

Who's your favorite survivor and why?

Member Posts: 715
edited June 2020 in Lore


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  • Member Posts: 2,171

    Quentin Smith.

    He's got a beanie, I can relate to his being always tired, and he's probably the best character from the NOES reboot.

    I mean, he gets stabbed by Freddy like 3 times and still survives! It's not often the Slasher Villain is the one saying "Why won't you just [BAD WORD] die!?"

    He's just as cool in DbD's lore too; facing off against Freddy and *nearly* beating him by turning the Dream World against him.

    And when that doesn't work Quentin makes the ultimate sacrifice; invoking the Entity and trapping both himself and Freddy in the trials so that Freddy won't be able to lay a finger on Nancy ever again.

    Quentin is best boi.

    Also Speedo Quentin when BHVR?

  • Member Posts: 1,862

    Ace Visconti - Suave, Sophisticated, Silver Tongue, Confident, Classy, Charismatic, Ladies man, and Lucky Bastard.

    Sniping out the hearts of all with those finger guns, and the only guy who's cool enough in such dire circumstances to wear a damn smile on his face. What's not to love?

  • Member Posts: 667

    Jeff Johansen.

    I think you know why.

  • Member Posts: 61

    Meg Thomas. I can't quite explain why. Maybe I've got a thing for athletic chicks.

  • Member Posts: 545

    Dwight, which is all to do with feeling a connection between him and myself in terms of character. Strangely enough I also play far better as him than any other character I've played as well.

    Now Silent Hill is out on dlc Cheryl will also become a top favourite, since I'm a huge Silent Hill fan anyway, and her character was really well portrayed in the game.

  • Member Posts: 14

    Im glad im not the only one who favors Meg with no explanation.

  • Member Posts: 621

    Killer main who chases Janes. 'Nuff said. ;3

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    Feng Min

    Because she is the best also I relate to her had the same family issues and fear of letting people down.

  • Member Posts: 2,677

    Lisa. I love her character in sh and she overall has an amazing design. Best girl.

  • Member Posts: 45

    Kate Denson because somehow I always survive with her. Killers find me adorable.

    Secretly I like to play a lot of Nea wearing a certain tartan skirt, but I find killers tunnel the f* out of me when I do it.

    Bill is my 3rd favourite because I'm a massive L4D fan, and because Bill!

    Cheryl Mason is quickly becoming a favourite but Killers keep tunneling me just like Nea, it must be a skirt thing...

  • Member Posts: 97


  • Member Posts: 20

    Yui. She's just so cool! Also her cosmetics rock and can match with her base outfit quite well!

  • Member Posts: 19

    Nea Karlsson. Aside from being the first character I survived with, I connect with her backstory. Also she has cat cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 275

    Bill and Laurie because they are both badass and know how to put up a good fight. Plus, I'm a huge fan of the game "Left 4 dead", I loved playing Bill there and I'm a huge fan of the Halloween movies so I admire Laurie.

  • Member Posts: 6


    I dont know why but I kinda feel a connection between him and myself. When I first start the game I had to choose the character so... I went to read their short bios and when I read his bio I said: "Okay, it's him". I really like this big boy.

  • Member Posts: 83

    Ash Williams cuz he is a Badass 😎

  • Member Posts: 34

    Jake and Adam. Jake by my nature in surviving is improvising in difficult situations. Then i would love to escape from society, in the woods. Without seeing people's ignorance. Adam because l've always been a teacher to others. And that's what i like.

  • Member Posts: 110

    I consider my self a Yui main, I like the biker chick look of most of her cosmetics, my favourite character in the Resident Evil franchise (And second favourite video game character overall) is Claire Redfield, and I feel like I'm one of the few people who liked her new outfit in the Resi 2 remake. Most of Yui's outfits remind me of Claire and I think that's why she's my favourite survivor.

    Although if they ever add Claire as a Survivor or a Legendary skin you best believe that she'll be my new main, questionable Legendary value be damned!

  • Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2023


    Post edited by Heldenmade on
  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Cheryl- i don't really know why, i didnt play any of the silent hill games but i got drawn to her when i saw her for the first time.

    And i really like one of her screams, it's so realistic!

  • Member Posts: 123
    edited August 2020

    David, I used to be a lot like him in my younger years. I have the physique and still tough. My rowdiness had been tempered...sort of.

    Being married and having children kind of mellows you out a bit. It takes a little bit more now to get me to the point where I cave your face in. 😀 Anyone touches my girls and it is done for them.

  • Member Posts: 272

    Brunette Kate. She's cute and I really like her voice. Plus she has that awesome horse (Christmas?) sweater.

  • Member Posts: 54

    Why? I love him 'cause I'm a metalhead and he's a metal head too.

  • Member Posts: 667

    I love him because

    1) He's the only Survivor who had a dog (that we know of).

    2) His perks are awesome.

    3) He's one of the friendliest looking Survivors.

  • Member Posts: 838

    David. No not the buff one. He stared into my soul as I stated back at his souless eyes with one thing in mind. Tenacity.

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