Rework Huntress Hitboxes Immediately

Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

I continue to be done with this ridiculous killer until something is done. Every match against this killer is an all out war bloodbath because there is zero counterplay against a killer with 5 ridiculous chances with hitboxes that are unavoidable. Every other killer requires skill and precision to hit the target but not this one. Forget the fact I have highest quality fiber Internet on the eastern seaboard and everyone has low ping, that doesn't matter because I've already outplayed her, rounded the corner, but still fall on my face because the hatchet is 10 meters away.

There is also no reason she can carry 5 hatchets with deathslinger only having one chance, Nurse has only 2 blinks (max), Billy will now have an overheating chainsaw.

I know why everyone plays Huntress because she is broken as hell, zero counterplay, and is basically a free win unless you are versing a top 4 man SWF genrushing.

Fix the hitboxes, reduce the number of hatchets, make her lullaby directional like sound is supposed to be. Until this killer is looked at, I am done with her.


  • SailedSavage
    SailedSavage Member Posts: 280

    Her hatches are a little broken rn true but it's not THAT bad. She's easy to loop since she's slow and if you can look behind you while you run her hatches are usually easy to dodge unless they are really good. The hatchets definitely need some love but they used to be horrible on the opposite side. They would go right through the survivor and not register.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130
    edited July 2020

    Wrong. Next to Spirit, she is the most unfair killer in dead by daylight, especially for solos. Billy has counterplay, but this killer has none. You are either 1) huntress main enjoying your 4Ks all day long or 2) has never versed a true huntress main

    Tell me how looking behind you will beat the huntress when she holds the hatchet waiting for you to get in animation to vault a window or throw a pallet? You are doomed either way. Nevermind if she is so bad they miss 4 times in a row if you are injured, the 5th one she throws way over your head at a loop and it hits you. Yeah, only in this game that happens.

    The reload for DS will you give you plenty of time, usually, to run away if he misses. Huntress can quickly pickup another hatchet.

    Huntress was released when the state of the game had a million more pallets, the maps were significantly larger, infinites and god loops exists, sprint burst could replish mid-chase, decisive strike was pre-hook defense, and insta-heals existed along with insta-gens. Oh, and at that time she was released, we had peer-to-peer connections which made her hatchets more fair. So survivors have been nerfed into the ground since that time, dedicated servers has ruined her hitboxes, lullaby was changed to be omni-directional, and you are telling me she is still fair and most balanced killer in the game. Give me a break.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    This means they need to go back to the drawing board and get it right. No, she is not balanced as I stated why.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I like deathslinger atm because he got better 1v1 imo.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Yep, out of the 5+ million copies sold, I am in the top 20 on the unofficial DBD leaderboards. My opinion is pretty damn good and I know it is more accurate than yours because only 17 people have more experience than me.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    okay let me explain this better so you can understand why they can’t change her hitbox easily by using the most comparable killer to her, DeathSlinger.

    Deathslinger has a pea sized hitbox, which can cause hitbox issues where you shoot through survivors. Due to how servers work and latency you have no purpose in changing her hitbox or else hits will go through when they should actually land. The only unbalanced thing is her iri head when mixed with infantry belt.

    And I am pretty sure everyone and there mother knows that you can counter her hatchets by not running in a straight line or not being predictable as high hell. Crouching also helps to avoid her hatchets. Reducing her hatchet count would be a terrible idea as she, like all 110% killers, needs to have a strong power to assist downing survivors, which is why the infantry belt + iri head combo has issues due to her having 3 hatchets that deal 2x damage, meaning her power can down 3 survivors without needing to ever reload, compared to her 5 hatchets that can only down 2 healthy survivors and injure 1 as long as she doesn’t miss.

    And according to the post with you and @Awakey, you are in the top 20, so that means you should know all of this unless you are lying

  • Virusmain
    Virusmain Member Posts: 53

    Lol git gud

    Honestly shes fairly balanced, and i dont see why you drop pallets or vault windows if you know shes going to throw at you. If you are a ranked 18 in the world on a party game , you shouldnt have that big of a problem.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    A projectile is a projectile so your justification for one having a vastly different size is considered inaccurate. All I care about is for the hitbox to be "FAIR". Right now it is NOT fair against Huntress. The devs are doing an injustice in not looking at this killer.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    See for yourself. Where are you on the list? I got gud on the day it released while you still had a bottle in your mouth.

