Let a Laurie wiggle off at end gates for points and...



  • LemonFeeb
    LemonFeeb Member Posts: 3

    Infinite tier 3 Meyers is basically like iridescent head huntress. Except without the projectiles.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    It also requires a substantially extra amount of stalking.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    You obviously didn't read the second part of what I said to you.

    And like Tag said, the survivor is allowed to use the second chance you gave them in whatever way they see fit the same way killers are allowed to run whatever add ons they like, regardless of what anyone thinks of them, good or bad. I may not like some add ons, but you're still allowed to use them.

  • GreyWolfofNorth
    GreyWolfofNorth Member Posts: 28

    Seems like consensus is, My mistake picking her up which is fair my mistake. As for the toxic message I said that because at the time that action made me feel like I shouldn't give survivors anything which I don't like supporting but I was wrong saying that as toxic however one of their team messaged me first saying "lmao ran infinite tier 3 and you still lost GG Ez" which is why I messaged the group. Consensus also seems to be that Myers tier 3 isn't toxic in any way which is what I really wanted to know because unlike say Iri Head and Infantry belt Huntress, Infinite tier 3 requires buildup. Awesome I appreciate everyone's feedback thank you very much.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    None of that was "toxic", but you probably should have known that Laurie was a scheming meal worm and just dropped her at the exit gate. Showing any kindness or weakness to most SWF or cocky survivors will always result in bm toward you.

  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360

    Next time you need to let them crawl to the exit, or let them wiggle off with the left side of your body facing the exit so that when they wiggle off they’re forced to leave.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I read it of course, but i disagree sorry. Your example of not wiggeling or anything like that has nothing to do with sportsmanship. In that case it is up to the killer to do what he want. It would be the same to say about survivors finishing all gens and not giving a free hook or any stuff like that - thats part of the game. The OPs example goes beyond that.

    He gave Laurie a free escape. She abused it to safe her teammate which was obviously not what the killer attended. Sure, she "can" do it, but its obviously a very toxic move, because he could have killed her. It happend to a friend of mine once and the reaction of the survivor was kinda like "your fault you trusted me". Thats discusting.

    Stuff like that shows the true character, especially in a video game or in the internet, a world with no real consequences, and it is sad that many (here) obviously are like that. I am not suprised tho, which is extra sad.

  • rickyray101
    rickyray101 Member Posts: 141

    You had a tuft of hair... So the fact that they made it out alive makes them smart. I play both killer and survivor and I play both to win. Crying that people escape on here is pointless. Get over it and move on to the next match.

  • GreyWolfofNorth
    GreyWolfofNorth Member Posts: 28

    You misinterpreted my post. I wanted Laurie to escape (as ridiculous as that is as playing as Myers) I was wondering if Myers infinite tier 3 was considered toxic the same way Huntress Iri head infantry belt is and whether or not I made the mistake of picking her up or if her taking advantage of it was her being smart.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You invalidated your own point by bringing up cleansing. Plague is at her absolute weakest when survivors don't cleanse for a very, very good reason. That's why "don't cleanse" is meta in the first place, even after her 1 free fountain.

    And the increased lunge and vault speed aren't that considerable. Faster than normal vaulting is still significantly lower than survivors and still allows them massive distance gain. The lunge is extremely unreliable thanks to dedicated servers. It's not even a faster lunge, it just has extra time tacked on at the end, which means it only makes Myers more dangerous in a tiny number of situations. I'd take green mist, blood, and loud coughing any day.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    If you think survivors aren't waiting at the exit to waste my time then you are dilusional. "You could force them out." NO #########. Forcing out survivors is also a HUGE waste of time. And, yeah I know you want points. I don't care, those heal points are mine and when you heal you take score away from me. I'm not "letting them escape." It is physically impossible for me to get someone at the exit gate, only force them out......which wastes more time....I'm not falling for this dumb entitled survivor-main logic. I'm going to do the most efficient thing to kill you. Forcing you out at the exit is not it. Baiting you back in is. Don't bother debating this with me my 4k hours disagree with you.

  • Reaver_Raziel
    Reaver_Raziel Member Posts: 400

    As other people have said, stop sounding so goddamn entitled. I saw the title and thought it was about something like "Lol gg ez baby killer". But no you tried to let someone escape when other people were still alive, on the hook sure, but alive. Thats 100% on you. Calling you toxic for infinite myers is silly. But thats what you should have made a post about. Not you being dumb(gameplay wise) and feeling entitled to getting that one kill.

    You make sure she is the last person in the game. And then you let her crawl out or give hatch. Anything less than that and you are basically saying, hey abandon your friend and live. Ofc they wanna play the hero and spit in the "devils" face, who gave them such a cruel deal.

    As for infinite myers. I think its a very strong addon. But not op or even unfun. I remember a few times going against it, having trouble breaking line of sight and suddenly getting stuck vs infinite myers with 3 gens left to do. We managed but lost a couple during the match, but most of the time we were having a lot of fun fleeing for our lives. I remember playing it myself on "The game" and people were saying it was the most terrifying game they had in a while. So "fun" is subjective. OP? I would claim as a fact its not OP. But very very close.

