CHAPTER XX: Mirai Nikki

Karaage Member Posts: 340
edited July 2020 in Creations


Here's a chapter inspired by question of @jiguiri at

It's still very much work in progress, I just thought of Killer's power so far. Couldn't think of catchier Killer's name, since I wanted it to be single word as all other DBD Killers.

Update #1 (July 28): Half perks done.

Update #2 (July 28): All perks done.

Killer: Yuno Gasai, The Timebender

Lore: N/A


Stalker Diary

Press the Active Ability button to switch Your Phone on and off. There’s a short delay before Phone turns on but closing it is instant and can be done at any time. While Your Phone is on, You cannot attack.

While the Phone is on, Survivor Scratch Marks are replaced with Light Marks. Light Marks spawn considerably closer together, are considerably more discernible and can be tracked considerably longer than normal.


Special Ability: Time Rewind

While the Phone is on, press or hold the Attack button to freeze time of everything in the Trial, including Yourself, for 5 seconds.

Holding the Attack button rewinds time of everything, including Yourself, returning everything to the state it was in up to 5 seconds ago. You are able to resist effects of rewinding time so You are not rewinded as far as the Survivors.

Certain Events cannot be rewinded: Survivors being sacrificed to the Entity, triggering Endgame Collapse, last Generator being completed.

Using Time Rewind drains Your Phone’s power. After the ability ends, You cannot use Your Phone while it recharges.



Perk 1: Internal Bleeding

Hitting a Survivor with a Basic Attack causes the Haemorrhage Status Effect, makes their grunts of Pain 50% louder and makes them deafened for 40/50/60 seconds.

If Survivor is in Injured State once the Status Effects run out, they are inflicted with Deep Wound Status Effect. The Survivor has 10 seconds to mend themselves.

Internal Bleeding doesn’t trigger if Survivor is on a Hook or in a Dying State.


Perk 2: Sacrificial Lamb

You become obsessed with one Survivor.

Your Basic Attacks deal no damage to the Obsession while Sacrifical Lamb is not on cooldown.

After hitting Obsession with a Basic Attack, Sacrificial Lamb becomes active for 40 seconds. During this time, next successful hit that is not dealt to the Obsession is granted 50% cool-down reduction.

Sacrificial Lamb has a 60/50/40 seconds cooldown after being used or after timer runs out.

Sacrificial Lamb becomes permanently deactivated for the remainder of the Trial once Obsession is the last Survivor remaining in the Trial.

Perk 3: Corrupt Care

You become obsessed with one Survivor.

Once per Trial, You are able to unhook the Obsession that has reached the Struggle Phase on a Hook. Survivor unhooked by Your own hand cannot be hooked again or killed and can fully recover from the Dying State for 80/70/60 seconds.

Unhooking the Obsession causes all Generators to be blocked by the Entity for 60 seconds.

Survivors cannot repair the Generators for the duration Corrupt Care is active.



Survivor: Yukiteru Amano

Lore: N/A   


Perk 1: Hex: Deception

Press and hold the Active Ability button for 4 seconds while standing beside a dull Totem to highlight the totem with white Aura to all Survivors.

After Killer hooks a Survivor, the highlighted Totem becomes a Hex Totem and is highlighted with red Aura to the Killer for 40/50/60 seconds.

While Hex: Deception is active, any Hex Totem You cleanse doesn’t trigger a Loud Noise notification and its Aura stays visible to the Killer. You are affected by Cursed Status Effect while Hex: Deception is active.

After Hex: Deception ends, highlighted Totem turns into a dull Totem. One Totem can only be highlighted by one Survivor.

Hex: Deception doesn’t trigger if highlighted Totem gets cleansed or turned into another Hex Totem.

Perk 2: Random Knowledge

Once every 40/35/30 seconds, the Aura of a random Generator, Chest, Totem, Pallet or Breakable Wall is revealed to You for 5 seconds.

Each time Random Knowledge activates, Aura of new object is revealed alongside the Auras of objects that have already been revealed by this perk.

If You are holding a Map, objects revealed by Random Knowledge are added to the Map.


Perk 3: Unburden

Press the Active Ability button while standing beside another Survivor when You’re the Obsession or if they are the Obsession to offer them a trade.

If the other Survivor accepts, the Obsession state is switched between the two of You. After using or being target of Unburden, You perform actions in the Altruism Category 30/40/50% quicker for 90 seconds.

Unburden has a cool-down of 140/130/120 seconds. You cannot offer or accept a trade if Unburden is on cool-down.

Increases the odds of being the Obsession.

The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

Post edited by Karaage on


  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    Eyy thats a good concept, more balanced than the one i saw in the comments atleast

  • Karaage
    Karaage Member Posts: 340


    Thanks! Personally, I like the idea of killing someone with a Mori, rewinding time to before they were killed and killing them again ;)

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    It makes sense with the events of the anime but you would have to kill the obsessiom first because of thr anime ( idk how much you have watched it but im not trynna spoil anything XD )

  • Karaage
    Karaage Member Posts: 340


    No worries, I watched the anime :)

    I understand why You'd want Her to be a heavily obsession-focused Killer. However, when creating Her kit I was thinking of a similar Killer that we already have: Myers. He too is an Obsession Killer, but rather than giving him Obsession related powers, Devs focused on Obsession related perks and add-ons. That's why in my version of Yuno Her power is unrelated to Obsession.

    And to be honest, there's only one person she'd be really obsessed with which wouldn't make a good power ;)

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    Maybe you could give her an ability or perk where she can where when she kills the obsession you could bring them back ( as a player or ai if the person leaves ) after that you become more powerful ( maybe extra speed or one hit downs ) aslomg as you dont put the obsession in the dying state ( based in the events where yuno tries to revive yuki