New update is not what anyone wanted.

I have a couple things to say about the new update. First of all, nobody asked for the hillbilly rework. He was fine as is, and now he has bad music and screams when he runs. The overheating is pretty unnecessary also. I don’t have leather face, but I hear that he is way to complicated now. Finally, out of all things, my biggest complaint is THE AURAS! I saw a post that said that they weren’t that bad on his gaming computer, well they are terrible on my xbox one s. Killers and survivors can’t see anything. Literally nobody asked for less aura strength. I can’t see anything now. This whole update just needs to be thrown out and reworked.
I like the billy scream and am ok with the chase music.
Those auras need to be looked at though, yikes 😬
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"Nobody asked for a hillbilly rework."
Correction, you didn't ask for one. Plenty of us are very happy he finally got fixed.
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He should have said "the majority of the community didn't want a Billy rework". Then he would have been right.
If you thought there was anything wrong with his base kit, you're just a bad player all around.
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Lol, bet you unironically say "billy was the most balanced killer."
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Well, if I did I'd have the majority of the community on my side. :D
What do you have? The survivors who couldn't loop him?
Go ahead. Jump.
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New Billy is fine. The overheat mechanic isn't overbearing, and his chase music... I don't even remember it to be honest.
The Auras though... I can't see hooks 95% of the time. Made getting my Nightmare Adept (Which I finally got! I haven't been able to get adepts because they aren't on Switch) a... well Nightmare. (Didn't help that someone brought a freaking Key!)
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So what is wrong with his base kit? Crack billy and insta saw billy needed fixing not base kit he was the most balanced killer.
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Only thing I hate is the auras.
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What you're doing - that's called denial.
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Yeah, what a surprise that streamers always say he's fine when they get big viewer numbers while they 4k every match with him. Oh, there's no possible ulterior motives there.
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The only streamers who get "4ks every game" with Billy are the ones running Crackbilly, Drift King Billy or Insta-Saw Billy builds; and nobody is saying those didn't need to be nerfed. The COMMUNITY, as a MAJORITY is was against the nerf to his *base kit*. His addons were too much.
You're really good at only telling half the story. Keep going and I'll keep busting you down to size, bud.
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Lmao get nerfed.
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That's what I thought. Absolutely zero counterpoint. That's where I know I've won.
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Yeah, except you haven't, cos Billy's already nerfed and I'm loving it.
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If you're going to attempt (and fail miserably like you currently are) to outwit me, at least put effort into it, kiddo.
Also, he's not really that nerfed. They rolled back a lot of the harsher changes. His base kit is largely unaffected.
And I'm loving it.
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"Cause" isn't a real word in that context either, both are slang.
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For your own sake - stop. This will only end badly for you. You don't have what it takes.
Even if it is slang. It's better than your slang, and it generally accepted.
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I don't really care about billy nerf or bubba buff... i'm here for an auras HOTFIX.
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I hate the chase music. Besides that I think that AT LEAST the original original killers (non DLC killers) should keep the original chase music.
These streamers the same time do pretty well when going against a Billy. So they have a point in saying this. Btw this "most balanced" thing is not only a bunch of streamers' opinions, it's also the majority of the forum's opinion
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Btw I also would say that it would be the best choice to just revert this patch...
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because he was...? the only thing needed to be changed were addons, instead they made them mostly useless and more
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The only important thing was that insta saw billy is finally gone now.
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What was the reason for the aura change? I have never seen a single post about aura visibility being a problem.
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4K's mean nothing when the MM is broken.
I went on a 20+ 4K streak with Legion. Does that make Legion broken and OP? No, it means I am a better player than those people I played against. Try not to confuse the two :)
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It's funny how none of those are the context in which I used it. It's a slang shortening for "because" not "the cause" and "cos" is used more regularly.
"Go ahead. Jump."
"For your own sake - stop. This will only end badly for you. You don't have what it takes."
Jesus christ, who unironically talks like that. What, do you think you're being some anime supervillain while you're picking on grammar. You literally have me cracking up with every response.
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Whether you agree or not, and with all due respect, I don’t think you speak for everyone.
There are things I like and there are things I don’t like.
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I would be fine with the scream, *if* there were more screams. There's only one and you hear it too much for only one version of the scream to be warranted; it shows lack of care.
