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What is your opinion on indoor maps?

I see that most people seem to heavily dislike indoor maps such as Hammond labs and lerys memorial. How do you feel these kind of maps have affected the game?

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  • Member Posts: 13,033

    Hammond Labs?

  • Member Posts: 636

    I personally love them, they look better and have a better atmosphere. It’s a nice balance for both sides.

    However I do dislike Midwich, love the look but looping is dam awful, empty rooms and long hallways. Plus it’s dam dark.

  • Member Posts: 530

    I do love Hawkins too I would take that map before getting Midwich or Saloon

  • Member Posts: 18

    I hate with all my strength. Haddonfield is horrible too

  • Member Posts: 1,256
    edited July 2020

    Aesthetically, they're some of the best for me. The experimental hospital, the lair of a mad man, an underground laboratory and a corrupted elementary school just stand out for me.

    Gameplay wise, I despise them and want to burn them to the ground.

  • Member Posts: 4,467
    edited July 2020

    I don't like Midwich. Lery's and The Game are ok. Hawkins is my favorite Killer map in the game. Doctor's shock can turn the already unsafe loops into death traps.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Depends on what killer I am playing! If I'm playing Nurse, Billy or Oni, those maps can go straight to hell!

  • Member Posts: 618

    Best maps in the game for horror immersion once you understand the map layout.

  • Member Posts: 68

    I like the game and lerry's. the others are terrible.

  • Member Posts: 316

    I like the game and lerys when I play stealth killers. I.e Jumpscares Myers.

    Personally unless I'm playing gen grab wraith I don't like Hawkins

    I can work with Midwitch on any killer but hillbilly. I don't see why people hate it so much.

    Maps I really hate?

    ######### corn maps and Ormond

  • Member Posts: 943

    They're pretty trash but this game has quite a few trash maps so it's par for the course like Mt. Ormond, Mother's dwelling, both Yamaoka Estates maps, Haddonfield and Farm maps

  • Member Posts: 209

    As killer, midwich is my favorite. The others are ok. Haddonfield is the worst for me. I actually love Yamaoka estates as Freddy since dreaming survivors glow and they don't always realize that.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    Keep getting lost on Midwich and Hawkins, managed to have several matches on those without running into killer/survivors (with the latter also not being able to FIND a gen within roughly 3-4 minutes on midwich)

  • Member Posts: 1,419

    Finding the last generator is hell

  • Member Posts: 507

    I just wanna be able to find a damn gen, please game, please.

  • Member Posts: 601

    Every indoor map is terrible and whoever was the first person to come up with the idea of it and layered maps has my utmost hatred :)

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    I think that they're all sh*t.

  • Member Posts: 650

    The Game (Meat Packing Plant) was by far my least favorite map for years, then Midwich came out and now I waver a bit. My issue with Midwich is the amount of rooms with only 1 entrance and exit. I also have not played it enough to know where stuff spawns so I feel like I spend so much time looking for crap. But overall, indoor maps are kinda the pits.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Indoor maps are my favorite as both Killer & Survivor. They're the usually the best maps to loop killers and are great for killers like Hag who are my favorite.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Love them. I think they have a really different atmsphere, and the Game and Midwich have some of the best references to the source material. They're way more impressive to me than most maps that seem to have a heap of reused assets especially with multiple variations of the maps.

    Not a huge fan of Lery's though, way too big and confusing.

  • Member Posts: 910

    Personally, I like Lery's and Hawkins. I like the indoor stuff. I just wish it were better balanced and we could get a modern hospital. I want something pretty to get killed in :o

  • Member Posts: 587

    Léry's: Good

    Gideon: Good

    Hawkins: Okay

    Midwich: *throws out window*

  • Member Posts: 890

    Not a fan as huntress thay are mostly ok as demo or wraith expect lerys for demo.

    Midswich could use improvements.

  • Member Posts: 587
    edited July 2020

    Don't worry there's like one window on the upper floor, let me just take 20 minutes finding the correct hallway to one of the stairways then finding the correct hallway that leads to it while everything looks the same.

