Could this idea possibly solve SWF advantage AND gen-speeds??

So currently every gen requires 80 charges to complete (with 1 charge = 1 second), so a solo person could complete a gen in 80 seconds, and two survivors can complete in 44 seconds (cos of 10% slowdown), etc.
But not all gens are the same; some are solo, and some are even 4-man, though most are 2-3 man gens.
How about making the required number of charges for the gen to complete dependant on how many sides the gen has exposed. So say 60 charges per side? Which means solo gens can be done in 60 seconds, but a 2-man gen will require 120 charges, and a 3-man gen will require 180 charges (i.e. a lot longer).
This will force survivors to strategise more on which gens to complete, etc.
And for SWF groups, just increase the number of 2-3 man gens, to force them to have to use that co-ordination to get the gens done because most of them will take longer to complete.
I think this will bring gens speeds more under control (because it's just extending the time required for completion), and penalises SWF only a little by forcing them to have to work together more to complete their objectives (or end up staying in the trial longer which makes it fairer for the killer).
While it's a good idea to control SWF, I feel like it would be hell for solo play in terms of "which gen will need one person, and which will need more? Is it randomized which needs more," and so on. It would also make Discordance heavily overpowered.
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Imagine two survs are dead, one in chase, and you're tryin to crank out that final gen, just to discover all three remaining are four-sided abominations....
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I take your point. Having 3/7 gens being 4-sided is extreme in the first instance, even for a 4-man SWF team. I'd say 1-2 should be - maximum - under those circumstances (4-man SWF). In other cases, it should be mostly 2-3 man, or in the case of solo players, 1-2 man gens.
The balance comes down to the type of gens spawned based on the nature of the survivors... and it forces the groups to play as a group, without penalising solos so much for playing solo.
Now, say we have a 4-man SWF team, and 2 are dead, 1 in chase... if the last survivor finds himself trying to complete a 2-man gen on his own, well... they should have cranked those out first and perhaps left the solo gens for later (which would mean that there needs to be at least 1-2 solo gens per match).