Remember when they said that they were happy with Billy's performance?

PTB Patch Notes
"Keeping with the theme of everything chainsaws, The Hillbilly is also receiving some changes in this update. For the most part, we are happy with the way The Hillbilly performs. His power is very versatile, allowing him to quickly traverse the map, zone out Survivors and instantly down them. From a Survivor’s perspective, there is also a reasonable amount of counterplay, leading to interesting chases where the best player often comes out on top"
Live Patch Notes
"The Hillbilly has a versatile kit with traversal and double-damage effects as a part of his base power, leading this character to overperform compared to other Killers. These changes introduce a resource management aspect to place some limitations on access to his tools"
How the turn tables
Wait, did they really did this?
That's ######### awful, shame on Devs.
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This further confirms my thoughts about there being multiple balance teams at BHVR. One wrote the dev notes and just included the changes made by the other team. The other wrote the Live Notes and actually made the changes. It's the only explanation I can think of for the consistent inconsistency in what is said and what is done.
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They said "for the most part". It's right there at the beginning of the part you quoted, right before you highlighted in bold.
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pretty standard BHVR if you ask me.
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You should write a letter to your congressman
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They also said: From a Survivor’s perspective, there is also a reasonable amount of counterplay, leading to interesting chases where the best player often comes out on top
Which directly contradicts:leading this character to overperform compared to other Killers
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Finally someone opening his eyes lol
These 4 words turns an entire sentence around but people keep hearing what they wanna hear
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Hillbilly overperforming. People used this as a meme as spirit got nerfed back in 2019. xD
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Then why didn't they mention it (that he was overperforming) in the PTB patch notes?
Also this
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Billy was fine prior to this upcoming nerf. Being able to chainsaw around loops took some skill and only a few Billy boys that I faced were able to do this effectively.
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The fact that they changed the wording is just...a little bit gross.
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"We are happy with how Billy is performing. He is a well balanced killer. Which is why we are introducing cooldown to his chainsaw and nerfing his add-ons to the ground and making sure that he can never curve or apply map pressure effectively and make him use M1 more"
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Where did you find patch notes?
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Good survivors may be able to loop him somewhat or Doge his chains a fiew times depending on map place and how close he is
Overperforming means that the killer was able to shut down a game faster and more often then other
For exemple billy would overperform if 80 % of his game would last 5 minutes or have 4ks where other killers have 50%or less in the same category
Those are different matters
Beside you keep forgetting that they keep adding stuff to the game.with new maps and new PERKS which can help the killer a lot (just like corrupt helps trapper a lot) si yeah you also gotta balance around perks, maps and add ons and not just around 1 or 2 silly sentences
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Well would you look at that. Hillbilly was overperforming compared to other killers, which is what anyone without a huge bias for one side could realize.
I assume the 1st quote was misread. They like Billy having the power that he has - for the most part - but it needed a few tweaks. You have to understand some people were saying Billy should need to collect gas for his chainsaw, or should move at 110% speed. I think they were saying no his power is fine the way it is and doesnt need major changes, just some kind of limitation.
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Oh please. Aside from add ons hes no different. The amount of charges he gets is so generous he might as well not have a cooldown. All this does is stop him holding the chainsaw rev’d and camping a survivor for the full hook stage.
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Apples and oranges. I'll refer to what Obscurity said below. I've got nothing to add to that except I suggest that if you want to criticize the changes, then you should criticize the changes themselves. Splitting hairs for the n-th thread on the semantics of a few words is an exercise in futility and it won't change a thing.
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I will copy this reply and repost it the day when the devs realize DS is over performing. However that day will never come :P
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Damn and I thought bungie was bad. I literally went from destiny to this game because of those devs making bad choices.
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I mean, do they? If they wanted to say that Billy was overperforming, just say that Billy was overperforming. Saying "We're mostly happy with him" has a noticeably different connotation.
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Yes, meaning in almost every way. Except outlier scenarios.
