Before huntress gets (maybe) nerfed, does anyone genuinely think her basekit is OP?

I'm pretty sure she is getting a red bar next, so she can't hold the hatchet as a constant threat. I've never seen anyone complain about her basekit, only iri head and the belt. I think she's a very balanced killer personally. Before she gets her potential nerf, why do you think she is balanced or OP?
Nobody say she's op because she is not. Get good
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Huntress main here, she's certainly balanced without the Iridescent Heads and Infantry Belt.
Her ranged ability is super deadly when played correctly with precision, her slow movement speed and 48m lullaby compensate for this. She's deadly strong, but counterable.
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Nope, just her add-ons. But most of us thought the same about Billy, so get ready for Huntress to have 4 basekit hatchets and a slightly longer reload time.
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It's not about "getting good". The OP was simply asking for people's opinions on her base kit.
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Someone didn't read the thread. Don't comment, read it first before spewing nonsense.
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I doubt she'll get a nerf LMAO, people are overreacting to Billy getting a nerf.
If anything ever changed with her, it would probably be iri heads. And if they nerfed that, as much as I hate going up against iri hatchets, I'd like to see them keep that add on but make it completely impossible to override the limitation of carrying only 1 hatchet at a time.
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At base she could honestly do with an upgrade or two..something for map presence or a better way to deal with tiles she can't throw over
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Basekit huntress is fine to play against and is honestly fun. I've been hit with cross map hatchets a couple times and it's always a "wow, that was a stupidly good shot" rather than an "ugh, what a broken killer." It's kinda like my respect for good Nurses...and good Billys...
Oh no...
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Remove or rework Iri head and she is fine.
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Billy's fine now. The devs have heard us and he barely overheats now.
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My bad, I'm too used to survivors whining about every killer
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Yeah, I was mostly joking about the Billy part. Just making the comparison that if I found old Nurse and old Billy to be fun to play against, and I find current Huntress fun to play against...two data points can become three pretty easily...
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I think Michae and pigl are getting a buff next personally
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The least they would do if they for some reason decided to change it. Would be the addons. And as we know bhvr have a tenancy to change and weaken the base kit. Like change it to holding a hatchet for a long time can give her hand fatigue for 5 secs. And then all the addons would be like, when charging a hatchet shorten the distance of throws but award 100% deviousness or when holding a hatchet at full charge the lullaby becomes global.
Any how I personally think she is one of the most balanced and least likely to get nerfed.
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People said the same thing after nurse got crippled.
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her basekit is fine. Just exhaust addons and iri head need a tweak. Thats it SHE DOSENT NEED A ######### COOLDOWN AFTER THROWING A HATCHET DEVS THIS IS NOT A MOBA GAME SO STOP
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she not Op don't need a nerf.
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We know devs are unable to change addons without gutting the killers power. So if Huntress is next on the hit list get ready for longer wind up time and less hatchets at base.
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Her basekit is fine. I dont think she will get nerfed. The only flag is Iri head and Infantry belt combo.
I personally think she should keep her exhaustion add ons but I know they’re going to get removed. No way should a skillful long distance shot or split-second threading the needle shot be rendered void just because the survivor pressed E to dead hard.
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Very wall said about the exhaustion add-ons.
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Huntress is perfectly fine. All that needs to go on her is the iri heads add on.
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The Huntress will be receiving some changes in this update. For the most part, we are happy with the way The Huntress performs. Her power is very versatile, allowing her to zone out Survivors and down them from far away. From a Survivor’s perspective, there is also a reasonable amount of counterplay, leading to interesting chases where the best player often comes out on top.
Given that we’re already pretty happy with the way The Huntress performs, the changes to her base kit are minimal. We are not removing any of the options you have with her hatchets. Instead, we want to focus on the skill-based gameplay and put an emphasis on using your hatchets effectively, only adding a small drawback to misusing your hatchets.
In 4.2.0, The Huntress' hatchets will now feature a new Overdraw mechanic. Charging your hatchet will now cause your arm to accumulate "tiredness", which can be seen both in the lower left corner around the power icon and on the hatchet itself. Moving while charging the hatchet will also cause you to become tired. This tiredness will dissipate over time whenever a hatchet is not being used.
You are also now limited to 2 hatchets at a time.
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I'd only change Iri Head. Her basekit isn't OP in any way.
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Her base kit is just fine. Literally the only thing that NEEDS to change is Iridescent Head. She needs an add-on pass but only to bring her up to date with the rest. Pungent Faile, Coarse Stone, Fine Stone, and Shiny Pin should all be reworked to have a new effect.
- Pungent Faile should give you a crosshair. Green rarity.
- Coarse Stone should remove the sound of a fully charged hatchet/hatchet cancel for survivors (Huntress still hears it so she knows when it's charged). White rarity.
- Fine Stone silences the lullaby for 20 seconds after hitting a hatchet. 80 second cooldown. Purple rarity.
- Shiny Pin should instantly give her Bloodlust tier 1 when entering a chase but remove hatchets as a cost. Basically she would become a 115 killer in a chase with fewer hatchets. Normal Bloodlust rules apply, so if she swings or throws a hatchet during the chase she loses it. Maybe also has a cooldown time. Pink rarity.
- Iridescent Head should regenerate hatchets over time. Something that would be of value but still punish Huntresses that miss a lot in a chase. Maybe 1 hatchet every 10 seconds? IDK maybe that's too fast.
