dc tech is back

every time there are 2 survivors to kill as soon as i am about to take down the last one, the friend makes DC and gives him the chance to win in a dirty way
this technique has come back stronger than ever and therefore the devs should put back the penalty
It was never taken out to begin with. I saw plenty of incidents of TACTICAL DISCONNECT, INCOMING!!!! even with the penalty.
All they literally have to do is add DC bots or even "AFK stuck in dying state" husks like Mobile already has. Quitting should NEVER give you an advantage in any game, EVER!
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its really not that common lol
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I believe the devs are working as hard as they can to place the penalty back. Recently, there were intances where people were getting penalized without DCing, therefor they cannot place it back without fixing that first. I agree with you that that is a dirty tactic, and I hope the devs implement it back soon, as majority of my games are survivors DCing to give the other hatch, or just DCing to deny me points.
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BHVR needed to fix this yesterday
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yeah, this has happened to me too. usually they're swf that are too entitled to let their team be killed when they misplay.
in my case, i had a solid three gen on a side of the map with no more pallets. i noticed the three gen early on and made sure to get rid of all pallets in the area by chasing survivors there. i worked for my kills, didn't tunnel or camp, everyone was on death hook. last two survivors refused to do gens since my three gen was in a straight line and hatch spawned right near it so i had no reason not to patrol the area. there was nothing for me anywhere else on the map. when i finally find the urban evading claud, she runs until i land a hit on her then she disconnects and her friend immediately leaves through the hatch, effectively denying me at least more kill. I didn't misplay, or play dirty, so it was a bit undeserved. she said they "made a bet" that whoever got found first would have to dc lol ok
anyway, I don't think a dc penalty will help. it might, but most survivors will still dc anyway to help their friend and just take the penalty.
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the survivors, in order not to let him do the 4/4 killer do everything
pretty digusting
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I only play a few matches a day and as of this weekend many had disconnectors. One killer did it, but it was mostly survivors. I had really hoped this era of DBD was over.
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The problem is Tactical Disconnects are possible in the first place. Yes the survivor got penalized, but that's not going to give you your BBQ stack you rightfully earned or your bloody party streamers you burned (if the killer DC's) back.
Not having a penalty but having harm-reduction in place (Player becomes a bot or AFK "husk") is better than it still being possible but punishing the player after the fact. Because even with the penalties entitled players will still do it.
IMHO if you DC as a survivor, you should fall into Dying State as a "husk". You can be hooked and insta-sacrificed or Mori'd by the killer base-kit (Killer's preference. Don't like it? Shouldn't have DC'd!) unless you bleed out over the usual 4 minutes. You can't leave the lobby and are forced to spectate the husk until it is removed from play via bleedout, mori, or sacrifice. (You hit Leave Match so something came up IRL. Whatever it was, it'll probably take you longer than 4 minutes to sort out.)
Disconnecting is not an escape. I think the amount of ragequits would lessen if survivors didn't see it as some kind of "draw" because apparently disconnecting means the killer didn't kill you. (Source: A few quitters I've asked.)
Now not only does disconnecting mean the killer kills you, you get to watch.
You could probably bypass this by pulling the plug or hard-closing the game (Genuine emergency then?) and the husk thing would still happen, just you're not forced to spectate it. Hey, this is a good thing since now it'll mostly affect people who press leave-match and then stick around to insult the killer in post-game-chat. I have a pet peeve for that.
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4 dcs across 3 games in a row guess I'm unlucky. I'd love to see a stats page on dcs. i get some are for the sake of memeing around but when you screw your entire team at the start theres no excuse. You don't even need to ban people just give dc players a dunce cap. Or throw them in a dc queue. Make minor punishment or maybe have a good sportsman bp reward for just general good behavior. You don't need bans but you can encourage better play patterns.
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Okay so it's okay to dc when a killer is slugging because it's absolutely annoying but it's okay to slug, camp or slug a player to death when you used all near hooks? Like, my team isn't toxic. But there are still many killers slugging and like I said. I got slugged to death because the killer knew he couldn't reach a hook. Unbreakable wouldn't help because the killer was standing in front of me. Tell me where this is fair thanks :)
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It's not ok. I can at least understand why someone would want to DC if you're being slugged for ages or repeatedly when the match is pretty much over (Other survivor heals you, you get re-slugged, etc.).
THIS is what bothers me.
If you were really slugged during endgame, go get a drink, etc.
Tactical Disconnects have literally no counter-play for the killer. If your body stayed in the match (As if you were stuck in dying state and went afk) all would be good. Instead the killer gets screwed out of points, perk procs, etc.
