Locking Killers is a horrible change

While I understand that it is for the new matchmaking system, it is a very bad change. Now that Killers are locked, you can't switch to a Killer that will help you face certain survivors. An example of this is that all survivors could have medkits and Plague would be a good option to switch to but due to locking, you are stuck with whatever Killer you chose.
Also, Survivors can easily swap to another survivor that has a fully kitted item and perks at the last second of lobby meanwhile Killers are now stuck and can't do anything at all. Not to mention that there is an exploit that allows you to see who the Killer is which screws them over even more.
I understand that BHVR wants to measure Killer stats individually but I don't think that locking them in the lobby was a good change at all. This will cause much more lobby dodging and unnecessary problems for Killers.
Yeah I see what you mean. But also, you can choose a killer that you never play so you get matched with easier survivors, then switch to a killer you're much more experienced with, and have a much easier game. The killer you don't play remains at the same rank and you can keep doing this indefinitely.
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It would be less piss, if survivors were locked as well.
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They just needed to lock it on both sides not just killers you pick a survivor and ready up your locked into that one and you can change perks etc the same as the killer but not swap to another one, Until the MMR comes into play killers are getting screwed with this if i go to play a killer i have never played and get a lobby full off survivors with toolboxes or flashlights trust me i'm going to dodge but if i go in with the DR with king and queen add ons plus a mori i just had 3 people DC 1 min into the game because i'm being forced to pick a killer and have them ready for the worst case.
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Ofc only Killers get locked in, and players still deny BHVR isn't Survivors sided.
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The only time I will really miss this is, as you say, switching to Plague when facing multiple medkits. But to be honest, if I ignore my killer bias, that was a little unfair on the survivors. For improved matchmaking I will accept this limitation.
I can't beleive I just sided with the survivors.
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I'd be nice if survivor loadouts+characters were at least locked as well so that killer can actually prepare when he's already forced into playing killer they pre-picked while survivors can still last second switch to deny any chance for killer to counter their stuff.
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But here is the difference, the survivors can't see what killer they are facing. I don't see a problem not being able to change killers to counter the survivor items, I would say its even fairer that way. If its such a big problem you can just bring the new Lightborn or the new Franklins, which will most likely delete those items from existence.
Why even do that, that's like saying changing skins should be locked. You realize all survivors are just cosmetics right?
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They said they aren't locking Survivors because they are all the "same" yet a Nea with barely any perks switching to a Zarina that has max perks, fully kit item, etc should be considered the "same."
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Lobby hack to check which killer it is and then they're still allowed to switch out for meta loadout at last second.. Survivors get the long stick every time.
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Nothing to do with being survivor sided at all!
It's locked in because when you search for a match that's when the matchmaking happens, so if you queue with your strongest killer for example and then decide to change to another killer whilst in the lobby you are going to struggle...that would also be abused the other way around - you'd queue on your weaker killer and be matched with survivors of that skill level, then switch up to one of your stronger killers in the lobby.
The difference for survivors that there's no difference between characters in the same way there is for killers.
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this is why i would like a option to just use my highest Killer MMR for all of my killers
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I still see this change causing a lot of dodging. Issue is survivors can change everything on the fly like a toolbox or torch. Not everyone is going to have ALL tools available on each killer. However survivors the main game changing things they can bring are items for the most part.
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Why not wait until MMR comes live everywhere, instead of now?
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Apart from the fact that people might have Survivors with more perks and better items to use in a match? so there is a difference between some survivor might not have DS while another one might have it or one survivor might have more items to use so each one is different to what they are able to use in that match.
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Likely collecting data so that everyone is at their own determined skill bracket when the system launches.
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FYI they encrypted the log files that people were using to see who the killer is in the lobby in this new patch. Hopefully that closes up that exploit. (It's not mentioned in the patch notes but you can verify it if you play the game after the patch and view the file.)
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If I had to guess, to work out more bugs now, and have to make fewer changes (thus potential points of failure) in the future patch. Especially since MMR will be such a big change, best to worry about as few big changes as possible with that patch. I've seen this done with other games (not this specific situation, but big changes being staggered in parts) and it seemed to be largely for the same reason.
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Sorry, I mean item lock.
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New matchmaking doesn't require an update but locking killers does.
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I agree with the killer change.
That said if the timer is 40 secs - then the survivors shouldn't be able to switch after 20 secs (completely locked - even perks and addons etc) at least then it gives the killer the chance to change their perks and add ons accordingly.
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Also, they can see the killer they're facing with a program recently.
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#########, I didn't even knew this was in. I found out the hard way. I wanted to change my Killer and I couldn't. The devs lock the selection, yet forget to remove the character switch keys. The usual nonsense the devs do 🤣
I don't mind change, but not in a way to make the experience worse for either side
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I would have absolutely no issue with it if it weren't for the exploits survivors use to find out who the killer is in lobby. Obviously they're not intentional and are something the devs are against, but they always just happen to find their way back into the game somehow. Kinda like the sound bugs.
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Agreed, it needs to be changed.
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accept the fact that all survivors play exactly the same way as killers have different abilities. So that wouldnt make any sense
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The issue is with survivors being able to change their builds in reaction to the exploit. One person uses it and sees its a doctor, they mention it in lobby chat, then suddenly all 4 are running calm spirit. They mention its Plague and everyone puts their medkits away for toolboxes and flashlights.