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first AURAS: they are working on it, they know they did not come through right and are working on that so that was unintended and also reworking the aura system altogether. So that is already being dealt with.
second billy: people were begging for him to be reworked, some wanted everything, some wanted add-ons so you are incorrect that no one wanted the changes.
third mechanics: things CHANGE this game is evolving. what worked 3 years ago, doesn't always work after several expansions and additions that affect the 3 year old content without mechanic changes. this is part of the evolution of a game.
YES, this is your opinion and you're expressing it, but don't assume you know what EVERYONE wants, or even the majority unless you can say you know the amount of people that play this game.
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Dont argue with him been reading his comments he doesnt provide good counter argument hes a troll most likely.
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I like the rework so far.
This is coming from a match where I faced a tunnel mori slug billy who literally let me bleed to death so he could get a guaranteed 3 mori game.
Aside from playing against someone like that, I like the atmosphere he gives. And the chainsaw is super quiet now, I hear it initially go off but he has to be really close to hear it after that
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Auras are bad. Billy screaming is funny.
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Hillbilly was fine for me yesterday. I didn't overheat it once, and it didn't restrict me in any way. But I'm only a mediocre Billy and likely didn't use the chainsaw as much as possible. But still, I think it's a good thing that you actually have to think were to best use your chainsaw instead of "spamming" it. I also played with new tinkerer, that felt really strong, I nearly always dropped a chase and sprinted to the respective gen, and surprised survivors more than once.
Leatherface took some games to get used to his change. My first game was on Lerrys, myriads of windows and me not familiar with the changes, I dc'ed that after a few minutes bc I felt totally powerless there against the good loopers. The second game was also not so great, but at least i got some use out of the chainsaw. For the third I switched addons (from speed addon to duration/chilli), that felt really good and I was getting the hang of the chainsaw. Game four and five were euqally successful. The teams I encountered on first and second game were likely more skillful, though. But overall, it's a really good change, imo. I also equipped new tinkerer, and even though bubba has only basic speed, i was able to stop the gen from popping many times.
The auras are really bad currently, I agree there. Esp. Survivor auras from BBQ were so difficult to recognize, just some scheme you could easily miss. But they had their reasons for that change and I expect that they tweak the auras in a timely fashion again.
"This whole update just needs to be thrown out and reworked."
Not at all, sir! The Billy and Bubba basekit changes are perfectly fine, the addons are mostly underwhelming (but thats sadly a current trend), the perk changes are great, the auras are strange and will hopefully be tweaked soon, and we had some important bug fixes (Oni power not usable, Survivors not making sounds (at least claimed, can't confirm that)). I think this Mid-Chapter patch is far better than the last silent hill chapter patch, THAT one broke so many things!
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Not true. I love his roar and his chase/lobby music is great. The overheat mechanic is barely even noticeable. A few of his addons still suck but silent Billy is fun.
The Bubba change was desperately needed and I'm glad he's much more of a threat now.
I will agree that the new auras are awful tho. Hopefully it's fixed soon.
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I mean I'm pretty sure the devs themselves said a few months ago that Billy was a 'prime example of a balanced killer' but whatever I guess
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After this update I reinstalled. Played two matches.
Then uninstalled because even on PC between the auras and the weird FPS my eyes couldn't take it. I don't typically get head games from either weird or wonky visuals in game. I've played VR without getting mindgrain as quickly as most but something about the way it is on DBD was legit making my eyes hurt and head feel weird.
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Why are people mad about the cool down? It is not a major thing. His add ons needed changes, and his base kit was fine, however, the overheat mechanic doesn't really do anything. The only thing I want reverted is the chase music and the scream. Now those are what should never have happened.
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Yea, The AURA'S! The Game isn't that much optimized for Low end PC! Such as mine. I play dbd at 0% resolution scale to get 60fps. But After the update I can't see Aura's of my totems, even not the BBQ aura. So I decided to increase the resolution scale up to 80% but my fps drops to 30-40 fps. & guess what, I can see Aura's a little better at this scale. Besides, You can't even grab or quick hit somebody in this FPS. Still I managed to get 3k. So my point is this, We who are playing at low resolution scale we're having a very hard time to see the Aura's. I hope they patch this soon enough!
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That is a completely different meaning of cause. Just saying. Because and cause are different.