    Do you want to have a civil discussion about her hitbox problem or do you want to continue down this path?

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Her hitbox is fine xD

    Latency makes it look bad but it definitely connected on the killer’s side, which will probably be fixed with the dedi server change that is coming with midchapter

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    We'll see then. I still think she needs minor adjustments to make her more fair to play against as I mentioned above.

    In the right hands, she is too oppressive to play against in her current iteration.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    She is fair to play against, also I looked at that leaderboard and laughed

    BP doesn’t show skill, just like rank as all is playtime and BP gain can be increased greatly during 2x events, usage of offerings, and playtime.

    And the oppressive thing, that would mean all killers would need to be nerfed as all killers can be as oppressive as her, you can’t nerf players and if you nerf a killer because of how like 2 people play her that is terrible. She is balanced.

    Killers should get nerfed if anyone can play them and are instantly good as them and they have no counters, huntress has several counters along with taking alot of skill to play. No nerfs are needed outside of just her UR add-on

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Lmao you're nuts. Who TF upvoted this? You aren't even complainimg about iri hatchets. Come on, how low do we have to go now?

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    LMAO dude really just showed his BP gain as a flex. I'm sorry, delete this thread, that was embarrassing.... Especially to look over to escapes, survives, saves, etc. And not see your name anywhere near the top 🙄

  • Virusmain
    Virusmain Member Posts: 53

    Ill have you know im ranked 5,000,001 so technically im numerically higher than you. Plus this is not a competitive game

    And you have a problem with latency, stop playing on wifi.

    Ill 1v1 you on minecraft to assert dominance

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Why do you think Nurse and Billy was nerfed? Was it A) some players were too good with her and was too oppressive B) the state of the game has changed to warrant the nerfs

    Based on your assertion, she warrants a nerf.

    From an analytic point of view, I use to hardly see Huntress until dedicated servers came about. Ever since, I would say she is the most common killer I verse as survivor. I don't even main her at all and I find her unbelievably easy because as I stated, I hold the hatchet at every window and if they lock in animation, I throw it, if they try to fake it, I still throw it and hit them. At loops I throw above the wall and their head and hit them. That is not balanced gameplay. There is no defense against her if the killer is good.

    Yes, I didn't mention iri-heads. To be honest, it wouldn't be that bad if the hitboxes was FAIR. My biggest problem is the hitboxes and the fairness.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    The first two years I was almost exclusively a killer main when killer was the hardest. Who's embarassed now?

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Its a server issue, not a hitbox issue. Though I do agree the hits are ridiculous, it sucks even more since I play against a lot of huntresses.

  • Virusmain
    Virusmain Member Posts: 53

    Lolol are you real, this is the most fun ive had on this forum

    Also is it true you DC as a survivor when the killer finds you?

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    I can smell your bias since milles.

    @Sluzzy it isn't worth to discuss with this guy, he's a bait account and are here just to troll, ignore him.

  • Virusmain
    Virusmain Member Posts: 53

    On This thread yes, its just too funny. He came off as arrogant as hell lol

    I see he edited his post, so ill respond better

    Just to clarify she is balanced, and fair, but his real complaint is server to killer connection.

    Which btw is the sigle biggest issue in any game online, especially fighting games.

    Dbd needs to fix their server side detection and and adjust netplay, which to be fair they are trying to fix the mid chapter patch. Deathslinger has to hook you, and reel you in, with huntress its very wonky looking when she throws on bad connection to the server.

    If sluzzy has fiber, its more than likely hes playing against a wifi killer who doesnt understand wired connections at all.

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287

    Thing is, even when I play huntress I always see some bs hits, and I always have less than 50ms, her hitboxes are just too big, but hopefully the server side hit detection will fix it

  • Virusmain
    Virusmain Member Posts: 53

    I think it will, if not then we need a gauge to see who uses wired and wireless connections

    I play fighting games online more, but I usually play pig,huntress,oni and myers as a killer.

