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General Discussions

Killers can no longer change characters in lobby

Member Posts: 650
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Killers can no longer change characters while searching for a match / in a lobby (excluding custom matches). This will soon be used by the new matchmaking system to provide better match balance based on your skill with each killer individually, instead of a global killer rating.

This is by far the worst upcoming change i have seen.

Why are you enticing lobby dodging which in turn will increase lobby wait times?

If i am playing Wraith or Hag, do you think i would queue into 4 flashlights? No.

I thought the whole point of seeing survivor items was so you can counter build suitable for that situation. If i can't play someone like Plague or Legion against 4 medkits, again, i'd just leave.

Not to mention, experienced killers will queue into easy games and completely dominate because they have a killer they don't play very much. Your individual skill for each killer doesn't matter if you know how to run loops, what pallets you should break etc.


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  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    haven't logged on yet since update, but I imagine you can click leave lobby, which I predict will definitely occur and wait times will indeed increase for all players, especially survivors who are in a 4 man swf with flashlights, because they will only get dodged more and more increasing wait times for all.

    just click leave lobby, devs will see the data in a month or so that shows killers leaving lobby after lobby due to this change

  • Member Posts: 650

    It's not just about me. It about how the player base is going to react to the changes as a whole.

    There are going to be loads of killers that will dodge lobbies due to one reason or another, due to what killer they are playing compared to what they are up against. In turn, this will only increase wait times for survivors and killers. Not to mention, this will also decrease killer variety. This change will effect everyone, survivor and killer alike.

    You shouldn't ever need to dodge a lobby. Putting a system in place that may force a player to do so is not a good thing.

    Please read the post as a whole instead of picking selective sentences which is barely a fragment of the point i am making.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Did they every fix the bug that allows survivors to see what the killer is in the lobby? There is no way to counter this now. They can always know.

  • Member Posts: 825

    the closest thing you can say might "force" a killer to dodge is like 4 rank 1's with flashlights against wraith even its a not forcing anything. rest assured i am reading your full posts/replys

  • Member Posts: 7

    Devs did encrypted logs, probably now people will not have enough time to check killer in their lobby, but 'weaker' killer players will start dodging teams/flashlights etc. Some people will always abuse system, it is just how world works.

  • Member Posts: 825

    one of the best things about killer rank being exclusive to each killer (which is what this is for) is it will bring alot of these problems to light if red rank survivors over use fladhlights(and they do) then hag and wraiths never lasting long in red ranks will be easily seen by devs and lead to real changes were they are most needed. this is net positive any way you slice it

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    it's a change to prepare for the upcoming mmr changes

    apparently this exploit got fixed with the update

  • Member Posts: 66

    Also, it's probably there for the cross play coming up. Can't cross play with Freddy, but you could in theory be in a lobby with Switch players and the swap on to Freddy. Instead of dealing with either patching his model and abilities in so Switch players can deal with him, or the easier method, to prevent the swap. Not sure about why they didn't do it for Survivor's though, since Quentin would also be a problem.

  • Member Posts: 650
    edited July 2020

    Probably not. In my 3k hours of playing this game, this has never happened.

    You only have to look at the state of the game and the hundreds of bugs they introduce every patch that never get fixed.

    I still don't understand the focus of flashlights against Hag and Wraith, because that is not what my post is about. It was an example.

    Besides, no-one is going to play killers such as Wraith anymore at high ranks if your locked into a killer. Again, decreasing killer variety. I can tell you from experience that vs'ing Spirit 9 times in a row is not fun.

  • Member Posts: 3,826
  • Member Posts: 957

    Killers are pretty much identical but for their special abilities and movement speed. So a player who has mastered one killer will be far more than average with all other killers. This will allow killers to endlessly troll low ranks by simply switching killers.

    This is such a bad idea and will most certainly see the death of innumerable new player revenue streams for behaviour. Meaning less new content, less retained existing players and longer lobby times in our soon to be empty lobby simulator.

    So yay for that.

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    I think its some sort of system being tested right now where u face worse survivors if ur trash nurse but good survivors if you are a good Trapper

  • Member Posts: 650
    edited July 2020

    No. Because the game isn't balanced around high ranked play. It's balanced between medium and low ranks.

    In that perspective, Wraith is considered balanced.

  • Member Posts: 825

    with this change they can isolate individual killer rank distribution and be able to see which killers need to be tinkered with. i think if they see some killers are not capable of getting to red ranks these issues will be easier to deal with you dont have to always balance for a specific rank exclusivly

  • Member Posts: 650
    edited July 2020

    All killers are able to get to red ranks already, regardless of what killer/s you play.

    Forcing a lock just means they won't be picked as often, which we will see less killer variety at higher ranks.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    is the new MM on everything now? if not why are killer locked in lobby now.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    is the new matchmaking on everything now?

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Have you ever gone against 4 medkits? Bye bye map pressure. Bye bye juggling. Everyone's healthy unless you're chasing them.

  • Member Posts: 825

    if by killers you mean plays yes but if you could only play say clown or wraith you would never make it to red ranks you see them now because you can just climb to red ranks with nurse freddy or spirit and decide to try something else or do a daily on their own they would never see red ranks

  • Member Posts: 825

    med kits run out so fast though what is it 4-10 heals max and this a garentee for no flashlights save and normal gen speeds

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    It's not normal gen speeds, though, is it? Rapid self-healing and no map pressure. Everyone can come for unhooks unimpeded. That's a recipe for rapid generator speeds, given that people aren't wasting time running around looking for a heal, or repairing a generator while injured and leaving themselves vulnerable to a quick down.

