Broken Decisive Strike skill check

What Is up with this Decisive Strike skill check It's broken
My friend sent me this he used decisive strike hit It right here and It somehow failed as you can see It Is clearly In the zone so what happened
Your friends internet connection is ass
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DS Nerf that we all have been asking for.
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Well It still hit right there and If It was that It would have shown elsewhere right
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Nice picture, can we see a video?
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Didn't send one he a man of his word tho
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Decisive Is broken It should last forever If the killer knows you have It he'll just not take the stab and sit on you til It runs out
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I've seen this happen to a streamer recently. It appears to be a very rare bug. I'm not sure what causes it.
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Actually skillchecks are client side so "ass" internet or not it should have hit.
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Looks like he failed to win another chase as well.
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no ds does not need a nerf it is fine how it is
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I dont know about get hit by it even when you are not tunneling. What can you do if someone with DS and unbreakable blocks you from hitting another survivor you are chasing without tunneling?
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I can believe he thinks he pressed at the right time. But I still need a video to know it happened.