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dc tech is back



  • Member Posts: 72

    You should also look at everything of the survivor side. Not every team is good, not every team is toxic. Most players are playing fair, don't teabag or anything. And then the killer starts camping tunneling and slugging. Why should survs play Fair when the killer doesn't

  • Member Posts: 673

    To be fair thew people abuse the DC button even more because they know that this isn't permanent.

    But idk it also shows me alot of frustration. And tbh when I was a dbd dev I would wait a few weeks after the new matchmaking got released to see if people are more happy with their opponents and alliances . Because if, that would also reduce the dc rate.

    And maybe it's time to intodruce some mechanics so that people aren't forced to stay. for examble when you are slugged or X amount of time in relation to the rest of the game. If it's even possible to win beside a lucky hatch game. So that people can sacrifice themselfs like a normal death through the hook.

    Because once a killer sluggs only you for 3,59 mins just to grab you and hook/kill you he wasted all the time you couldve been in another match already. But sadly there are other priorities so we won't get that except in form of a new perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,911

    Dc is a tech as much as terrible connections on killer side is a tech. Your randomly getting hit robbed of any opportunity or opportunities its the same thing. But the difference is most killers will acknowledge your scummy if you deliberately throttle your connection to get hits. Most survivors don't seem to care about playing fair and will dc to give someone hatch without giving the killer time to have there input on the endgame. This is some blatant hypocrisy.

  • Member Posts: 126

    Honestly though. slugging for the 4k when you don't know where the other survivor is/they aren't directly around is such a lame thing to do. Having one person sit around while you hunt the map for the last person just to get the 4k is soooo stupid that if getting cucked by d/c's fixes you of that habit, I support it lol

  • Member Posts: 43

    It's trash and people suck!!! That's the game lol but if it's supposed to be "balanced" then 2 kills isn't a LOSS it's a tie lmao but all in all DBD has the WORST kind of players!! Just remember people suck and try not to get mad about a game!!!

  • Member Posts: 989

    It's a trend that comes and go. Lately, its popular to do and it does happen that often. Maybe it'll pass and go back to how it was in January when everything was exciting and fresh again, with the harpoon gun

  • Member Posts: 3,904
    edited July 2020

    I love how a bad survivor exploit is put back on the killer. You do realize that people will accuse you of tunneling and camping even when you're not doing it. Its as silly as saying if I as killer DC its because survivors can loop and its their fault so I'm justified in doin git. FFS.

    Sore losers be sore losers

  • Member Posts: 8

    I agree with Akito. Slugging is a legit tactic. Annoying AF, but legit nonetheless. What I'd like to see is the ability to "Open Veins" while you're in the dying state. You don't die instantly like a d/c, but instead of giving the killer minutes to hunt, you bleed out in 30 seconds to a minute.

    This makes it important for the killer to not be a tool about slugging, since they don't have forever to play around anymore, but still allows them time to search for that last Claudette.

    If that mechanic was in the game alongside a d/c penalty or husk system, I don't see as many d/c's or complaints.

  • Member Posts: 207

    How are camping or slugging unfair? There are clear and effective counters to those strategies (plus, generally those tactics don't help the killer win).

    I think what you meant to say is that they're not fun for the survivor. But being blinded, hit with DS, body blocked, etc, are not fun for the killer. If you're saying that one side is obligated to play a certain way in order to entertain the other side, I don't think this game can survive that.

    If you're trying to win, slugging and tunneling, even camping have their place. Just like Unbreakable, Decisive Strike, and Borrowed Time have their place.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Not about fair. Most games I find sway to survivor or killer. Very seldom the match is balanced enough where it's to be considered 'fair'. It goes both ways though. I watched a twitch stream match where 4 Steve's stream sniped and were toxic. At then end they realized they weren't all going to survive so the remaining two survivors hid from the killer for up to 15 minutes. How is that fair. Unfortunately that's part of the game. Force quitting or disconnecting is not a match mechanic. I've been on both sides. It sucks but play through until it's over and take a break to calm down.