    But if i played on etheopian interenet instead of wired connection, i imagine i could hit a lot more hits than i should be able to as any killer.

  • TTVfbYTigTW
    TTVfbYTigTW Member Posts: 85

    Her hit boxes are wonky. BHVR gave an excuse that doesn’t hold to deathslingers more precise hitboxes. Just saying (and server issues we all have, that’s not a hit box issue)

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    The hitbox issues of Huntress fall into two issues: the shape of the hitbox and latency.

    As a ranged attacker, Huntress is more greatly afflicted by the issues of latency screwing up hitboxes. SUPPOSEDLY this is being fixed in the coming months ahead, but past experiences of leaving me burned make me a little wary.

    As for the hitbox of the hatchet itself, the issue is that it is not cuboid. It's a sphere whose diameter is as big as the hatchet is tall. There WAS a point where they attempted to amend this sometime in the past year or two without telling anyone they were doing it, and the result was hatchets passing through Survivor torsos while they were standing still and not injuring them. Now one would hope the devs can find a happy medium between these two points, but respectfully see the end of my previous paragraph for my thoughts on that.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I can’t hit anything with her.

  • Ireath
    Ireath Member Posts: 91

    I agree that the hitboxes are a huge problem but since the dedicated server have been introduced the bs hits became more noticeable. In my experience I've missed a lot of hatchets that should have connected I find it is less common but it happens.

    As for your call for nerfs to her base kit. The directional lullaby was changed because any survivor with headphones could tell where you were and get out of the area before you would see them. Wanting less hatchets is generally a bad idea you lose a lot of pressure by reloading as is making it so you would make that worse.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869
    edited July 2020

    Lol what does that have to do with anything? Didn't see you on the sacrifice board, did I not make that clear?

    Edit: realized I neglected to put sacrifices. My bad... Still weren't up there.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Thanks for the decent comment. It is extremely bad and if the huntress is remotely skilled it exacerbates the problem because you are not learning to hit your target, you are learning to abuse the hitbox. That is horrible game design and I never feel outplayed when I verse her like I do the other killers. The survivors being able to avoid the killer with the lullaby is the way it should be. Why would you think that counterplay shouldn't exists? Being a ranged killer makes it even more important. They could try for 4 hatchets and she would still be fine, as long as they also fix the hitboxes. Remember, if you are only mediocre with her, you shouldn't need 5 chances to down someone.

  • potatogamer
    potatogamer Member Posts: 27

    Have you ever tried playing as huntress? Her windup is super annoying and give survs a pretty good chance of dashing your shot. If you're a smart surv you'll take her to a loop where there are walls and waste her time. This isn't a stun and done killer it's predrop pallet and be good. If you can't get to a walled loop you can still crouch around most obstacles for her hatchet to miss. This isn't a normal looping killer and you gotta learn how to play around that. Her hotboxes can be semis at times but honestly if you ever play her they are the hardest things to hit and take a lot of practice to learn. You, quite literally, have to git gud.

  • Ireath
    Ireath Member Posts: 91

    I Completely agree with the notion that people aren't learning how to use her properly due to the hitboxes but as people have said the last time they tried to change the hitboxes to be more in line with the hatchet model caused more issues. Not saying they shouldn't look into it a bit more because they should.

    I am not saying that the counterplay should not exist. In my opinion the lullaby on its own is the counterplay. In its current state you can tell that she is near which should in my opinion give you enough information to be on the lookout for her. If you are on one of the bigger maps the ability to catch people that know exactly which direction you are coming from is extremely difficult even taking into account ranged attacks. Not everyone is able to hit those insane cross map snipes.

    I'd also like to thank you for not using the counter argument of iron maiden in regards to reloading. I would say that having 4 hatchets would be enough but personally I would still prefer 5 hatchets since a lot of maps loads of debris which and that is just a personal issue since I have poor aim.

    I also main huntress so my opinions and views are very biased just so you know. Sorry for the long reply.