What do you consider a victory?

DeadHardMan Member Posts: 319
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

As a survivor, pipping is considered a win for me even if I do get sacrificed. For Killer, I consider 3 or more kills a win on my end.


  • DeadHardMan
    DeadHardMan Member Posts: 319

    I guess that's the most important in the long run. lol

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Literally just read the in game wincons. That. Because winning is winning

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    When I get to stare the killer down and chuck a pebble at them.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    When I have a great time, and I get consistent hooks.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    As a survivor, I count a win as 2 or more people on the team escaping, even if I wasn't one of the people escaping. A VICTORY is when all four of us escape after a close game with the killer 🙂

    Other than that, I'm not TOO concerned with "winning". One of my most enjoyable games ever was running Sabo, Breakout, Dead hard, and MoM with a styptic agent medkit. It probably was a ridiculously annoying match for the doctor, but he did end up getting the 4k (on Haddonfield, no less). Being able to run fun builds successfully (by that I mean, not going down immediately, and hopefully getting the expected results (multiple people wiggling out with sabo/breakout, MoM activating, getting a double pallet stun with Any Means Necessary, etc.) at least once or twice is considered a good time to me, even if I don't personally end up escaping.

    As killer, it honestly depends- I don't play the killer role too often. Obviously a 4k is ideal, a 3k is almost as nice, and a 2k is alright. 1k and 0k feels yucky BUT if that 1k happens to be the most annoying survivor on the team, I DO feel better LOL

  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    I love the "having fun" but I'll give my more technical answer:

    0 Survivors Escape: Killer has a landslide victory.

    1 Survivor Escapes: Killer wins alongside that 1 survivor.

    2 Survivors Escape: Tie.

    3 Survivors Escape: All survivors win.

    4 Survivors Escape: All survivors win in a landslide victory.

    I'll also say that in the event of a tie, if it was the result of NOED or Camping for the killer, I consider the Survivors to have barely won. Similarly, if there's a SWF 4 man team who "ties" then I'd say the killer wins. But in the end, who's really keeping track?

  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    For killer, killing 3 or 4 survivors is winning for me.

    For survivors its a bit more complicated. If I escape that's a win on its own, if I don't escape but last long enough to let my team escape (and get at least a black pip) I count that as a win too.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Killer: Pipping

    Survivor: At least one of us escaping

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    the only thing i dont count as a 4k is having a survivor escape through a door after repairing all gens

    for survivor versing a billy, buttttttttttttttttttttttttt........................................

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    I stopped caring about all that long ago. AT about 500 hours in, I told myself to not get frustrated that it would take minimum for 1000 hours to really have a grasp on everything in the game and to consider it all just some shaolin type training that takes years of focus and to focus on a single chase at a time and to first go for 4 BBQ stacks and not worry about kills.

    As time has gone on now aiming for 2k hours, I still dont worry about winning or losing and I just play for stacks and points, if I 4k, awesome, if all get away, I at least got 50k points,...

    there is no such thing as winning or losing if you play for fun and points, its a mindset.

  • Buddha
    Buddha Member Posts: 14

    As a main killer i consider a win when the survs dont tbag and spam the click click lol

    3k is a win

    2k is a tie

    And sometimes when facing a GOOD swf i cant get any kill because the gens fly at high speed, theres nothing you can do against a good swf is proved

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    If I’m survivor and I just looped you for 4+ gens, even if I die I’ve won at that point lol

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    I consider 2 kills to be a win for everyone, a shift either way leads to the other side winning/losing.

  • dragobv
    dragobv Member Posts: 304

    4 stacks bbq

  • Unknown
    edited July 2020
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  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    4 stacks of BBQ

    gens lasting more then 8 minutes

    Decent chases

    Bonus for reactions

  • stikyard
    stikyard Member Posts: 526

    Whenever the game isn't one sided.

    I mostly play survivor and, the only time I don't have fun is when a sweaty, meta, killer goes all try hard. We haven't completed one gen and they just keep hooking or Mori people. Idk,

    I guess that's fun to someone but, honestly. I've seen a lot of games go really quick and the killer doesn't even walk away with many BPs.

    Also Killer / perk combinations that basically remove stealth from the game.

    Imagine playing hide and seek with your friends but, you can see everyone. It's just a game of catch and kiss at that point, ruins immersion.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,604

    Not anymore.... The way I see it I'd rather have a match that everyone gets over 10000 BP then a match that 2 or all survivors get less then 10000 BP... If the survivors are good then 1 kill is all I'm getting (at the end of the match), if the survivors are screwing around or have a bad game then it's a 4 kill or I give hatch

    plus I safety (black pip) most of the time 2 hooking everyone

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  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    It depends.

    As survivor i might play a bad round and escape, which is not a win for me. On the other side, if i run the killer for 5 gens and then eventually die first hook, i would definitly considere this a win.

    More or less the same with killer. If i play bad but in the end somehow catch them all 4 slugged or something similiar, i would not considere this a win. If i play Clown and i get 8 hooks and not a single kill while not tunneling and camping, this is more of a victory then a random 4 man slug at the end.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,479

    Killer: 4k

    Survivor: 4 escapes

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    I don't take this game seriously enough to really look at it as a Victory or Defeat condition. I just log into it when I want to play something different from Overwatch or WoW.

    I just look at my end-of-session bloodpoint total and see if I feel I got enough that session, just like I do with XP in WoW.