  • Member Posts: 312

    DC penalty will not make any difference. If a killer is playing in a dickish way ( tunneling, camping, slugging, mori off first hook, ect. ) a lot survivors will DC. Most would much rather take the penalty, than face a killer that takes the fun out of it.

  • Member Posts: 207

    Don't call it a tech. It is an exploit.

  • Member Posts: 158

    They are referring more to the ones that do it just to secure the 4k. Knowing you haven’t been fresh off the hook and get slugged while the last person is still out there it’s pretty obvious what’s going on.

  • Member Posts: 7

    DC tech is overpowered in teams huh? Even if someone got hatch, killer should be content with the fact that at least 1 person lost time/points (Time penalty). Yeah, maybe you lost your bbq stack or some bp, but move on to the next trial. Surv teams in last weeks don't need for killer to slug/tunnel or camp, if they can't do at least 1 gen, heal properly or killer don't respect DS baits, frustration makes it happen. Some people will always abuse the system.

  • Member Posts: 273

    Well, stop play like a scumbag killer??? Been slugged pisses off!!! lol

  • Member Posts: 786

    I kno right; the way people complain on here is like it’s every single game they play is the exact same

  • Member Posts: 239

    i dont get why if someone DC's in a party they should ALL lose their bloodpoints.

    i mean in sports if one player plays foul the whole team is punished for it for having someone like that on their team because they willingly kept said player on their team.

    why should SWF be any different? they willingly party together to make a team, they tell one guy to play foul by disconnecting and yet the rest of the team are REWARDED for it, in a real game the whole team would be punished not just the foul.

  • Member Posts: 239

    just make it so if you hold the ability button you "give up hope" and speeds the dying state bar decay by 100 to 200% so the killer has time to try find blendette but the survivor suffering from being a slug can have alittle control if they want to just not play anymore without punishing or rewarding the stealther instantly for the slugs unwilling afk participation.

    much like you can give up on a struggle phase or first hook phase, sometimes leaving faster is a better alternative to suffering through a slow and painful game of being farmed while not punishing yourself by DCing and rewarding those who WANT YOU to die in the process while giving up as a slug would give the killer less points if you aren't wanting to be farmed.

  • Member Posts: 273

    I have plenty of videos when killers slug and leave you die on ground without picking up. Standing on hatch and waiting while you bleeding out. How this can be fair??? Maybe we need do something bad to campers, tunnelers and sluggers???!! Is no pleasure to laying on ground instead of fair playing.

  • Member Posts: 273

    Well, you posing like a kid, and yeh, game just disconnecting itself. And mostly people play solo... If you want survs lose they points, killer must loose his points as well, he was in a lobby as well lol

  • Member Posts: 239

    i dont understand what your saying?

    are you seriously defending the "dc haha no points for you or me!" joke tactic? abusing a disconnect to force a punishment on both yourself and the killer is the very essence of exploiting the broken system.

    if a party has to dedicate a single player to DC just so last guy can get a hatch and deny the killer his earned slug/mori/4k then you just willingly played the "we suck so we cheat" card and honestly thats worse than some rando disconnecting to give another rando a hatch because at least the random is being punished sacrificing his gains for some other random player.

    if a party has someone DC so someone can get the hatch they are basically taking points from themselves AND the killer to feed the last guys points, that in itself is cheating.

  • Member Posts: 10
  • Member Posts: 10,290

    What's worse: DC penalties are turned off because of hackers or something stupid. So the feature that we've all been asking for has been implemented, it's just turned off for a stupid reason.

  • Member Posts: 71

    Yeah, some people hacked the system and were sending out penalties of ridiculous amounts of time. Hopefully it'll be fixed soon

  • Member Posts: 22
  • Member Posts: 875

    DC penalty or not...I’m not waiting on the ground for 4 minutes because a 4k strokes your ego. I don’t play killer like that, don’t care to. Don’t waste people’s time. I don’t care if I have to wait 5 minutes or 5 days to play again. Plenty of other games to play.

    And as usual, everyone assumes it’s SWF where that happens. I only play solo unless I’m playing with my wife on the switch.

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