Add offline mode?
Don't get me wrong I like playing online as killer but when I repeatedly get gen rushed It takes all the fun away I like chasing people and I think a bot mode could make It a lot funner than just getting gen rushed and ganged up on by a group of survivors. All you have to do Is make an Easy Medium and Hard difficulty
Easy being the AI's are not really good
Medium being the AI's know what they're goal and what to do
Hard being the AI's gen rush more not like normal survivors and actually are a lot better at everything
Throughout Easy Medium and Hard mode the AI's would also have randomized perks
Easy mode's would be like perks noone really uses (yellow perks)
Medium mode's would be standard perks (green and yellow)
Hard mode's would be extreme perks that everyone loves to use like Dead Hard Decisive Strike Borrowed time ETC they would all be purple too
I think this could work very well If you ever get bored of playing with gen rushing online survivors this could be the place to go have fun as killer. If F13 did It so can you and F13 has 8 survivors that's 4 more than you.
I wish they would add something like that in custom games.
I want to be able to start a custom game on my own, to be able to try things out or get to know the maps better.
It would be even better if you could choose if or how many AI's should be in the game or even be able to chose their perks. That would be incredible helpful for training and learning specific killers or trying things out.
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Definietly the main Issue Is It's really hard to have fun when your getting gen rushed and It's really frustrating as well.
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Honestly I would go for picking the perks as well but I don't excactly know what I'd choose