Also I think that there should be a new status effect called Begrimed that slows down survivor repair speed. Then have Begrimed Head just inflict that status for 120 seconds. Basically it's the same only it inflicts a status effect instead of doing it's own thing.
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As a survivor main, I can say that I don't think she needs a nerf. She just needs two things: hit boxes reviewed (maybe hit validation will fix this) and changes to iri head.
For iri head, I recommend making it cause hatchets to function like a boomerang, where they return to her hand after impact. Gunslinger only has to do a small action to reload, so a boomerang hatchet would add reload time with the amount of time it would take to hit and then return. That would be powerful, feel rare, and better than insta-down (for survivors).
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I don't think devs can even nerf Huntresses base kit without making her obsolete in comparison with Deathslinger, the same way as they can't nerf Deathslinger's chase power without making him obsolete in comparison with Huntress.
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While I do not call for nerfs, being able to throw a hatchet across map at a BBQ aura and down someone, well,.... we know its BS.
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It is also extremely difficult to pull off there is so many obstacles in the way.
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She is fine as it is. She has enough downsides already.
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She's balanced in my experience but is BHVR that makes the final call
her hum gives her away, a small TR and slower movement speed allow survivors counterplay
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Outside of iri head literally nobody says she’s op. If they nerf anything else along with iri head I won’t even know anymore
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What are your thoughts on Spirit just out of curiosity?
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Everyone keeps complaining about Iri heads but honestly it's no different than any other one hit killer. What next? Remove tombstone, too op? She gets mad of 3 hatchets and unless you're clumped together and the huntress has perfect aim, the danger is far less than a bubba or Billy. Yeah she can throw across the map but we all know that takes extreme skill and or luck. Iri heads are honestly fine and I don't trust BHVR to give her a relevant add on of iridescent quality that isn't a complete nerf.
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Plague says hi.
Killers deal with flashlight stuns while stuck in animation, those coins have two sides.
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She is fine. The only thing I hate is her "hitbox" hits with hatches (that's prob because of ping - and yes I play on green ping lobbies). It just feels cheated when I get hit but my character is allready in different position.
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Do you have any idea how difficult this is to do? If someone develops that skill then they’ve earned it, this is not in any way a common experience against most huntresses.
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Bubba you absolute can. Look down and it extends your chainsaw range at windows. Otz has shown this multiple times. Flashlight blinds while stuck in an animation happens constantly. What's good for the killers should be good for the survivors. If we can have things happen in animation so should you. That's called balance.
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Have you seen Zubat or Umbra play with iri heads? They end games in minutes. If you don't think the most busted addons in this game is gamebreaking, then you really haven't played this game much or your vision on balance is extremely skewed. The best huntresses play without addons because her basekit is honestly strong enough to do that well.
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ummm, yeah Im a killer too bro. I love playing huntress and always run BBQ to do this as often as I can. When you see a godhuntress in action they can do this every single match dude. And I am not even that good at hatchets LOL
I think it is unbiased to admit that. To deny the fact Huntress can down you across map is simply ignoring facts about balance. The reason I mentioned it is because its her base kit which is what this thread is about.
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Fix the terrible hitboxes in this game and she would be fine
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A one shot down from across map? That with skill you can do to at least two survs with almost no cooldown? Huge difference.
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Don't forget a cooldown to the hatchets, and if she holds her hatchet for a few seconds after the fully charged, she will get a cramp and won't be able to throw hatchets for 60 seconds.
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I don't know who either of them are and don't really care. Most games end in minutes regardless of add ons. Yeah, they're strong. That's the point of iri add ons. People are complaining about something and offer no solution to it.
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Very good huntresses, yes. There aren’t that many and most maps don’t allow even them to do it. Not a balance issue, if she does it once then survs should hide when she hooks. Not hard to counter in the least.
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I think shes fine. Just rework iri and nerf infantry belt a bit and she should be good.
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My comments disappear too often. Very good huntresses can do that, but it’s rare due to maps usually not allowing it. And it’s hardly a balance issue. If she does it once and survivors don’t take cover when she hooks then that’s more due to stupidity than it being unbalanced. Easy to counter. It’s fine.
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I know its fine which is why I prefaced my comment with "Im not calling for a nerf" of it. But it SHOULD be mentioned in a thread about Huntresss base kit.
Is there any other killer who can down you from across map without any cooldown or requirement? Nope. She stands alone in that which is precisely why it should be mentioned in this thread. Hardly anyone brings it up, they complain about Iriheads but forget she has the longest reach in the game.
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There have been plenty of solutions and complaints about these addons. There's even a thread in which a dev asked for ideas on how to balance it and people gave plenty of suggestions. The large consensus for iri head is that it's gamebreakingly strong. No iri addon really compares to it. It's an addon that requires very little skill to win and that's not very fun and interactive to play against as survivor.
Also, most games don't end in 2-3 minutes unless you're doing literally nothing as killer or running iri head. Don't give me that bs.
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Good points. But they’re also why she’s slow as crap and can never go undetected bc of lullaby. Not to mention having to waste a lot of time reloading periodically, even with IM. The drawbacks are severe enough to ballast her reach that imo she’s one of the most thought out and balanced killers in the game. Except for that whole iri head infantry belt thing. Iri should be removed or limited to one hatchet, period.
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Except with auras how they are now, no one is sniping anyone from across a map. And everyone shouldn't be bunched up to begin with. Technically with this update, she's already ######### nerfed. (Not that I can even play because I can't even see the new auras). They won't just change iri heads, you know damn well they're going to nerf her into the ground.