Whats your thoughts on infectious fright?

After just seeing 3 teammates get downed by a oni boosting smacking down a survivor everyone screams he boosts over downs that survivor and the 3rd one screams and he boosts over and downs them i kinda question this perk. I mean we have surge over here which requires a basic attack and has a cooldown yet all it does is blow up a few gens? Infectious on instadowns makes so much snowball its ridiculous (and this is someone who runs it on hillbilly myself saying this) but thats just my opinion.
The first thing survivors learn about any mobile/instadown killer is to NEVER group up thanks to IF. Calm Spirit and lockers also prevent you from screaming, though it's likely almost impossible to use a locker for it
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I like it myself. I faced snowballing Nurses, Onis (Onie? Oni's? Oni'?) and Billys with it and didn't have much problem myself. My teams go down in seconds but its nothing new. To be honest limiting it to M1's would destroy the perk since nearly no M1 killer except Nurse and Plague would get enough value out of it.
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I would take the strength of Infectious as evidence that more weak perks could benefit from removing the "basic attack" limitation.
As for Infectious itself, it really depends on the map. On big maps, there's plenty of opportunity to spread out and counter it, but on smaller maps it can be almost impossible to stay out of the TR, which would only get worse if they follow the common suggestion and shrink maps overall. I'd say that some kind of small CD or token system wouldn't kill it.