Let a Laurie wiggle off at end gates for points and...
She wiggled off turnt around unhooked her friend on the hook and they dead harded past me. I was infinite tier 3 Myers. Called them out for being toxic and they turnt around and said Infinite tier 3 is toxic. Legit curious I thought Myers was the most balanced killer around? Curious to hear your guys opinions.
Are you really calling her toxic cause she played smart and saved her teammate?
It's your fault for letting her wiggle off
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Just because you let someone go, doesn't mean they owe you that person on hook. That just sounds a little "killers rulebook for surviovrs" to me. Tbh if I was laurie I would have tried the same play to save the person on my team.
But infinite tier 3 myers is not toxic at all, that's just being petty saying that in an argument.
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Apparently you tried to let her go because she would have wiggled off (and saved her mate) either way.
they did nothing wrong. Well they could have worded their texts in the chat better, but I have seen much worse.
also that whole „killer x is most balanced“ is never a good argument, and especially Myers who can change playstyle based on addons that much can’t be tiered easily like that.. not saying infinite tier 3 is toxic or OP, just that Myers and no Killer is „the most balanced of them all“
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She’s toxic for saving somebody else? LMAO goodbye.
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Lol you let her live, she made a rescue and you accuse her of taking your sacrifice and call her toxic, tf
You're such a scum, It's obvious you're mad
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Take it as a lesson. A killer is not supposed to let survivors go.
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I would have left her on tge ground till the otger was dead, then let her wiggle off. You cant expect her to know or care what youre trying to do.
Plus, i mean its laurie, why let a laurie escape anyway
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quite hypocritical of you my guy, if you go infinite tier three myers, youve thrown all toxic complaints out the window. and that comment about myers being the most balanced killer? most people are talking about base kit/ non iridescent addons
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Then don't let people ######### go.
If you hold the door for someone and they don't say thank you do you confront them? Or do you just move on with your life?
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next time let her crawl out. you can open the gate if it's not opened.
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So you let her go, and surprised she wen’t back for her teammate on the hook? Talk about entitlement
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The important thing here is that you were playing Myers. You let LAURIE STRODE GO.
No. Reevaluate your priorities.
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Don’t let them go unless you’re willing to deal with what happens later.
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Of all the people to let go...
On a more serious note, this one was on you buddy~
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Lesson 1.
Do not be nice to survivors.
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Neither side was toxic but don't be upset. You should have either waited until the person died on hook or opened the gate. Don't ever expect kindness from the other side. We have our own roles in the game and assuming the other will do as you want is a good way to feel jilted.
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Maybe next time don't let the survivor wiggle off?
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Mate, she did the optimal play. Let them crawl to the gate. How exactly she manged to unhook and get past you I have no idea.
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I play Myers a lot and I do believe he is one of the well balanced Killers but Infinite tier3 Myers is not balanced in the slightlest and is one of the most frustrating things to play against, pink addons can make a regular Killer into something completely unfair. Its very rich for someone using infinite tier3 to call someone else toxic, its like seeing a Iri+belt Huntress calling toxic someone with a purple flashlight.
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If you want to give Survivors BP, just drop them and let them escape. Not those little charity BP from wiggle. They did what they should.
One time I carried the last survivor to the hatch, it happened that they wiggled out when hatch is 5m away, they tbag, escape and "Ez". Now thats what I call toxic. Not your case.
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Well said.
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imagine thinking infinite t3 myers is strong, what's freddy then? His basekit is better than any form of myers.
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just play the game as intended, killers kill, suvivours escape
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It3 can be gen blitzd so they never get it, it takes a long time to get for a reason but I agree it was silly to let them go unless you angle it so they are forced out.
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Never let them go.
4k all day.
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Bait post for sure.
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Not only that, but it is such bullshit when they do sometimes.
Last night I played against a really great Oni. And it was me and another Jane left in the end game collapse. He killed me and let her go. I stayed and watched because I wanted to tell him it was a really fun game. But the arbitrary letting her go was complete bullshit and of course it was no longer a "gg" because of that. I let the Oni know too that killers always feel like they are such a great person for letting people go and should feel good about themselves. And I let him know that this isn't the case and I hope he doesn't think he's a nice guy for doing that. ######### people like that Oni.
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If infinite T3 is toxic, then playing Plague is... Ultra toxic?
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That why you never let people go
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Both of Myers ultra rare add-ons are above toxic...
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sorry dude, but you can’t expect all survivors to play for themselves. that’s not the case.
there are some who actually care for the others and will save them or die trying, that’s just how it is. you can’t expect them to leave each other behind all the time.
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If i let someone go i slug them and leave them at the exit gate and wait. They get up and rush back in i slap them down and hook them they had their chance.
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What the ######### did you expect?
Unless you SPECIFIED you were farming with them, there was no other way that was going to go.
If anything you were being toxic by messaging them about it when YOU LET HER WIGGLE FREE.
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Not at all. They're both way harder to use. You're slow, and takes forever to tier up.
Dont run from meyers in a straight line maybe. 🤷♀️
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Only be nice to the other side if you're in a situation where they can't exploit it. If you want to give a survivor the gate when there's another on a nearby hook, they can crawl out. If you want to give a killer free exit gate hits, make sure you're far enough in that you'll auto-escape when downed (personal mistake). And most importantly of all, if you do mess it up don't send them salty messages after.
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When I just so happen to play killer, I usually let the last survivor go. I'm sorry from a survivors perspective that you think letting survivors go isn't nice, but it's made my day many times.