    Myers is a very mid tier character, so yeah I guess he could be qualified for being balanced. But a killer being balanced does not mean his addons are. Personally I would say Tombstone piece can make myers OP. Because it doesnt take nearly as long getting to tier 3 as his 2 iridescent addons. And you can instantly remove a player from the game and play normal myers after that, or remove at least 1 other player before just commiting to playing normally. So yes, myers have addons which are almost(if not actually) stronger than moris(his addons dont require hooks). And moris are definitely OP.

  • killermainxd
    killermainxd Member Posts: 25

    quality content right here

  • GreyWolfofNorth
    GreyWolfofNorth Member Posts: 28

    If you've read any of my other posts in the thread you'd know I'm not entitled I wanted opinions. My initial reaction was "Oh wow now I don't wanna give people the exit anymore" but I've since acknowledged my mistake. The rest of your comment is constructive thou and I appreciate that.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    You can't expect people to play the way you want them to, end of story. Don't cry when you LET someone go and they save their teammate. Even if you *were* right about it being 'abusive/toxic/disgusting', which you aren't, the ultimate point is don't trust people. Even if you had a verbal agreement that she would just escape and not save her teammate, you make sure saving the teammate was out of the equation just to be certain.

    There are a million-and-one other ways you can secure the one kill if that's what you wanted so bad, as in OP's situation. Don't let them wiggle off. Drop them and leave them until the one on hook is dead or unreachable. This ######### where people can't take accountability for their own floundering has got to stop.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    Because wasting your time baiting people dumb enough to go back in isn't a bigger waste of your time than just forcing them out and keeping your precious healing points? I wouldn't call that efficient and if this is the logic you have after '4k hours', I pity you.

    If you don't want them to 'take your healing points', *force them out*.

    You think you can scare people off with numbers, even if they were real, that's cute. All that tells me is you must be a sorry excuse of a killer after 4k hours to think that is the right way to handle that situation, oof. Common sense disagrees with your '4k hours'. 🤷‍♀️

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    This game is full of selfish and ignorant people (not only just DbD, but its exceedingly bad in this game), which is a shame, but worse are people like you who defend those actions. And thats the true end of the story. No offense tho, but maybe rething your mentality, you are part of a problem which you clearly dont even see.


  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    You completely don't understand. I'm not wasting my time pushing survivors out. Putting emphasis on "precious healing points" like that's all I care about is silly. I bring up a single aspect and you latch on to a single idea so that makes me single minded too? This is a 2 dimensional forum for communication, I can only convey so much information at a time without becoming long-winded. You speak of common sense and yet you have none. I am not trying to scare anyone. I am sharing that I have more experience than you. I get more kills than you. Common sense would tell you to listen to someone with way more experience than you. But keep twisting things to suit your own needs. Your entire post amounted to nothing. You made 1 point. If that. All you want to do is throw your salt around. Sorry but this is all the time I'm going to give you.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    This actually resonated with me- as a Killer on console I try to be a good sport and be respectful, and every now and then I'll get t-bagged at the exit when I thought it was a gg- and it bothered me. But they probably do that to every Killer, and I'm done wasting energy on taking it personally 🤷‍♀️

    So thank you!

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited July 2020

    Plague is not weak when everyone is broken if you go for the right build, also she always has one corrupted pool at the start of the game so staying the 4 broken is not as "safe" as it was before.

    And the increased lunge is incredible powerful, it forces Survivors to short their loops with pallets or risk getting lunged while dropping it, I get most of my downs in EW3 in a loop with the Survivor dropping the pallet and getting downed.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    The only problem here is the people who think they're owed something for being 'nice' and letting a survivor wiggle free. Nobody is a mind reader and knows what you intended to do, as some killers only let people wiggle to farm more points, and even if they did, they owe you nothing in return for a decision you made. Like I said, want to secure the one kill and let someone go, that's your prerogative and there were plenty other ways to secure that outcome. Point blank period.

    @DCash You could've fooled me when you were saying you don't want them to have YOUR healing points, as if you're entitled to them. If you don't want them to heal, make them leave or catch them if you're able. If you don't make them leave or catch them, what do you want them to do? Sit there and twiddle their thumbs?

    It's called a topic of discussion, not 'latching onto something and being single minded'. You see how that works both ways? Talk about twisting things to suit your own needs, huh. I'm sorry you're unable to focus on a single topic or you'd rather not because it's a losing discussion for you and you acknowledge that.

    Common sense would tell you not to assume you have more knowledge than others when you don't know them. You know exactly what you were doing, trying to shut people down with your 'knowledge' before they can get a word in edge wise. Using your experience to invalidate others. You should get that superiority complex in check.

    The only one twisting things and being salty is the guy who thinks he can throw around his hours of play time like a ######### badge of the law and wants to get upset that someone used an advantage that YOU gave them on purpose.

    If they want to message the killer post game to be nasty about it, that's a different issue and that's when there's a problem. The problem is not you giving them the upper hand and then getting mad that they used it the same way you can't get mad if you run up to a killer and just stand there and give them a down/hook because you expect them to farm with you. They don't owe you anything.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    You seem to have lost the original point of this conversation. I'm not going to waste my time pushing out survivors. If they want to come back in and die that's what I would prefer. I'd appreciate you not responding to this as you just keep saying the same thing over and over. This conversation has become pointless.