  • Member Posts: 810

    Imho, they're not terrible. Sure, I prefer outdoor maps, but The Game isn't actually that bad, Lerry's could be worse, Lab is clunky but not unplayable, and Midwich... kinda sucks tbh,

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    I found midwich gets a lot more enjoyable if the killer opens the breakable doors while the survivors try to find a single gen. takes about the same amount of time.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I like the indoor maps, both as survivor and killer. Midwich has to be played different than many other maps, and if you understand that, the killer never gets you.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    speaking as someone this happened to thrice now: That has nothing to do with a different playstyle. we just all get lost on the bloody thing.

    I swear, there's an unlisted version of it that has three floors.

  • Member Posts: 587

    Don't forget to make the Survivors find those totems while Killer has to deal with 4 god pallets.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Don't like Lerys, don't like Midwitch and I like Hawkins.

    I personally believe the Game is a survivor sided map. Personally my favourite map in the game.

  • Member Posts: 3,742

    we might as well just all settle down in the library and wait for the Entity to regret its decision to send us to midwich

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I hate them because they and Ormond cause FPS drops.

    And I am not the only one. Some friends of mine also encounter FPS drops.

    Devs, FPS bad!!

  • Member Posts: 2,729
    edited July 2020

    IMO Most of the indoor maps are bad.

    The reason for this is inherently how this game works.

    Scott Jund explains the concept in depth in his video "The Strength of Holding W" found here:

    Basically almost all the indoor maps except for the game have terrible gameplay because the prevalance of walls leaves almost no room for the killer to try and cut the survivor off. This results in boring game play for both sides. The most interesting point of the game happens when the survivor and killer are relatively close to each other with slightly imperfect information about each other because that's when the mind game dynamic takes place.

    Indoor maps tend to cause this dynamic to be fewer and farther between because the information is either too imperfect leading to less educated guessing and more true guessing or having movement so limited that there is no way for a killer to quickly gain distance on a survivor who has extreme distance.

    On a normal map like gas heaven, a survivor can run in a straight line to buy a decent amount of time sure, but obstacles means the survivor can't be completely effecient forever, allowing the killer to react and take more efficient pathing to catch up to them quicker. On midwich however, obstacles tend to actually make survivor distance effeciency higher, since the massive square nature means they can just run in a square completely effeciently and it cant take the killer 30 seconds to a minute just to catch up.

    Hawkins is an example of the map with the first problem. Don't believe me? Trying playing against an object as freddy on this map. That's rough on almost any map, but on hawkins you can be practically untouchable due to the perfect information sheer amount of pallets. But that's needed becuse normally without that perfect information this map is just a guessing game, guessing which way the survivor/killer went to try and avoid going down for as long as possible, which is normally okay but the sheer number of possibilities created by wide spread pallets and line of sight blockers means you are often flipping coins in chase.

    Midwich is an example of the second. The map is practically just 8 long hallways with a small square in the middle that's accessible from a parallel set of hallways. To make it even worse. 4 of these hallways are only accessible after going to a specific point (either a corner or a drop down) of one of the hallways. This means even though the map is quite small, it's effectively extremely large with no possibilities for cut offs. As a trade off for the survivors there are a very limited number of pallets, many of which are extremely unsafe. This results in bad gameplay because for one it takes the killer forever to even get to the point of looping a survivor because they can hold W and take forever to catch up to. and once they finally do, the limited number of pallets and poor pallet safety makes the actual looping unejoyable as well.Object on this map against basically any killer can effectively highlight this problem if used well.

    Lery's is like a less bad hawkins but I still don't like it.

    The game is actually pretty good for an indoor map because it uses mostly wide open rooms with mostly unlimited traversal and the traversal limitations are used well. With a large amount of stair wells and drop downs as well as only limited use of areas where both a big door and small door that connect a room being closed. That's not to say the map doesn't have it's problems and I certainly wouldn't call it one of the best maps, but it's one of the best in door maps.

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