    Honestly, 4 medkits scare me more that 4 toolboxes, and for very good reason. Even 4 brown medkits take away your early/midgame pressure.

  • Member Posts: 1,497

    They need to lock survivors out of changing their character and their perks in the lobby. This would make it fair considering that bs program that lets you see the killer before the game starts.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    1) People who dodge are going to do it with or without the lock. The increase will likely have a negligible impact.

    2) Increased wait for the person who dodged. The survivors will barely notice. As for killer,matches are easy to get. So again the wait will be minimal.

    3) How does it decrease killer variety? Unless you're saying Plague and Legion are only played because of 4 med kits. In which case I don't feel bad for them in the slightest that they can't hard counter the survivors item.

    4) Nobody will be forced to dodge. You might get in a lobby that isn't to your liking. 4 flashlights against hag for example. It would likely be a bad game. And understandable that you did dodge. But you weren't forced to do anything.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    This is kind of sad. I always use the queuing time to spend my bloodpoints on other killers. Right now I am maining Spirit, and generally get alot of bloodpoints with her. However I dont wanna spend my BPs on her because I usually dont need addons and I already have her on P3 with all perks I need. So I put the bloodpoints on other killers I usually enjoy only with addons like Trapper, or Myers, to have something to do while I wait for the next match. With this killer lock thats no longer possible, and I am now forced to waste time outside of queuing to spend my bloodpoints.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    having killer locked now is pointless witht he new mmr not in plce what the point?

  • Member Posts: 590

    I think you've completely missed the point. The reason you can't change killer is because of MMR, it's finding survivors that match with your skill for *that particular killer*. If you were to swap to another killer, say one you're a lot more experienced with (or perhaps a lot less), you're not going to have a fun competitive match.

    I understand your point, that's it's awkward when you see a team that appear built to defeat your choice of killer. I get that. The question I pose to you is how would you fix it whilst maintaining the integrity of the MMR system?

  • Member Posts: 2,117
  • Member Posts: 366

    Survivors are unaware as to what Killer they are going to face, so can only make assumptions on perks only when they find out ingame. Killers however are free to do this in lobby, so its fair to make your selected killer more of a significant decision, still being able to change perks/addons.

  • Member Posts: 126

    The pros outweigh the cons. It may suck to get into a lobby of 4-flashlights as hag/wraith. But this is far less common than unfair matchmaking.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Endlessly troll for about 5 matches untill the system finds out they are crushing everytime and put them against stronger teams again

    Truelly endless neverending trolling

    Between the option of a problem that fixes itself over time and never seeing higher skillcap killers because you're forced to learn a hard killer in a already hard enviroment i know what i would choose

  • Member Posts: 776

    They encrypted it, just a matter of time before someone finds a work around and bhvr will give up because it is a survivor thing.

  • Member Posts: 4,186

    I really don't know why you still try to talk with forum member that is by now nothing more than a meme character.

    But I tip my hat to you for still trying to reason with him and a few others.

  • Member Posts: 4,186

    1.We will have to see. So yeah, maybe you are right.

    2. Oh yes please do that. Once someone finds a workaround for the new encryption it will make a huge impact on survivors.

    3. Up for debate. I think IF! The MMR system works like promised, it might increase killer variety since you won't get stomped on less power/viable killers. Just not for the high MMR survivors, they will maybe be eternally be stuck with spirit/Freddy or "toxic" load out killers.

    4. Nobody from the survivor side was forced to dodge games once they saw that they had to go against a killer they don't like. But hey not fun things are just not fun, like old sabo crews or the still prominent flash light brigades.

    And on a personal side note. How do the devs plan to sort survivors by when killer side gets a character specific mmr?

    I didn't really read up on this mmr system so I don't know. Will they still have something like their old ranks or are they also character based. If the it is the second case, survivors will have to be also locked. Otherwise I can pick my unleveled, perkless Dwight and last second switch to P3 blender the with meta perks and flashlight. (Similar problem they try to avoid on killer with the lock)

  • Member Posts: 145

    Why would there be less variety because of locking? Lol

  • Member Posts: 145

    But then again... You get survivors based on that killers mmr so items shouldn't make much of a difference

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    It's not a perfect solution but I see no other way they could in any way implement killer-specific MMR. Which has been a pretty requested feature over the years, so no surprise they're looking to implement it when they're reworking the matchmaking system and associated variables.

    Those programs and scripts should no longer work.

    That's how the log file they used to find out who the killer is looks now, ever since yesterday's update. It's encrypted into gibberish that is in no way human-readable or feasible to get any "useful" information out of.

  • Member Posts: 650

    Survivors will abuse that fact that your locked into a certain killer, because that's exactly what i would do.

    It's not optimal for a someone to main killer to choose someone below top tier if they are locked into what they are vs'ing.

    As survivor who's rank will be the same across the board, means your going to be vs'ing those same killers constantly if your in high ranks, because no-one is going to choose a sub par killer that can't deal with flashlights, medkits, gen rush etc.

    There already is a lack of killer variety at red ranks for this reason and this is just going to strengthen that.

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