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General Discussions

Okay seriously why BHVR?

Member Posts: 5,897

Why did Billy get this Godawful treatment? He was literally the best balanced killer in the game. Killers loved him. He was strong and fun to play as. Survivors liked him. He was fun to play against. He had a great amount of counter play.

So again I ask why? We all knew an add on change was coming. He needed to be brought in line with the standard add on ratios. Charge add-ons stacked was too much. All this was understood and accepted by pretty much everyone.

So why after the absolute debacle that was the Nurse rework did you do it to Billy? Everyone hates those stupid power bars. Yet you keep slapping them on every killer.

You completely gutted his add-ons. You left him with a single charge add-on. Which even then would have been okay. But you make him 4.4 to use it? What could possibly make you think that was needed? It was already a very rare addon. You've left him 4 addons that aren't complete garbage.

At this point I probably just need to stop. The more I think about this, the more angry I get. I'm not even a Billy main. I literally only started using him this week. I've found him to be a lot of fun to play. I can't even imagine how upset actual Billy mains are about all this.

I will just make this final appeal to BHVR. Please stop making killers miserable to play. Please give us strong fun killers like Billy again. Rather than gutting the fun ones, and making the new ones obnoxious to face.

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  • Member Posts: 1,013

    Isn't this argument abit Repetitive anymore? What's done is done. 😐

  • Member Posts: 2,114

    We'll see how he plays out before we come to conclusions. They've changed a few things. Let's wait and test it ourselves.

  • Member Posts: 4,033

    Billy wasn’t just a good boy. He was the best boy. You will be missed sir.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Probably. But my frustration at the ridiculous situation has just kinda boiled over. I have no illusion that anybody from BHRV will read this. Or give a damn about what I think even if they do happen to read it. But I have nothing to lose by trying to prevent any other killers from getting this hit job. If nothing else I feel better to have gotten it off my chest.

  • Member Posts: 1,088

    The only option left is to pray, the probability that Billy will stay the same is low.

  • Member Posts: 1,414

    I don't think there's going to be an awful lot to test.

    Simply by Billy having a heat meter his power is going to be limited. Even though he is the least worthy killer in the game to get a nerf.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    From what we saw of the ptb I think it's clear. His add-ons are now trash. That is beyond certain at this point. I'm pretty damn certain the power bar will make him tedious to play. I'd love to be wrong. But I've been burned by BHVR too many times to not be skeptical.

  • Member Posts: 2,114

    Add-ons are trash. Agreed. Can he even curve anymore?

  • Member Posts: 776

    They sunk money into this so it will be pushed live no matter the outcome.

  • Member Posts: 118

    I made a long ass reply to this but when I hit "post" it said it's going for "moderation" first. Cool system!

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I genuinely don't see why people keep comparing Billy to Nurse. I know they're the OG powerhouses, but Nurses power literally breaks the game and voids any and all counterplay except "don't get seen in the first place by the killer whose meta builds are 4 tracking perks". As opposed to Billy, who was basically the definition of an m2 chaser. One of these deserved a nerf that made them more difficult to play, and the other had a big chainsaw.

  • Member Posts: 118

    I had some time to think on this, after everything was said and done (by BHVR) and again - I used my cynical business filter when looking at this.

    Honestly, I think it was done to boost DLC sales. Billy and Nurse were the only killers in the free roster which were considered S tier, with all the other ones coming from DLCs that you either have to pay $ to get (Freddy and arguably Ghostface) or you have to grind an ungodly amount of hours in-game for shards (Oni, Spirit, Hag).

    What did they do? They 1st nerfed Nurse so that only the top players who were beyond godly with her can still be somewhat godly still, whilst the regular player avoids her like crazy because she's just not that fun to play and the return for playing her is garbage compared to literally any other killer (again, talking about average players and even some upper bracket ones), Playing Nurse feels like you are subjecting yourself to torture and frustration, just for the sake of it - which is why not even the best killers in the game, the people with thousands upon thousands of hours, the streamers, the Fog Whisperers, play her or main her.

    After Nurse was done and dusted, the next big S tier killer that was left in the free roster was Billy - great mobility (which actually is the main factor for a killer being considered S tier), lethality in the form of a skill one shot mechanic, addons that complemented his playstyle and a basic kit that in itself, would allow you to play him successfully (if at a lower degree of "feel good" factor but still usable).

    Sure, everything I just said meant that Billy mains in the top echelon of players would be absolute monsters with him but how many players does that actually mean would be superhuman with him? probably not a lot but still, the dev team decided to "balance" him for that population instead of the bulk of their playerbase. Why? Because those players will just either move to a new main and still own or they would just adapt to Billy and be successful despite being gimped by these changes - because instead of them deleting a 4man team and slug them down in 30sec - they can now just kill 2 or 3 and then wait a bit before getting the 4th.

    The survivor population (which are ecstatic about these billy nerfs) will be shown once again that they have big daddy BHVR to protect them and their DS, DH, Unbreakable, Soul Guard, Sprint Burst, hatch, gen rush, keys, SWF pro M1 gamer plays. Only people truly impacted by these changes are the killer players who bought the game thinking they can enjoy and compete, even though they didn't have DLCs or any other killer apart from the ones on the free roster (which is not free since you need to pay for the game to begin with but that's a whole other discussion).

    BHVR did a business gamer move and with one fell swoop managed to back their biggest cosmetic purchasers (survivors) happy, make new players that only had Billy to help them compete at higher levels - either buy some DLCs to get some more "power" or just stop playing or play underpowered killers whose kits will never be addressed because the status quo must stay. So the fallout from such a move is minimal, whilst the monetary gain is incredible since those players already bought the game so it doesn't matter what they do next, if they quit - the money was already spent and if they chose to buy more DLCs - that's just free moolah in the coffers of BHVR.

    As long as they balance the game around increasing profits, the ash in mouth feel will continue to be there for killers. I'm regretting more and more that I started playing DbD and the money I put into it. I wish I knew what I know now, would have saved me a lot of frustration and money.

  • Member Posts: 831

    Honestly if Wraith receives similar treatment (terrible add-ons and a cooldown), I am quitting. The overuse of cooldowns is really annoying.

  • Member Posts: 2,114

    Highly likely. Devs cannot tolerate a killer without cooldowns.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I'm sure it's still possible. It's the likely frustration that will come from the over heat mechanic that's bothering me.

    @ins0 interesting take on it. My only real disagreement with you is survivors are celebrating the Billy nerf. There were a few. But the vast majority were as baffled by it as everyone.

  • Member Posts: 253

    It seems that they want every killer to have a cooldown or a limited number of uses of their trap/power.

    Waiting for Wraith's second 'add on' rework.

  • Member Posts: 3,099

    God PLEASE NO. I don't want them to do my boy Philip dirty.

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