them. So, in my opinion, it'd be fair to just add them to the game seeing as any Steam user could get them anyway and that way the other platforms are no longer excluded.
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You refer to the developers not wanting any more exclusives... but in their latest event players were able to collect 'exclusive, time-limited' crown cosmetics. This was I believe ONE day after they gave away all the event cosmetics.
I find the stance from the developers very confusing. In a year's time, will people complain about not having the 4th Anniversary crowns and hence be given them for free 'in the community's best interests'?
I have also not heard any further update about the rift cosmetics being available in the store... which I thought was going to be a thing so that they are not exclusive forever.
But just to be clear. I prefer exclusive cosmetics to... stay exclusive. Legacy should remain exclusive, as well as Bloodletting, the Deathgarden mask, etc. They were advertised as exclusive, so they should remain exclusive. People were told they needed to do x, y or z to receive them and so they did so.
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The case of the death garden masks they weren't really advertised as exclusives.
They were advertised as bonuses for getting deathgarden it was even stated that if deathgarden had the chance of coming to consoles then console players would also get a chance to get it it was never marketed as an exclusive.
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The official DBD twitter account advertised the DG mask as exclusive:
Uhm, never posted an image on this forum before so am unsure of how large it will be displayed (I had a warning sign when trying to post the tweet link). But yeah, they did advertise the mask as exclusive.
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DeathGarden was a game you had to buy in order to get the cosmetics as it had to be in your inventory They should stay exclusive my thoughts are this sorry you didn't download it while it was free but those cosmetics like the blood letting shirt should remain exclusive the difference between them and pax skins was the fact they were handed out free at pax all you needed was a ticket and you were given the code however it was made clear when we bought deathgarden that these were exclusive skins that could only be gained through buying the game.
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Fair enough that's on me
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You know most of us console players on asking for it for free.
We wouldn't mind purchasing it the problem is we never got the chance to do it in the first place.
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Im gonna sound really mean when i say this but with crossplay coming to the game i think its fair to keep it exclusive it sucks you guys didnt get a chance but just like the bloodletting shirt i think its safe to say it should be exclusive.
However if behavior wants to do what they did with the analog cleaver aka the switch cleaver i could careless as long as you can tell which ones exclusive and which one is clearly the given out one.
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I know, my brother and I both got our Deathgarden cosmetics by downloading the game for free! It was made free mid-November of last year, and only recently taken off of the store.
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@Carpemortum You paid to go to the Con, not to get a cosmetic.
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If you want to keep to that elitist logic and then by that spectrum shouldn't anybody who downloaded it when it was free also not have it.
Also again are you literally trying to equate a console bonus outfit with something that let's be honest was an exclusive tack on bonus for death garden.
Also with the fact that you mention crossplay I'm only assuming you wanted to stay in exclusive even more so you can rub it in console players faces.
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I spent $35 on Deathgarden and it's shutting down even though I quite enjoyed it and the only perk of losing an ENTIRE GAME that can't be played offline is the mask. If they release it just because, I want my money back.
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It's not elitist what is though is the fact you feel like you deserve something simply because of your platform. Remember you started this not me.
What i was saying is if they want to do something similar to what they did with the switch cleaver where they make a remake of it i was cool with it clearly though those that paid money did so knowing it would be exclusive.
The reason crossplay came up is the fact if you give it out to everyone on console you just kill its value similar to what they did with event exclusives again read next time. Also i could give 0 shits what someone thinks about my cosmetics and i still don't its more of the fact me and a lot of others paid for them after being told they were exclusive these are not PAX Skins where you just had to buy a plane ticket to get them these were skins where you had to own the game.
They even did a free EVENT for them where you could get deathgarden for free im sorry you feel entitled to everything being given to you but this is the mindset we need to remove from the community sorry to break it to you but you are not entitled to something because of your platform period.
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Console never had a chance to get them. If there was a way to earn them without spending money, that would be good.
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That makes no sense why would there be a way to earn a exclusive that was a pay to get that's just like the bloodletting shirt it was a first come first serve situation.
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You really don't read my post do you or do you feel like making a straw man of my argument is a lot easier to break down.
No one is asking it for it for free. As I even said we would be happy to pay money if it means we could get the cosmetics.
That's all lot of people are asking for the opportunity to get it.
I never once said give it to Console players because that's what we demand I have always been of the opinion at least let us be able to purchase it.
When it comes to exclusives I've never had a problem with him in fact I'm all for that as long as everybody has an equal opportunity to obtain one.
Whether it be through
Earning in event or challenges
Login rewards
Even the Rift if it were to have been exclusive wouldn't have bothered me
What I don't like however is exclusives that lockout 3/4 the platforms from even getting a chance.
