Why DC first thing and then stay for endgame chat?

I'm so confused why people will DC as soon as they get downed, or kill themself on first hook because "it's not fun I would rather go against a fun killer," then sit around for10+ minutes to tell you how bad or scummy you are in chat?
Because survivors are entitled idiots. EDIT: The ones that ragequit on first down, I mean. IMHO the survivor's DC'd body should be hookable and moriable base-kit. Not only that, the survivor should be forced to spectate the DC'd husk until the killer hooks/moris it before they can leave the lobby.
@Peanits can we please make this a thing? @Toybasher has a really good idea and they would have to shut the whole thing down and restart just get a lobby again , its trolling the troll and I like it
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I've seen this from both ends as killer and survivor viewpoints. One person I "used" to play with kept yelling that he was being tunneled at start of the match. Which seems very odd to say at the beginning of a match. So I used a shroud to make sure I am with him to see this for myself. Again this is a random map, random player playing as a killer. Soon as the match started the killer made what seemed to be a straight bee line to the guy I played with. As if they knew exactly where they were standing. I call that just sheer luck of the killer - they called it tunneling/hacking. Which they responded with by DC'ing.
Which is why I never play with said person anymore in groups. Yet on the same token when I play as killer I have been lucky to find a player pretty fast as match started. I down them and 9 out of 10 times they DC on me. This seems to go back to the days of playing Call of Duty. When someone at the beginning of a match would noob tube, chuck a grenade, or knife to the other end of the map and manage to get a kill.
So...yeah players starting position gets very predictable.
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They do it cause they're dicks. Its the same as a tunneling killer or SWF running sweat builds, some people who play this game are dicks.
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You are lucky you are getting survivors DCing on the first down. I have had a bunch of games recently where people DC on the first M1.
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It'd also get rid of TACTICAL DISCONNECT, INCOMING! to give your SWF buddy hatch after the killer dared to leave you on the ground for like 10 seconds and you didn't bring unbreakable (because by extension, that's the Smoll PP build when combo'd with the DS you never play without)
Mobile literally already fixed DC for hatch.
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How is the free mobile version the superior version of this game?
Lol I want my money back
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I think if you slug for the 4k, the slug is well within their rights to head on out and take the loss of points and depip. Slug for 4k is a cheap , lazy tactic and does not deserve the win. At least the DC slug took the hit to give the last bro a shot.
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Problem is killers see Unbreakable as toxic perk, Same as DS if survivors use it they would be called trash. But if they don't Killers like you will blame them for not using these perks to counter toxic killers behaviors.
So "entitled idiots" survivors are blamed either way i guess.
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Your opinion on these? I get it if I was slugging someones ass off for like minutes at a time trying to find the 4th survivor, they get re-healed, I re-slug them, etc. but 9/10 times out of 10, it's not even 10 seconds of being on the ground.
IMHO it's abuse of out-of-game mechanics for an in-game advantage with NO counterplay for the killer.
Here's it taken to the extreme. Depip for killer too.
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If they wait around for endgame chat, you could try asking them why.
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It's not Unbreakable on its own that most killers see as toxic. Its combining it with other meta perks, mainly DS, for a massive advantage with no downside.
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Looks like red herring and diversion against a bot would be hilarious
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If this game puts in a bot for a disconnected player, I will stop playing.
I'd rather not have the killer get free pops/devour hope stacks/etc because he gets to farm a bot. ######### that.
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I’d rather not the killer lose the benefit of BBQ, pop, etc because a whiny player DCs... as a survivor I’d rather not miss out on my Altruism for BP and emblems due to a salty teammate DC... so I will stay.
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Then don't DC then! You can't even get devour hope stacks since the husk would auto-sacrifice when hooked, and a Bot would still do gens, unhook, loop, etc. You're basically saying survivors should be the ones that get to decide if a killer deserves his perk stacks or not.
EDIT: I see this argument alot and it pisses me off to no end. "The killer shouldn't be able to benefit from the body when a survivor DC's" and I ask "Well why not?" and the reply is ALMOST ALWAYS "Because the killer doesn't deserve it." who's to make that judgement?
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I can tell you don't play as the killer.
A 3K is a win. If a killer is in the position to get a 3k then they probably deserve the 4k more then the survivor escaping through the hatch, as the killer actually did their objective.
I personally just hook the second to last survivor because I don't really care if the final survivor gets the hatch or not, because I've already won at that point. Although I find it silly how often survivors gloat because they escaped through the hatch.
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Why not? Because it hurts survivors even more than being down 1 man. 3v1 pretty much seals your fate unless you are at 2 gens or less. A bot would make it so much less fun because of how easy it would be. I'd MUCH rather have no one than a feeder bot.
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Some people are just thar bad.
I don't know if it's the lockdown or whatever, but they have time to load in to a match, d/c, stuff themselves with doritos, then talk nonsense in the endgame chat.
A lot of time on their hands. Fantastic.
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