  • romerojoel
    romerojoel Member Posts: 35

    let someone wiggle off is never a good idea unless u want them to have hatch or exit gate.

    Im playing both sides and about infinite myers i can say.

    It is not fun to play against it. If i play as infinte myers i win. It isnt a challenge anymore. I love to play infinte myers sometimes but mostly normal myers. I love the whole sneaking part not slaughtering everyone off.

    as surv. If i face infinite tier 3 myers then im done. That is my time to be toxic. (Im not a very toxic player)

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    As am I not going to waste anymore of my time trying to make you understand why your logic is flawed because you can't see it any other way than your own.

    The point is nobody owes you anything. It's really that simple.

  • LintyScorpion
    LintyScorpion Member Posts: 165

    Nah, you were the toxic one in the end. What they did was perfectly fine.

  • rogueplayer00
    rogueplayer00 Member Posts: 110

    Killer main here: being nice before you confirm your third kill almost always results in something like this, no mercy, be a KILLER. im not nice anymore because of how toxic the survivor community is. If I down you right in front of hatch? Nah. You still getting hooked. You wanna farm? Nah. You gonna get fooled into thinking im farming until i pull you off the gen i let you start to hook you for free early game. Its just how it has to be, because any and all survivors have and will use your kindness against you. Its a 1 V 4 not a 1 W 4

  • DanielSong
    DanielSong Member Posts: 16

    As a survivor main and newbie.... i like killers who let me go. If only there is a bow emote to show my gratitude.

    But id rather die sometimes than leave a team mate.

    No such thing as toxic killer or toxic survivor. I can even take campers. It is fine and part of the game.

    I get to learn something new in the end or adapt or i could get better.

    In behalf of survivor mains... thanks mr or ms killer for letting some of us go. Hats off to you guys.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    I already asked you to stop and yet you continue wasting your time. My logic isn't flawed you just don't understand what situation I am taking about and I wanted to be done with you a while ago. Maybe I should have explained that I am taking about the highest level of play not average games like you are in.

    For like the third time.... Don't debate this with me you don't get it. I never said anyone owes me something stop putting words in my mouth and making ######### up. You have brought nothing to this conversation by repeating the same drivel every post and throwing shade when you can. It would be great if you actually wanted to have a conversation but you don't. You just want to be "right." People like you are a waste of time.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    How is that toxic? He's using an add on that's a tool within the game and didn't cheat...the fact that four morons liked your comment has killed my faith in this community even further.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    Unfun and toxic are two completely different things, he did nothing wrong by using the add on.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    You really did it to yourself. There is no "Ok I let you go so you have to do what I want you to".

    If I want to let someone go I'll wait till they are absolutely last.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I think it's a pretty weird that some people here are whining about you using Infinite Tier 3, but this post is pretty cringe she's naturally going to rescue her teammate. I could see if they stayed and looped ya before teabagging

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    You didn't ask, you demanded. I don't take demands. I feel sorry for anyone who has to be around you on a daily basis because you seem to like to boss people around, but I won't be.

    The guy who has been basically saying the equivalence of 'shut up because I'm right and you're wrong' wants to talk about wanting an actual conversation. Hilarious.

    I'm allowed to share my opinion just as much as you or anyone else is allowed to. Not once did I tell you to shut up or 'quit debating'. If you wanted to be done, you would've quit responding 'a while ago' since the only 'discussion' you seem to want to have is 'I know better than you, I play on an elevated level, one could even say God like'. Nothing is stopping you. 🤷‍♀️

  • LynQ08
    LynQ08 Member Posts: 3

    Me playing on the PS4 I take no prisoners I don't care ( also why I have my account not able to receive messages or friends request from unknown people ) people get to damn salty

    But if everyone but one person "DCs" I usually let them escape don't get me wrong I still farm the crap out of them but still I let them get hatch or open up the gates and leave

  • GreyWolfofNorth
    GreyWolfofNorth Member Posts: 28

    As I've tried to convey the point of it was "Is Infinite Myers toxic" I blame myself for having the title the way it is but I wanted to share the full story. I don't feel entitled to the kill on the hook I should have just opened the gate and let her crawl out that's on me. But I thought the Toxicity of Infinite Myers might be why they did what they did, or it might be what anyone would do. I'm not upset about what happened at all I wanted some constructive feedback which I've gotten lol. As I've said before thanks everyone for your feedback

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    That's really dangerous and led to the bad state the community is in right now. It's the reason killers get up in arms about the word "unfun" even though it isn't inherently harmful, we've created an environment where they can't even their best or use their best tools without being ostracized. It doesn't help that accusations, silly ones like Tombstone of all things being toxic is bad faith. Blocking someone from leaving the basement is toxic, using your best add ons and tactics despite how unfun it is, is not.

    It's best to be clear of one's intentions otherwise it leads to further distrust, you could not enjoy something but that doesn't make it toxic. It's important we keep that distinction or we're being manipulative. If you follow me.