Killer Too Stressful, Survivor Too Boring,

Before I say anything I play both survivor and killer, I am not saying killer or survivor are unbalanced in anyway, I am more concerned with the general game play flow of Dead By Daylight and how it's becoming very stale, at least for me.

I find myself shying away from dbd as one of my go to games, mainly because whenever I play killer I always seem to find a match where I feel I need to think too hard, or use the "right perks", I'm not always looking for 4k's, just some fun, but always get either dunked on with no kills or I do get a 4k but take a real long sigh in relief afterwords because something was frustrating or annoying.

Whenever I play survivor, whether it be with my friends or solo, the matches feel boring and uninteresting once you've learned and understood everything, killers such as Deathslinger, Pyramid head, and the Spirit are just so unfun to play against, their abilities feel as if there is very little interesting counter-play besides relying on the killers mistakes.

At this point I wouldn't mind a massive overhaul to how the game plays out, the games formula feels like it's made to drain the fear factor from itself, even when the graphical update comes out it might be cool to look at or actually make some maps feel more eerie but I have a feeling that after the first week it will be back to normal. I would like dbd to become a real horror game, there are games like outlast or alien isolation that I have played multiple times but still get scared or nervous when I play them, I would like something like that same feeling for dbd.

Of course this is all opinion and should be taken with a grain of salt, I'm more interested in others opinions and experiences on the general game play of dbd and what they think should change or be added.


  • Bowls_of_Chili
    Bowls_of_Chili Member Posts: 25

    Someone finally put it into words for me. That's exactly how I feel. I play a decent mix of both, but my killer is up playing against red ranks. On PS4, red ranks seem to almost exclusively play as a pack. It's a nightmare trying to even get a single kill, especially if you aren't playing what's considered a top tier killer. Non-stop flashlight saves that you can do nothing about, because they shine three flashlights at you from various directions, hook sabotages, and constant map offerings for Haddonfield. I like killers that have good sound design (surprisingly most of them imo) so I usually play Pyramid Head, cuz I like his sword dragging noise. I do have a good few of my killers at high level however, but man is it frustrating to want to play someone like Clown for fun because it's funny how he laughs when he hits people, and just get sh*t on by survivors sweating their balls off against a Clown.

    The opposite is true for when I play survivor. I'm only a midrank survivor, and the killers I go up against are almost exclusively horrible. facecamping, ultra tunneling directly off of hook, you name it. Not to mention it seems like people only play Ghostface and Doctor (had a group of matches that went Gf, Gf, doc, gf, doc three days ago), but that's a whole different mess. If I don't run Meg Thomas with all of her perks I never stand a chance if I managed to get downed even once, because the killer just tunnels you off hook immediately. Not to mention a lot of the killer mains in this rank are dumb as bricks and get extremely heated if you loop them around the map for too long, then face camp you to death in rage (this literally happened yesterday with a huntress I looped for 3 minutes straight.) The main issue I have are chases are the only fun part of survivor, but bad killer players make the chase unfun by relentlessly murdering you because you outplayed them and hurt their pride. (Essentially they commit to a 5 minute Chase and never give you a chance to play the rest of the game which is unfun.)

    Very much looking forward to a graphical update, and will probably fix my problem with flashlights with the updated version of Lightborn when that comes out.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    Do what I do. Autodidact heal only build with soloqueue. Solidarity, botany knowledge, autodidact, empathy. No items. Only thing you can't do is touch gens. At all.

    I actually have a lot of fun doing this for chill point farming when I don't feel like doing killer. Only time I ever care about anything is when people are really dumb and refuse to let you heal them in one way or another.

  • LqF
    LqF Member Posts: 56

    exactly how it feels to play both sides.

    survivor- going against MORIs, hitboxes, hits that have no sense, being facecamped, getting tunneled, etc.

    killer- getting genrushed, going against SWF, being called out on postgame chat, etc.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    I feel the exact way about the game! Though I am a killer main because killer is more interesting and more interactive, killer is just way too damn stressful, and when I play survivor I'm just bored of looping and holding M1