Especially when you take into account not only did they promise to not do any more exclusives before the death garden things became a thing.
Keep in mind this statement mainly got brought up when someone was asking if consoles were going to get an exclusive character like bill. They weren't asking for Bill they were just asked if they were going to get their own variations.
But as I said before in a post above it left console players waiting for a chance for deathgarden to be ported so they can either play the game or get the cosmetics.
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There is no straw man i replied back to the important parts.
Okay let me make this kinda clear right. What was the first place Dead by Daylight was released on? Also What was the first Place DeathGarden was released on?
Your reply should be obvious with that in mind that is why things like legacy exist because it was PC FIRST Same goes for Death Garden im sorry the DG devs didn't go through with console.
I believe you are missing the point an exclusive means never to be done again correct? If you have such a issue with that wheres the same energy for mobile exclusives? I dont see you making posts about that wheres the same energy.
Cosmetics being platform exclusive and the fact PC HAS HAD DBD LONGER make sense because the games life has been on pc longer and again deathgarden was only on steam.
With all that being said MY POINT IS if the developers want to make something for console players to get thats a remake of the cosmetics sure i don't care but giving out things that others had to pay for WITH THE PROMISE IT WILL BE EXCLUSIVE is dumb at this point if behavior does that you might as well release bloodletting and at the point you might as well refund people because it would be lying yet AGAIN.
Lastly this is why event cosmetics should have never been given out behavior gave people an inch now they want a mile this mentality is behaviors own fault myself and many others called it people will never be pleased until every exclusive is given out.
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it be added for free at some point i sure.
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Like I said, Deathgarden cosmetics never were on console. If they were to be added, I would want them to be earned. As in challenge style.
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Again it was done with the switch because the switch was a console exclusive it was something to reward you for getting it on the switch.
Hence why you couldn't give the exact same variation because Xbox and PlayStation and PC aren't the switch so them using the switch colour scheme wouldn't work.
It wouldn't work for deathgarden because death Gardens exclusive worth a reward for purchasing deathgarden not forgetting it on the PC there's no need to lock the specific colours.
Switch literally got a different version of the Trapper that was themed to the colours of switch that is why we've got a different colour variation not so you can keep bragging rights.
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@MonsterInMyMind I'm in complete agreement. I paid money for a game that lasted a year because I wanted to support the developers and the mask was ######### sweet. I paid the full amount for the game and now that it's shutting down, it better stay exclusive just like Legacy. To me, it's my favorite cosmetic for Meg because no other survivor has a Mask. The trapper version is ugly and I never wear it but Megs version is awesome.
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I wouldn't want to devalue it, but there should be a way to earn a variation of it. A very hard challenge should be the barrier, but some way to get it on other platforms... similar to my problem with legacy.
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@Raven014 The ones who have it lost a $35 game. Its an F-U to everyone who bought it just to get shafted a year later.
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That is true. It is hard to be empathetic when there was no option to get it... ever... on the platform that many (including myself) are on.
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@Raven014 I'm still a bit jilted but I doubt they'll release it due to the ones who bought the game would lose it. They got burned on a $35 game and I even bought the DLC and lost my legacy outfits for buying the game early.
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If they plan to add crossplay, then they are going to release them. At some point. I mean, why would they add crossplay with things that PC players can have but not Console (although the switch outfit is an exception...)?
I would rather it be a really tough challenge to get them than just a shop item, because they look awesome!
And you'll never get those legacy items back now, as they said within the news at the time.
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The people wanting it to stay exclusive because they paid for it, you already got screwed over when they made the game completely free. Anyone on Steam could get it. So the value of the masks had already been lost completely. I see no reason not to give it out for free, especially on other platforms that had no chance at all to get the masks.
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That's the same as "sorry you didn't earn the bbq ######### when it was up" or "sorry you didnt attend the convention". But they're not remaining exclusive..
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So people bought DG JUST for the mask on DBD? No, it was a bonus.
Thise who paid hundreds for a science fair claudette or any other example, just got a big f u.
Wheres the difference?
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IF / when this happens.
people that all ready have them should get a legacy version of said masks.
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I see no reason for us to get a different version when the game ended up being free, meaning any steam user could get the masks without buying the game like we had done before then. Including other platforms would be nice as they had no way at all to get the masks anyway.
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@Carpemortum You paid for an event. You was never told you'd get a free item from the event. The item you got was from a stand from BHVR that had nothing to do with the actual event. A lot of us paid for the game FOR the COSMETIC. We should keep the cosmetic. Get over it. Its just something everyone will not have and I love using it in lobbies.