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Anyone who disconnects early shouldnt be allowed to queue for the rest of the matches duration + another 20 minutes once the math is finished. If someone quits like this there should be a really annoying rule in place that will make them not want to quit, or quit and stop playing for the day.
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tbh if you already 3k'd and then you slug the last guy altho you have no clue where the other is just to find hatch then I'll DC too.
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Couple times a day at least, and i dont slug for 4k. Ever
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Found the survivor main.
Not even saying that in a derogatory way; if you play killer much at all, you'll notice people DC rather than get hooked about every three games (and usually more than one in that game).
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You realize slugging is a direct response to Decisive Strike, right?
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This. 100%.
When it happens once within a month, they freak out.
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So calling someone a "survivor main" should instantly negate her/his entire discussion?
What's the point of calling someone a "survivor main."
######### is your deal?
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Yeah it happened to me 3 times today. Gotta love exploits.
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Depends how you're playing as killer. Are you camping, tunneling everyone? Are you being annoying and slugging everyone? If I see those slugging try hard killers I won't spend 5 min on the ground waiting so the killer can force his 4k, so I dc myself. If it's 2 survivors and you down 1 and the other was close by and you know where he is then it's fine but majority leaves you on the ground searching minutes for the last survivor to force his 4k so smart ppl dc and you can search alone for another 5 min
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So what, that means that shouldn't be fixed? Killers taking game hostage by bodyblock weren't common either, but somehow this became a bannable issue and most places for bodyblock were fixed (Coldwind house, basement). Why do you think this should be an exception?
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Learn to take a fair loss, instead of quitting and using an exploit to get unfair disadvantage for the last survivor.
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I play survivor in the day and killer at night with short queues, it is VERY rare for someone to DC for hatch
but nice attempt to discredit me
Please direct me to where I stated it shouldn't be fixed, seriously, the amount of straw-manning on these forums is annoying. I'm simply more concerned with the MMR system and am worried for how bad it could be, I would rather them fix the mountain of bugs first, I would prefer if they reworked some of the God-awful maps.
I don't care if someone DCs for their friend to get Hatch, i consider it a win and forget about 2min later when I'm in queue
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I didnt say that you said that. Nice strawman you built there.
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Please read both of the quotes and see if you can tell who I'm referring to
these forums are possibly worse than WoW Forums, I cant tell anymore
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Fair loss? Fair loss is when he wins normally not leaving survivors for minutes on the ground to get a forced 4k. If you can't win normally without losing 5 gens then fuckoff with the slugging, noed and mori. I'm the 1st to dc as soon as I see someone get moried or those slugging camping killers. By the time he picks me up I'm already in a new match.
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You quoted both of us at the same time and responded to both the same way. How am I supposed to know youre not talking to me?
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Its a secret technique I learned in Kindergarten; Reading
then theres the Reddit technique, getting mad at something without reading it
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I think the reason the devs haven't done anything about Hatch DCs is because they're waiting until the husk system is ready. They should do something for it now (like delay the Hatch opening when the third Survivor DCs or something like that) because it's really dumb when it happens.
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Who said I was mad 😂
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D/C'ing is not okay under any circumstance, unless you have an emergency. I myself have only EVER disconnected in one game (League of Legends), and that was because my grandmother went to the hospital. Looking forward to them fixing the issue and getting the penalties back up and running.
I would say that it's surprising that people are actually defending D/Cs because of "slugging, tunneling and camping", but it's the internet--entitlement is everywhere.
"I don't want to have to play through this CS:GO match when my teammates are bad, why do I get banned for disconnecting?!! This is unfair! I have the right to not have to sit through a game that isn't going my way!" 😛
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Slugging is a tactic. Especially when there's only 2 left. Some builds revolve around slugging. Nothing wrong with it whatsoever. Entitled survivors cry about it.
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Its perfectly fine to play with 3 other friends who all happen to be good at the game WITHOUT being a 4 man sweat depip squad.
But killers like to cry about it
See, I can play that game too
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so is a DC a good mmr raising point or a bad mmr lowering point for the killer? DC's can exploit the mmr system more than a clear text log on everyone's pc that has the clothing of the killer which is not shared with any other killer (or the clear text of the killer's ID #!). I'd rather face a group of survivors prepped with calm spirit and iron will 3 than people that will DC and make a mockery of the mmr system. what's the next DC TECH? "How to make a killer face harder opponents and allow you to face easier killers at the same time!" (yes same goes for KILLER DC's and it's even worse there because that affects 4 people). You know what? I'd rather them take the option to DC out 100% and solve this issue, and say any disconnect results in a 24 hour time out no matter the reason, consecutive dc's in an unspecified time will increase the time by doubling it each time. This was instituted because of the abuse of the disconnect option in place to prevent matches from going on forever due to a bug.
