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General Discussions

Do iridescent add-ons really fit within the spirit of the game?

Member Posts: 1,117
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

EDIT: More specifically I mean ultra-rare add-ons for everyone and iridescent offerings for the killer. Sorry for the mixed up wording.

It seems like they're a relic from a bygone era that are still around simply because they've always been around. They're not exactly tremendously hard to obtain or are super rare to find in the Bloodweb, but they can have a ridiculous swing effect in the match. And with no way to know ahead of time if the other team is using them, it can just feel like you got into "one of those" matches. Since the game by default uses a ranking system, items that drastically increase your chances of winning (a little harder for survivors to get in on it since you have to dedicate 4 new parts, for example, so it requires at least a little coordination) seem like they're just out of place.

An iridescent mori, for example, by no means guarantees a win, but it sure guarantees the survivors are going to have less fun in most cases. But they also have some setups they can do to just make a match feel like a joke.

At the same time, I still like having a large variety of add-ons and items in the game, I just don't know if something so swing-y really makes the game any better.


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  • Member Posts: 3,666

    You mean Ultra rares? Most of them are not overpowered in the slightest. They are usually gimmicky and try to offer different playstyles.

    The only ones that need addressing are the one that you mentioned and the iri head. besides those, every other ultra rare is fine.

  • Member Posts: 118

    Not necessarily adding to the discussion regarding addons but killers aren't supposed to make the game enjoyable for survivors.

    The way the game works currently pushes killers towards a toxic game style if they want to win. If you want to not have to deal with Moris, then ask the developers to remove all the 2nd chance perks the survivors get, ask them to balance said perks, ask them to remove the hatch and keys..and to start balancing the game for SWF or remove SWF from the normal matchmaking pool and just leave it for solo players.

    I hardly ever use a Mori but I will use one when I see what looks to be a SWF using keys/ maps/ a flashlight on every member or gen rushing toolkits. More often than not (90% of cases) it turns out I was right and they are the tbagging, clickyclicky boys who talk trash in post-game chat regardless if they won or lost. So far, that behaviour is encouraged by BHVR with no sign of curtailing it. How about killer fun? are SWFs worried about killer fun?

  • Member Posts: 909

    The philosophy of ultra rare addons that I personally like is to add some new aspect of gameplay rather than just being a flat power spike. They should change the expected gameplay of the character, like Judith's Tombstone (spending the game stalking rather than doing normal chases) or Plague's Iridescent Seal (gives shorter corrupt purge when generators are completed).

    That's one thing I appreciated about Nurse's addon reworks - there were a lot of addons that changed how she could play and use new tactics. The problem is that most people just prefer to stick to and use flat power spikes with what they know rather than experimenting with "weird" addons. Balancing something being interesting but not breaking a character is hard to do when it can create an entirely new strategy on its own.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    Yeah, I just call them all iridescent but I guess ultra-rare is much more accurate.

  • Member Posts: 1,117
    edited July 2020

    Well, yeah, I'd definitely want the game reworked to where the big rare add-ons offered more interesting and varied tactics rather than just popping gens in 40 seconds or killing everyone after one hook. Some of them absolutely do, but a lot do not. It feels like fueling the flames rather than fixing a more systemic issue to have items like Mori in the game (at least the iridescent one, the one that allows you to murder the final survivor is within what I consider the expected power range of add-ons) because it just completely wrecks the balance of the game. We talk about how this perk or that perk is overpowered, but you can literally bring an item that quadruples the chances of you winning the game, all on its own, with no extra skill or thought required. I think that's the most boring solution to what could be really interesting tools.

    And I definitely think survivors have too many second chances. You already start the game with 3 lives, baseline, with unlimited free heals from teammates (when I first started I legit thought you needed to have a medkit to heal others) and items you can find on the map, if you start without one. It all just feels built in such a way that the whole thing starts to come across as wonky and weird, I wish I could describe it better. The more you know and the better you get, the more "off" it all seems. At least, that's been my experience.

  • Member Posts: 118

    Small correction there - you don't win anything as killer, if you mori all the survivors; you actually "lose" because the entity will be displeased you did not sacrifice them. So if you use the mori you basically lose yourself the game, whereas if you bring a key or a map, you ensure everyone gets out and not only "win" but also pip more consistently.

    This situation is very indicative of the way the developers and especially the "balance team" see things.

  • Member Posts: 1,117

    That's an entirely different set of problems. I've de-pipped as a survivor after somehow 2 of us turn around a losing game and escape after finally getting 3 gens on our own. For as meaningless and irrelevant as the ranking system is, it still feels demoralizing to have the game tell you you did a bad job despite succeeding the best you possibly could have.

  • Member Posts: 118

    I would love to be able to try things out and enjoy quirky stuff like that, if not for the fact that if I play the tombstone (to use your own example) and try something different on Myers, against competent survivors, I would lose 4 gens by the time the addon activates since all they would do is hide and/ or deny me stalk while they feed eachother information on where I am and what I'm doing.

    Also, the "quirky" and game altering addons are few and far between, with a lot of them being actually harmful to your chances of winning or downright annoying like the Waterlogged Shoe, Rules Set no.2, Renjiro's Bloody Glove etc.

    Glad Billy got an addon rework (which for all intent and purpose has made his addons worse) whilst a killer like Demogorgon still has a brown addon be her most useful and powerful one.

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