Why are devs/killers like this?
You say this like survivors dont wait at the gate until the very end of the egc?
What planet do you live on?
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Do you need a hat for your strawman?
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I'd like full context. What happened in the rest of the match before the clip started?
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They didn't blame anyone. They were just skeptical. We live in a society of innocent until proven guilty, and the OP did a pretty good job only providing the key point of their complaint, so it's right to be skeptical.
Where's the context? What happened in the whole match? I notice they didn't deny anything they said in their post.
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tbh I don't think op seems too toxic, ofc there's still the off chance that OP was in a SWF with other members being toxic towards the killer but the point is moot. Such behaviour should not be possible in the first place.
People claim it's "just" 4 minutes ignoring that's literally up to 25% of a match basically being dedicated to toxicity. That's absolutely insane. If you're the last survivor on the ground and you want to die then there should be an "entity take me" option. There would be absolutely no harm in this. Survivors buttdancing is an issue that will resolve itself once we get more balanced maps where they can't even do that anymore without going down seconds later.
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I think we can agree that wasting another player's time for 4 minutes is not cool. (In general, slugging is fine, just this particular situation isn't cool.)
Now comes the issue: How often does that happen? And compared to that - how often will survivors not leave the match when exit gates are open, making killers traverse the entire map from one gate to the other?
What happened to the OP happened to me twice in all my time of playing DbD. Wasting 8 minutes of my time in total. That's it.
And now: How many minutes of my time did survivors waste because they simply couldn't leave through the exit gates when the match was over? We are talking about hours in total here, and I've always been a survivor main.
This community is one major reason why I completely stopped playing killer after all. ๐คทโโ๏ธ
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A simple solution would be to make the EGC timer PERSONAL for survivors, if you are in the gate area for let's say more than 2 seconds the timer ticks down RAPIDLY forcing you to either leave or go out into the trial again. Yes healing up safely inside the gates would be a thing of the past then.
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I think wanting to see the other 75% of the match is valid, though.
If you spend the whole game t-bagging, clicking, and blinding the killer, and then they do what the pyramidhead in the video did...are they still toxic? Or is it just a well justified "f you" flex?
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I would certainly welcome all this ######### not even being possible but again, we don't know if OP himself was toxic. I did this myself to people simply in an SWF even tho they were not the ones who did this to me just to piss off the other guys, I can still tell it's not okay behaviour (I simply dont care tho cos im a hyppocrite lol)
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Strictly speaking, it is okay. There's nothing against the rules set by the devs about it. Therefore, it's fine.
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Tf are you and who cares what you think. Your whole life must be a strawman lmao. Seems we already found the salty killer from the video lul.
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"Tf are you", said the guy who nobody knows either as if he was some big shot "lul".
I already admitted to doing the same thing but in contrast to you I'm objective in finding a solution to toxic behaviour from both sides.
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I know who that is. It's megdonalds. Duh.
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It's for the lulz.
The same reason you will load into Haddonfield and the first thing you see is a bunch of survivors teabagging you across the map with object of obsession.
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Are you alright now?
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Fail to see the problem here. It seems pretty clear he is doing a Pyramid Head RP and is very accurate to the main game. /s
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So that makes it ok and justifiable to leave people on the ground?
Survivors DID wait at the exit gates tbagging. Guess what happened next? EGC was added. 2 mins is all they get.
When youโre slugged its 4 mins, when youโre slugged in EGC the timer slows down. All weโre saying is there should be a way to shorten that timer.
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EGC is 3 minutes, and if someone is downed I believe it is extended to 6 minutes.
There are a ton of survivors who will sit at the hatch and waste time just to spite a killer after the survivor team got rolled. I find that to be done far more frequently than a killer who will slug someone to death.
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You are now entitled to financial compensation for your misery
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not much I can remember,but there was some tunneling after a basement unhook,then me trying to take a hit for an injured surv,then the other guy was on hook and the killer came to me.About the flashlight I honestly do not remember what I used it for(maybe I tried 1 flashlight save ),but I assure you I didn't "clicky clicky" at a PH on this map.
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Got an inbox full of proof that says otherwise. Sorry team, we aren't ALL in this together.
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This, my friend, seems to be a simple case of "Believe her!"
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Hey, I agree with this idea! It's like racism, we all say we see each other as equal, but only one race can be "Top race" in the back of our minds, and we all think like that!
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Holly #########, I thought I was the only Hunk in this community, now I don't feel so alone anymore
...Sorry, couldn't resist.
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Nice strawmen, I've gotten toxic messages from 100's of survivors, but I rarely get them in tandem from the same group... This is wide spread, and I can tell you from the days I played major SWF all the time in this game- Survivors are WAAAAAAY more toxic in general.
And not to only the killer, to their own teammates. I've seen survivors sexually harass my female friend who played, so much casual racism, people who added me as a survivor, we we're friends (inspite of their Toxicity) and then would catch me in a killer game, playing normal and somewhat friendly only to be teabagged, sent a VOICE MESSAGE about how trash I am and that I play like a #########, etc etc. When I was trying to go easy....
