Please give us colour blind mode.

I was looking at the screenshots and watching people play and...I truly could not see a damn thing. Not a single aura. The browns and reds all meld together. I swear they were all parts of the walls. I tried to play earlier and...I flailed around like a magikarp that was completely neutered. Why don't you care about us? Literally every other game I've played has SOME support for colour blind. Are you alienating us on purpose? People will use it to have an advantage? You take weeks to ban hackers. You don't care that much about advantage. When will the support for us come? You've avoided the question in every dev stream as well stating the above or "we're looking into it". Look into it faster than you push cosmetics. "Different department tho" then stop allocating most of your funds into that one department and actually help us. I seriously want to spend money on this game. I saw Oni and wanted him so bad but I just can't bring myself to give you more money. I saw the Greek skins and was so impressed but again...why should I fund you when you don't wanna even try to support us? Please someone answer this. @Peanits @not_Queen @Almo Some one please.


  • DurkaDurka
    DurkaDurka Member Posts: 29

    I have to chime in here about this too. I am colorblind and it is now truly difficult for me to see the red auras. I have no problem identifying the white and yellow auras, and actually they look pretty cool, but the generator auras and survivor auras with BBQ etc are so dim that I have to strain to barely see them. And on some maps they practically disappear on the background. I'm kinda surprised and disappointed it went out like this. BHVR please, please TREMENDOUSLY increase the red auras intensity (will settle for CONSIDERABLY).

  • alimeria
    alimeria Member Posts: 55

    I am blind in the color red, and now I can not see anything as a survivor, I do not have many problems more than in the chase, but I am a main killer, I do not see almost anything, I do not know why if they do not support the colorblind community, in me In case I bought dlc skins, and as Captain_Spaulding mentions, I don't see why we should continue supporting if we don't have some support for our problem.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Yeah it’s horrible, with old Ruin I could barely see the skillcheck, thank god they changed it.