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It's literally been an entire year since they announced it and nothing has happened.
Mobile added it literally a month after release.
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Your definition of a tech is way too big.
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Fair loss is when your opponent didn't use any illegal ######### like dc tech we are talking about, cheats etc. Just because you don't like how killer plays, it doesn't mean killer is playing unfair, quit with that bs, thanks.
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There has been a definite uptick of DCs in the past couple days, and I'm on console and this is happening. Maybe you got lucky or I got unlucky, but the tactic is definitely making a resurgence ever since the dc penalty got removed.
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The goal of the killer is to get a 4k. Well, primary goal is to stop gens, but the overall goal is to get a 4k if possible. If there is a tactic to stop a single person from escaping via an in game mechanic, then the killer has the right to use that tactic. A person dcing may be a counter to that, but it is one the killer cannot predict or prepare for. It denies points they have worked for. Do you not see the problem with this?
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In almost every video I see where this happens, I don't blame the survivors. The Killer is slugging to go look for the hatch or to go look for the other Survivor. When I play killer, I'm not so obsessed with getting the fourth person. If they're lucky and find the hatch, good for them. The issue is that some people are so determined to kill all four people at any expense including potentially ruining the experience for the second to last Survivor. And I understand sometimes you need to kill all four people for a challenge, and for that I simply bring an Ebony!
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And if you bring a more you get maybe 1 to 3 DC after the first kill.
To DC simply because you don't like how the game is going even if all those scummy and boeing tactics are built into the game.
The DC or rage quit is simply being a small minded child that can't take something not going it's way.
Try that too many times with friends instead of strangers and you suddenly won't get game invites anymore.
This is meant for random DC because someone didn't like the map/killer/mori/killer tactic. Not the DC hatch tech.
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You know what would fix the hatch tech? Hatch doesn't open when a person disconnects. Takes a full minute to open after it's down to one survivor if it's due to a disconnect.
To make it fair point wise, give all the other players a BP bonus and lower the safety pip requirement for that match. (Pip up remains the same.)
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If you disconnect on the regular, the matchmaking should put a flag on your account that makes sure you're paired with an ebony mori if a lobby with one is available. The more you disconnect, the longer this flag lasts.
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Slugging is a game mechanic where by a killer hits you and you enter the dying status slowly bleeding out, helpless as the killer looks on or leaves to hunt another victim.
DCing isn't a game mechanic and adds nothing to gameplay either tactically (hatch dc isn't a tactic it's a loophole) or as a role-playing/immersion scenario. Although sometimes as players we do have to accept that a certain amount of DCing will be a genuine loss of connection (power outages and the like)
I don't really main a role, I started playing this game because of my love of horror movies.
I accept a killer should seem op and sometime feel like they come out of nowhere, as for a large part you are dealing with supernatural entities, and that there will be games I'm out of in seconds and killers that will ensure I die by face camping, slugging or moriing me. I also accept that sometimes a survivor is going to "magically" get away from me and escape, using ds, dh, a key, a flashlight or finding the hatch, body block, pallet blind and other allegedly "scummy tactics". Also I expect either role to run meta perks/builds if they have them, why wouldn't you if you set to to win?
You should feel helpless and on edge as a survivor, wondering where, where and how a killer will strike and as a killer you are supposed to feel the frustration of the escapes! If you go into a game understanding what it is trying to simulate you generally have a better time.
I don't think a killer or survivor vanishing from the game world is a design choice. It's simply an unavoidable consequence of online play and using a complaint about anything within the confines of gameplay mechanics or tactics as an excuse to disconnect it just foolish.
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Just an abusive tech. Will most likely extinct after DC penalties come back.
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Well, I only see killers crying here :D
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The overall goal for all of us is to have fun. If you only want to 4k everygame, then find friends and play with them, or find killers from a very big european country and play as surv with them and then come here and tell us than camper/tunellers are ok
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Depends on how often you play killer lol
I never had this happen against in over 10 months before the event. From the second week of the event to the end of the event I had 5 people do this on me. Always me slugging for the 4k and someone dcs once their friend is near the hatch.
I played the game at least 7/8 games a day at that time. Now I'm not playing anywhere near as often so I haven't seen it in a few weeks.
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The game definitely needs bots / husks to replace players who DC / lose connection.