Dude, cut the bullshit. You probably haven't even been here that long, I literally have two years worth of nothing BUT Toxicity from survivors in my inbox, and even my survivor friends have the same. The killer will maybe message one survivor or post in endgame chat, which doesn't even exist on PS4 anyway and can be turned of on PC. This is the gaslighting bullshit survivors do in forum, then have the nerve to call killers toxic.. I'm done.
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Are you was playing whit swf ? did your team did tbag and the click click click toxic stuff ? looks like
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like better if as they t bag the entity kick them back into the trial.
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I ######### hate cats, I'd never have 2 cats and I'd never call them Brownie or Cookie or anything.
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I thought we hung around at the open gate to milk extra heals and offer the killer free swings for points... ๐
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Having a flashlight means nothing. It is a tool in the game. I agree that the person may have been toxic to the killer all game and perhaps warranted some form of "justice". That said, the reason I play killer is because I got tired of constant toxic killers. They are not rare. They are nearly the norm now days. I would rather farm BP off of 4 toxic survivors and at least get a good 20-30k BP reward for my efforts than get hook farmed out of a match with 4k by a toxic killer.
Your mileage may vary based on your experience, but I've found the frequency of toxic survivors is about he same per match as toxic killers.
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Ok I can get like if they teabagged you or clicked at a pallet you down them and give a cheeky little clap back but thatโs just dumb ๐ also #revertpyramidheadsbuttback so instead of clapping with our hands we can clap with our cheeks ๐ณ
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it seems like he is really enjoy the game.
I really can feel how happy he is from the video.
Honestly, I am a little jealous of him.
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Here's the thing: for some reason this guy thinks he's cool for doing this.
He's not.
Joke's on him, I guess.
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When the devs put a mechanism that summons the entity for an auto kill when survs are teabagging at the exit gates, then you can complain about this.
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See ten seconds into that you go make a sandwich and all of a sudden this idiot is just wasting his time. ๐
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@AngeloMerte Its a fact. I use to use it. Been playing this game since it first launched on PS4 before switching to PC. People would block a person who they didn't like then if the name popped up on MLGA that the killer was a blocked player, they would dodge. I use to use it and it was said WHY they removed it from the ALLOWED list because it was heavily affecting the matchmaking on their stream. I use facts, not feelings.
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ok, i will admit i have done this to a few survivors who did bugger all and just hid in bushes the whole game, but yikes, this just seems unneeded
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In the meantime, survivors have four years of constant in-game trolling, farming and abusiveness.
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Thing is... Clean killers and clean survivors never meet in a match... One side is always toxic
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I guess if the a killer was the victim ya'll would be saying "I fEeL yOU mAn ThesE ToXiC SurVIvoR MaInS1!1!"
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Don't milk it on my time. The game is over, you won, have some class and leave. If I wanted to farm with you we would of been doing it in match, not at your victory lap. This is like me knocking you down, picking you up, waiting you to get off, then hitting you again and repeating the process. Don't drag it out.
If you have never gone "OH GEE WOW, thanks for those struggling points. That wasn't prolong or annoying at all at my defeat, mr killer" then you understand why most killers realistically aren't thankful for gate hovering and tbaging.
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I'm fairly new and I honestly thought people stood around for the extra points. It's usually within a handful of seconds of opening the gate and I thought it was generous to give the killer a hit or two.
I guess some people use that time to troll. I don't hang around long, just enough to make sure everyone is safe and give the killer a hit.
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@AngeloMerte It inevitably did. After having a large roster of people you dodge, people complained about not being able to find a match. When many people dodge someone, it creates another search. It increases the search time until 4 people are happy with the killer. There is only a certain amount of killers near you before it searches a wider range.
If you keep on making the game search, it takes longer and longer until you find a new killer. Then you find a new killer but you don't like him so you add him to the dodge list and it increases. Its not complicated.
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not sure if i got the idea of the topic but if this is about killer`s tbag it is lol.
survs tbgas almost each game , you can open streams of hexy/tru3talte/otzdarva you will see that they are tbagged and bashed in chat all the time desptie they always try to follows unwritten rules
also killers always in a disadvantage because 4 people vs 1 in chat
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ah, yes, i forgot, if survs are suffering with several minutes of slug tell me who tbags on the gates 90% of time and who was prolonging a game for 10-20-30 minutes before patch with endgame collapse was released? Was it a killer that did not want to end the match and was simply running around?
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I can't argue with the experience you'd had but mine has been completely the opposite.
I typically find that the reason so many people think so many killers are toxic is because a vast majority think things are toxic that simply aren't.
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Though I agree that many non-toxic things are taken as toxic on both sides, there are some very sweaty builds that ruin the game for many people. I have been playing mostly killer tonight, but jumped on survivor to do a daily I can't get rid of. First match was a seriously sweaty Ebony Mori Ghost Face who tunneled each player right off the hook. Would mark the unhooker so they would not try to block and just mori. After the game he was all about "gg ez git gud". Sorry, but that is pretty darn toxic. HAd a similar group earlier as killer. All four DS, 2 lights, key, 2 OoO and no interest in doing gens, just tried to mess with me the whole time. End of the match was pretty toxic, even though I tried to keep it civil.
In short, people suck.
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i do have 2 cats and i also never call them Brownie or Cookie but cats has nothing to do with this topic.