New Killer: The Nightmarcher (From Hawaiian Folklore)

Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,705

This Killer is one based of the Nightmarcher folklore of The Nightmarchers, a spiritual army that punishes mortals who gaze upon them as they march through the land, usually for a procession of some sort.

New Killer: The Nightmarcher

Height: Average/Tall (Average height, but hovers slightly above the ground, giving it some average height)

Terror Radius: 32 Meters

Movement Speed: 115%/ 4.6 m/s

Weapon: Spear

Power: Spirit Army

Primary Ability: Spiritual Projection

The Nightmarcher starts with 4 Spirit Army charges. When activating Spiritual Projection, a phantom copy of the Nightmarcher begins walking in the direction the Nightmarcher was facing and a charge is consumed. This projection will walk for 10 seconds, navigating around any obstacles. This projection possesses a terror radius and red stain. If this projection is observed by a survivor, it will yell out, causing the survivor to scream, revealing their location and exposing them for 30 seconds.  The projection will then vanish. After the projection has vanished, The Nightmarcher will regain a charge after 10 seconds.

Secondary Power: Processional Trumpet

After 4 Spiritual Projections have been observed by survivors, Processional Trumpet becomes available for use. By pressing the active ability button, you blow a conch trumpet, emboldening your abilities. For 60 seconds, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your movement speed is increased by 5%
  • Your lunge attack distance is slightly increased
  • The cooldown of missed attacks is reduced by 20%


Beacon: Formation must not be broken. You become obsessed with one survivor. Survivors further than 52/48/32 from the obsession suffer from the blindness status effect. If the obsession dies, this perk becomes inactive for 90 seconds. After 90 seconds have passed, one random survivor that is alive becomes the obsession.

Unlocks at Level 30: (Uncommon/Rare/Rare)

Out In The Open: Your connection to the entity helps to remove hiding places. Whenever a survivor exits a locker, that locker becomes locked off to survivors for the remainder of the trial. Additionally, survivors suffer from the Oblivious status effect for 30/35/40 seconds after leaving a locker.

Unlocks at Level 35: (Rare/Rare/Very Rare)

Unimpeded: Your path shall not be interrupted. For every 20 seconds you spend in a chase, you gain a token, up to a maximum of 4/5/6. For each token you possess, you gain a 1.5% boost to movement speed while not in a chase.

Unlocks at Level 40: (Rare/Rare/Very Rare)


  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    Love the movement speed outside of chase but maybe have it work inversely for early game or have a mechanic to start with stacks and be able to lose them to make it an early / mid / and late game perk

  • Blue_Archer33
    Blue_Archer33 Member Posts: 318

    I. Love. The idea. I'd personally love to see this kind of Killer appear in the game (I've even suggested a type of sight=punishment Killer myself). I'm sure there would be a lot of balancing needing to be thought out - and you know how Survivor mains are gonna react about those perks, but.. I'd love to see this!

  • romerojoel
    romerojoel Member Posts: 35

    i really love the killer and his power. i would play him a lot. The idea of the projections is amazing.

  • romerojoel
    romerojoel Member Posts: 35

    i also love how the perk out in the open kind of counters head on