The quote also goes on to say there is plenty of counterplay by the survivor, and the better player comes out on top.
So trying to use a niche example of him having a slight edge to justify the entire change is ludicrous.
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They probably meant by that that they where happy the way he could pressure survivors, chase them around or get EVENTUALLY counterplayed
But the fact is they kinda knew what the problem was, but cmprobanly didnt had any idea yet about how to fix it as billy had almost instadowns, all the time, at great speed and he could rush from 1 hook to another leaving no time for survivors to even escape him. Beside i also guess there was way more billy players back then then now? I dunno.
What caused his changes is also probably the addition of new maps and mostly perks to help him secure quick kills and games like the plague perk to make other survivors cry when you down someone, seen so so many games get done quickly because of this or because you couldnt unhook another survivor without getting on the hook yourself
There are always many things to look on and you cant always patch what you wanna patch when you wanna patch it
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Then that means that it was poorly written/communicated, not just a matter of people misinterpreting it because "people read what they wanna hear."
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Sometimes what you think is the "bad" choice actually is the better one and you dont know it
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At least they are honest now.
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Oh its of both sides, really.
They may have said it in the bad way or without giving the right infos
But people now use just one part of the sentence to day they dont want the change
Humans stay humans you could write and essay and they still could use just the words they think are good to use against you (perfect exemple: TV , lol)
So yeah its some of both
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And now we place bets on the next killer.
Who is next in line for their SLIGHT balance patch?
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Honestly his whole power rework was completely unnecessary. All they really had to do was nerf instasaw combos. Instead, they just butchered him as a character completely.
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I think thats the case it was communicated poorly.
They say they’re happy with the way he performs and then go on to say he can traverse the map and instadown. So they are happy with him having both powers, they just wanted a cooldown to balance it.
Because people were asking for bigger changes like gas cans or 110% speed which would have drastically changed him.
I dont think the devs have backpeddled at all on this I think they just didnt explain themselves very well. They wouldnt have nerfed Billy for no reason without stats to justify it. As of the last stats he was the 2nd most picked killer in the game with the 2nd highest killrate. He was definitely overperforming.
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I laughed facing him my first time hearing the ERAGH When he charges and the guy for some reason was running the iridescent we beat the crap out of him lol.
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They probably should have nerfed infectious fright.
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I'd say it's very much more that it was poorly communicated IMO. It's comparable to being told by your teacher "I'm mostly happy with your term paper," only to be given "Needs Improvement" when you receive the paper back.
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Yeah there is this topic with M1 perks that makes sence or not, this one doesnt make much sence to not be an M1 perk but its probably cause they wanted to boost plague with it? I dunno
I got the feeling tho that if you nerf it just a bit it can go to "strong slugging quick game kill" perk to "ill use it when ill use déjà vu " perk
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Infectious is like BBQ. Its fine on most killers, only Nurse and Billy were the killers who became problematic.
Just like how slugging got nerfed a while back mostly because of these 2 killers.
Why should perks be ruined for everyone else because of 1 or 2 killers?
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You quoted it yourself "For the most part"...meaning they weren't entirely happy with Billy. As evident by the fact they made his power management change, to avoud him being obnoxious at times. Best map pressure combined with potential insta-downs. It isn't hard to see why they changed him, let's see how his oveeheat plays live, shall we?
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But then you Would go to your parents and teacher and say "but you said you where mostly happy with me!" :P
But i get your feeling dont worry
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'HiLIBiLlY WaS ThE MoSt BaLaNcEd KiLlEr'!! 😂
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I hope patch notes are like this the next time they nerf a killer. No need to soften it, otherwise you will have everyone crying.
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I can't speak to your parents, but a failing grade wouldn't have been ignored because "The teacher thought my base understanding was ok!"
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Oh wow. Yeah this definitely supports the idea of multiple balance teams. It's also suspicious how they changed the wording so much between the PTB and live release.
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It's a joke.....
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The truth is, is that he did over-perform, glad he was hit with the great nerf bat!
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They all lie anyway :(