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I missed this comment, why does letting the last one go annoy you? Most survivors seem pretty happy about it.
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I don't think his iri add ons are toxic. I've used them a lot and they are hard to use against good players. I rarely see a Myers these days anyway. Don't listen to them they are just salty. You can't trust what salty people say.
As for being nice..... after 3k hours in this game... Don't be nice. Survivors are the most ######### toxic people I have ever played with. If you give them an inch they will take a mile, all while telling you you're trash. Show them no mercy as they will show you none.
That being said, I give hatch often, I am nice....but now it's only on my terms. Too many times I try to be nice and survivors want to take more and more. Give them the gate? They sit there and heal while you twiddle your thumbs. Nope, I am not waiting for you to self-care, you get downed, crawl out. So your mistake wasn't being nice.... It was letting her walk out. You can let her escape...but make her crawl, don't give them options, as you can see they will screw you if they have the chance.
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He needs a lot of evil within to get either of those two add-ons. If a Myers is taking forever to get out of tier 2 you can assume he has either one. Unless survivors are just feeding him evil within the game should be almost over by time he gets tier 3
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I don't think half the people here read the post lol
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Smart? How is it smart to abuse the killers good will? There is absolutly no wonder that many people dont give a ######### anymore and do the best they can to make the game of others as bad as possible. Think about it. Smart... ######### seriously.
Problem of this community detected...
@GreyWolfofNorth Infinite Tier 3 Myers is not toxic. Playing toxic is toxic. You did nothing wrong.
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I dunno if you were doing this but - I always have them against the exit while the wiggle.
Like where the Entity pops up for killer. They're forced out. They can't turn around or anything.
I tried being a good sport as killer the 2400 so hours Xbox keeps claiming I've played - and most of them were spent with toxic people that just wanted to escape and NEVER interact with the killer.
I understand immersion but this isn't Sword Art Online. You're not really going to die.
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Are you serious rn? Even if you do let her wiggle off doesnt mean your entitled to her trust for not to save her friend.
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Yeah you are definitely in the wrong bro bro. What I hate is how people complain about perks that people use to WIN. . Ummmmm ITS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE GAME . . If you're not trying to win then don't be mad when you don't. . Duh!! There's nothing toxic about escaping a killer, what's toxic is calling someone toxic for playing the game! I get it I let the last one go sometimes too but what did you expect?? If she would have just left the other one on the hook THAT would have been toxic!!! That's the WORST kind of teammate. YOU are what's wrong with the DBD community!!!
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Nothing that is IN THE GAME is toxic!! People are toxic, people that msg you and say using certain perks is toxic, those people are toxic. If a perk is IN THE GAME it's fair to play. That's why DBD has the saltiest community in all of gaming, bcuz people have no idea how to play the damn game. If u run noed there's nothing wrong with that it's in the game for a reason!!!! If u run decisive and borrowed time or unbreakable it's not toxic it's part of the fkn game!!!!! Toxic is being a douche and face camping the hook or waiting for the unhook and farming someone. That's toxic!! Toxic is losing a game and sending someone a msg talking sh** THAT'S toxic!!!
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She got out and saved her teammate to boot, didn't she? She used her perks to the best of her ability, saved her mate and got out. I'd say she played smart if she was able to get away with it.
This is the same thing as letting the killer catch you and being upset that they didn't give you hatch for not wiggling. Would it be nice? Of course, but they're not obligated to play the way you want them to even if you're being 'nice'. You don't send the killer a salty message for allowing them to kill you just because you think you were 'being nice'.
@DCash They're not 'screwing you' by healing in the gate, they could be forced out. That's extra BPs for them so if they can heal, they will. If you're letting them escape you're only screwing yourself and then have the audacity to complain about it like OP.
@Carpemortum People act like when Myers runs that he doesn't always run the green addon that increases evil gained which makes it go by that much quicker. Kinda like a huntress that runs iri heads is almost guaranteed to have infantry belt.
Is there some secret move you can pull to suddenly make it so that he can't stalk you with little to no LOS blockers? And when you can stalk *through* half the things you shouldn't like the smallest gaps through killer shack or straight through a solid object (which before you say doesn't happen, there's plenty of video proof), what then, just don't be seen, ever?
Saying 'don't run in a straight line/don't let him stalk you' is equivalent to saying 'if you don't want to get DS'd, don't tunnel' when we all know that guy that likes to force the killer to eat DS or waste his time trying.
Let's not forget how buggy this game is, had a Myers who messaged me after the match to talk about how funny it was that he hit tier 3 because he was stalking me through a locker I was in when he came around. He was nice enough to realize that was stupid, shouldn't have happened and tiered up but left me alone and went after someone else.
That ultra rare is annoying, his other is just straight bs. Luckily I hardly see him for it to be of any consequence since people prefer to play Ghostface with noed nowadays.
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She got out because the killer let her escape (wiggle off) "I let you go Laurie...". His good will then got abused by the survivor if i have not totally misunderstood the OP.
Where i come from this is not called smart, this is called bad sports.
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While Plague can get a similar effect as infinite EW3 Myers, Survivors can use the fountains to heal and she lacks increased vault speed and increased lunge, those 2 things alone make Myers way more dangerous than Plague while broken, especially the lunge.
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You may never read or see this. I also let survivors go from time to time depends on the match. But You NEVER let then wiggle off while anyone is still struggling never. I slug and wait for them to die so I can give hatch. Never do this again
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I don't see the issue with what anyone did. You are allowed to use Fragrant Tuft; they're allowed to use the second chance you VOLUNTARILY gave them in whatever way they see fit.