

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Because there was a gen? Ther is always one on Ormond you know. Ye, always hit a survivor once, let them escape and let them get healed up indefinitly.

    But explain your gameplay to me.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    It ended in a 4k. It shows there is more to the game than gen speeds. I main Trapper, I'm well aware of how fast gens are. I average 3 kills a game easy. Why? The game often slows to a crawl one we get to that 2 to 3 gen moment. I've established pressure. I try to be smart about when to drop chase and keeping more than 1 survivor off gens.

    Gen speeds are tricky. You tweak them a tad and destroy gameplay for all but maybe some red ranks. What about slowdown builds? How do those effect gen speed if they are changed? Forever Freddy is already a death knell for all but the best survivor.

    There is more to the killer play than gen speeds. Too many killers don't have the experience or time in game to recognize that.

  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    You absolutely knocked it out of the park with that very last sentence. So so true.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Sadly the killer cant apply pressure at the start of the match most of the time they are on the survivor when 2 gen are done because it take close to 40 sec to go to the other side of the map and survivor spawn on the problem with gen speed is the start of the game that why the game need to put something for this.

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  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Gen speed isn't the issue, its the map size. Also if you have a issue applying pressure, just run pop.

  • leatherfav88
    leatherfav88 Member Posts: 209

    You cant just dismis him as just a survivor main and completly ignore his argument

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    Stop. Seriously. It's not good to divide the community. You're not insulting anyone other than yourself when you do this.

    If the killer got all 4 kills then it sounds like gen speed really doesn't matter if you play your cards.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Considering the power of the killer to snowball games, I would disagree wholeheartedly. Otzdarva has a really good new killer tutorial he recently put out that talks about this. When the game starts, the advantage is heavy for the survivor. As it goes on, the pendulum swings heavy towards the killer.

    Most of these matches where people show a video of a gen done in 40 seconds also end with a 3 to 4k. If a 40 second gen was the norm, these matches would all end in 0 to 1k. There are a lot of other factors in the game that include killers making bad decisions or killers who rank up with a lazy play style vs not good survivors only to get destroyed bs good ones at higher rank.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    No. They can rework maps. They can do other things. Adding something to the start of the match is only going to drive survivors away unless the killer can't kill or injure survivors during that period. Mark my words. You'll see the mass exodus if they add something egregious to the beginning of matches.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    And then the attrition battle starts where the killer should always lose.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    How do you fight against coms tho?

    I am not chasing survivors for long and attempting to keep them injured. This works on SOLO SURVIVORS. Swf just call butt buddy #2 over to heal them and then they 40 sec a gen or split up again, and it rotates like that until all gens are done.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    If you're able to play a 3 gen correctly then no, you stand a very good chance at winning

  • Samwise444
    Samwise444 Member Posts: 196

    I think it is very interesting when these conversations come up. It leads to me checking my own bias as someone who plays both sides equally and well. I need to remind myself that when I don't escape and don't get a 4k that I can be mad. However, I am also not entitled to escape or get a 4k every time.

    If you are having problem with killer look at the following things.

    How well do you loop?

    How well do you track?

    What perks and add ons do you have?

    What is gen placement at the beginning of the game and what gens are you willing to lose to keep pressure? We need to realize as killer that we will lose gens during the match. I don't even bother seriously guarding the two upper gens in Hawkins because I know that they will go during the map and that they actually put survivors in a worse position by making the gens closer together.

    Just some thoughts

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    SWF is not in itself doom. Some are very good, most are not. I often mistake SWF as solo because of how bad they are.

    You look at things in the wrong way.

    1. If only 2 people are on a gen, they cannot finish it in 40 seconds. It requires other factors.
    2. If 1 is injured and another is healing, that is 16+ seconds they are not on a gen. Two people off the gen is a good thing.
    3. Everything is situational. If I'm chasing someone who is good at looping, I'm not going to let them drag me through 3 gens just to get them down. I'll follow them if they are going to assist in breaking some key pallets, but will peel off the minute I hear a gen being worked nearby and LoS breaks, or I see someone else nearby. It is pointless to follow the team's best looper. Go for the weak link. You can figure out that link early if you are not hound-dogging one person.
    4. Comms can be used against them. If person 1 believes I'm chasing them and tells person 2 to stay on the gen, but at the next break in LoS he takes a few seconds (say 4) to realize I'm gone, I can score a quick hit on the person comfortably ignoring my TR because he thinks I'm chasing someone else. Furthermore, if I see one of them and I know they see me, I let them see me going in one direction until LoS is broken and switch directions. Let them feed bad info to their teammates. (OoO is the one weakness on this and is very OP in a good SWF's hands)
    5. Use their altruistic nature against them. Know when to slug, when to fake a pick up. Mind game them. This works more than it does not. If I have someone hooked and get a quick down nearby, I may slug them to try to locate a 3rd. That means all 4 are off the gens or they will have 2 dead (one hook and one bleed out). Use their information against them.

    Is the cure all that always works? No, but it is how you deal with 90% of the SWF groups out there. There are those 10% groups though that it does not matter what you are doing. If you are not a top-tier killer (I admit I'm average to above average yet somehow still rank 2), you will struggle horribly.

    I'm not saying gen speeds are all good. They can be seriously fast and blitzed hard (refer to those really good SWFs). What I'm saying is it is not as easy as extending gen times. Most matches are not gen-rush meta hit squads. Heck, I often have to slow down on most matches or risk not getting enough BP to satisfy my thirst. If you lengthened gen times, you will not only destroy most of those players, but you will force them into forming.....more SWFs. No thank you. There are many, many reasons why killers are struggling. Some are game mechanics, some are exploits, some are just that many killers have formed bad habits and do not have the experience needed to identify them yet. Or they don't want to admit.