The way killers were countering this recently was by having a different killer up until about 20 seconds or so left, then switching at the last moment. You'd be amazed the builds people "just so happened" to be caught using...
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How do you see the killer before you queue into the game? I'm confused is this something new or?
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I understand why they did it but I still don't like it. I use to que up and spend bp on my various killers while I wait. Can't do that anymore. There's also the exploit that lets survivors see the killer. If I play Hag and magically everyone switches to flashlights I'm backing out. I'm normally against lobby dodging but if I sense the survivors are cheating they can find another killer to bully.
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Its an exploit that popped up again. I don't know the specifics, but people have even made software in the past to achieve the effect. It wasn't as common for a while, but apparently people found another way recently.
Its not something thats supposed to be possible, and directly involves cheating to do it. The biggest problem with exploits like that, unfortunately, is they tend to get overlooked because of everyone assuming that things are working as intended.
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But how often does that happen? I mean honestly because I've been on since 2018 and this is the first I've heard about it. It can't be frequent enough the implement a survivor select freeze
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People have brought them up in topics on here a LOT, especially back when MLGA was a thing. I'm pretty sure there's other topics about the current one on the main page right now. A lot of cheats and exploits last as long as they do because they're subtle, not every cheat is a Nea who instantly heals herself to full the second she gets downed or something.
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A system that is just going to entice lobby dodging which in turn will create longer wait times.
What an excellent change...
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I don't think it was a very common thing for people to do, but with today's patch it should no longer be a problem.
People were able to do it because a file on their computer logged stuff happening in game, and they figured out that it also gave away what killer they were in a lobby with. But after today's patch I really doubt it's still possible because it's encrypted now. I really doubt anyone will figure out how to get any meaningful information from it any time soon unless they have the key needed to decrypt it, which I'd assume BHVR won't share with anyone no matter how nicely they ask 😄
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"it's a wraith"
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Yeah, but that's a problem caused by the MMR system that they've switched to using now, not that you shouldn't be able to switch to other killers at all.
People have been having some serious doubts and concerns with BHVR's plan to implement an mmr system into DBD for a while now and problems like this are only adding to the pile.
Scott is one of the few content creators I've seen put it perfectly:
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The change is perfect, the Killer is the one that has always had the most advantage with respect to survivors, sees 3 people with a flashlight, carries the death of Franklin and goodbye flashlights that is already a lot of advantage, practically leaves the survivors without addons, now over the exploit that is no longer a problem of the gameplay but of the security that the developers put in the game and should not be mixed with the gameplay.
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But again how often does this happen? Doesn't happen on console I can tell you that for sure.
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As long as survivors are given the same rule in the future, this doesn't bother me.
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Exactly this.
Survivors should get locked to, no more last second swapping.
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survivors are just reskins. You could argue to lock the items, but not the survivors/skins.
Logfiles are now encrypted. Maybe you should read up on those topics, before posting such statements. To be fair: its not mentioned in the patchnotes, but ofc BHVR was going to do smth about this (like they already did before, but just not as sloppy). Quote from one of these people who posted this kind of app:
RIP App, log files are now encrypted... Well was pleasure doing business with yall...
Doesnt work on console, bc they dont have access to the logfile.
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Not everyone knows about logfiles.
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This is what worries me the most, for Killers and Survivors.
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It makes me laugh that the community complains about issues and bugs and they just say hey well we will ignore all of that and do something that no1 wants , who on earth is calling the shots in this dev team? Someone needs to be fired LOL
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Because if you have never noticed, it is fair for survivors to change into OoO with a key but if the killer changes is a no no, maybe you have never noticed but these devs really care for survivors, they don't care for killers
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i personally think people should be able to see what killer it is be4 you start the game. Killers can see what survivors what items they are carrying and there gamer tags ; so why can’t the surviver ? ,killers can leave a lobby if they see a “swf” like you can tell there a swf but anyway that’s a different comment for a different time, i also think that it would sort out somewhat people dcing or suicideing on first hook; I kno people don’t like to face certain killers; example for me I hate doctor . I can’t stand him as I actualy get a physical headache when playing agasint him from the constant shocking and screaming & would prefer to kno that I’m going agasint one so I can just leave and go to a different lobby, instead of joining a game and either having to play the round with no sound at all or just rip on hook n then f my team ...
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Except for the issue with the last second swap for items, preventing a killer from being able to choose to use the new Lightborn or Franklin's.
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The problem with this is that there is a third party application you can use as a survivor to SEE WHAT THE KILLER IS and put on a full set of counter perks. You guys need to lock survivors and their perks as well, since killers no longer have the option to last second switch to throw off that application and you guys sure as heck haven't fixed it being a problem yet.
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Apparently, that exploit is fixed now.
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My actual biggest concern about this is that I often spend time using up my Bloodpoints on a "Different" killer that I am leveling instead of the one that I am actually playing while waiting in the extremely long 10min Killer Ques that I face frequently. So that was at least a way to kill some time while I wait, now I won't be able to I guess..
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The difference between survivors and cosmetics is that you can hold several builds on different survivors. So by changing survivor, you drastically change how you will play survivor that match. You can also hide items from the killer so they can't counter them.