

Chapter concept: "Deadly Bloom"

Member Posts: 4
edited November 2020 in Creations


The Shambler

Name: Isabella Lindberg

Gender: Female

Nationality/Ethnicity: Swedish

Movement Speed: 110% I 4.4m/s

Terror Radius: 32m 🎯

Height: Average ↕

Power: Shamblings

Weapon: Eldritch Vines

Realm: The Green House (A big glass house which also has a hedge maze inside and lots of gardens)



(The gist of it is that she was a biologist who became obsessed with her work, testing plant cells on herself, becoming this mutant plant thing in the process...)


The Shambler is a killer designed for a deadly late game, who is able to plant seedlings called "Shamblings" (max 2 seeds). Shamblings overtime terraform the land (a mossy substance spreading from the seed, a maximum 80 meter radius from the seed), creating fertile soil/land which increases The Shamblers movement speed by 5%.

(The seeds cannot be placed at doorways or tight, narrow spots or small hallways, mainly at intersections for most indoor maps, or else it would be broken if it just blocks an entire hallway for example on Hawkins Lab or Léry's) - Shambling's are roughly the size of a barrel and get bigger when they mature.

The Shambler can pick up a survivor in the dying state and place them in a Shambling's grasp, which pollinates the seed and trapping the survivor in vines.

However this mechanic doesn't work exactly like sacrificial hooks or The Executioners cage, it just holds them there rendering them useless until another survivor comes to free them, while a survivor is caught in a Shamblings grasp the Movement Speed Passive on terraformed land is doubled (to 10% - total of 120% MSP on terraformed land).

When the survivor is freed the Shambling will begin to mature and blossom into a deadly carnivorous flower over 30 seconds.

Matured Shamblings can attack nearby survivors every 15 seconds and latch vines onto a nearby survivor in the dying state, reeling them into its grasp for The Shambler to harvest and deliver to the sacrificial hook (or begin to devour them itself, if you have a special add-on).

  • Before making contact with a Shambling, survivors can use flashlights to Daze Shamblings, which causes them to enclose their flower, rendering them useless for 15 seconds, unless they already have a survivor in their grasp, reel-in or in the process of digestion, where the flower is already closed. Whenever a Survivor is Freed from a Shamblings grasp or reel-in the Shambling is Dazed.
  • Matured Shamblings can't perform attacks while they are reeling in a survivor or have one in their grasp or digesting.
  • Shamblings and terraformed land register as Vegetation, 2 perks have been designed to play around this theme heavily.


Hex: Evil Takes Root

  • The root of all evil bears bittersweet fruit. Whenever a survivor finishes repairing a generator the next time they begin repairing a generator the entity will block the generator for 40/50/60 seconds and survivors near the generator have their aura revealed for 10 seconds.
  • Every time this effect triggers all other generators in the trial instantly lose 15% of their progress.
  • When the exit gates switches are powered the entity blocks them for 40/50/60 seconds.

Deadly Flora

  • Nature reveals the truth. Survivors among Vegetation are easier to discern and scream when they are 16/20/24 meters from you and are next to trees, in bushes or cornfields, revealing their current location for 4 seconds.
  • Your terror radius is also reduced by 8 meters when traversing in/through and near vegetation such as; grass, cornfields, trees. Cornfields and grass/bushes wont rustle against you, you are one with nature.
  • 40 second cooldown.

Dreadful Harvest

  • Hitting a survivor who was recently healed activates Dreadful Harvest, briefly revealing those who healed the survivor and allowing your next basic attack to instantly put a revealed survivor into the dying state. Lasts 15/25/35 seconds. 60 second cooldown.


Ultra Rare

Black Rose: Increase maximum Shamblings to 3.

Black Thorn: Matured Shamblings can digest their prey overtime instead of holding them for harvest.

Very Rare

  • Allergenic Pollen: Shamblings emit clouds of pollen which inflicts impaired vision on survivors and inflict the Broken status effect on freed survivors for 60 seconds.
  • Herbicide: Matured Shambling's attacking a healthy survivor inflicts the deep wound status effect and also applying the mangled status effect for 120 seconds.
  • Blood Moss: Considerably increases the rate which Shamblings terraform the land. Terraformed land no longer provides a speed boost, survivors on terraformed land have their auras revealed.
  • Bloody Foliage: Shamblings emit their own terror radius of 16 meters and are immune to flashlights.


  • Survivor Compost: Considerably reduces the time required for Shamblings to mature after pollination.
  • Bloody Watering Can: Moderately increases terraform rate.
  • Thick Thicket: Considerably increases the time required to free a survivor from a Shamblings grasp.
  • Strangle Thorns: Survivors who interact with Shamblings are inflicted with the Exhausted status effect for 60 seconds.
  • Eldritch Roots: Moderately increases the time required with flashlights to daze Shamblings. Moderately reduces cool-down time between Shamblings attacks.


  • Natural Fertiliser: Moderately reduces the time required for Shamblings to mature after pollination.
  • Rusted Watering Can: Slightly increases terraform rate.
  • Brambles: Moderately increases the time required to free a survivor from a Shamblings grasp.
  • Dense Vines: Survivors who interact with Shamblings are inflicted with the Blindness status effect for 90 seconds.
  • Ingrained Roots: Slightly increases the time required for flashlights to daze Shamblings. Slightly reduces cool-down time between attacks.


  • Cursed Soil: Slightly reduces the time required for Shamblings to mature after pollination.
  • Bloody Spade: Entering and exiting terraformed land suppresses your red light stain and killer radius for 4 seconds.
  • Missing Gardening Gloves: Slightly increases the time required to free a survivor from a Shamblings grasp.
  • Empty Pot: Considerably reduces the time to plant/set Shamblings


Name: Polly McCarthy or Raphael Hibbert



(The gist of it, is a starving artist, hipster vibes, loves to paint, covered in paint.)


Blank Canvas

  • After unhooking a survivor Blank Canvas activates. Once Blank Canvas is activated press the active ability button while running to create a trail of scratch marks and blood trails too if you're injured, in the direction you're looking at, the trail travels 8/10/12 meters from you, within 3 seconds. When this is activated you leave no scratch marks and blood trails until the illusionary trail reaches its maximum distance.

Fine Bristles

  • You have learned to catch the natural beauty in things. Vegetation no longer rustles as you traverse through it, sounds of your footsteps on vegetation are reduced by 80/90/100%. Your scratch marks are moderately harder to discern when traversing through and near vegetation

Starving Artist

  • You've already sacrificed a lot for your craft. Entity progression on hooks take 15% longer. When unhooked within the killers terror radius you sprint at 150% of your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds.
  • Causes the Exhausted status effect for 60/50/40
  • Starving Artist ignores Exhaustion.

Post edited by QnQ on


  • Member Posts: 118

    I want to start with the good things:

    The Killers power is well designed and seems balanced. I do love nature themed things and this could fit into dbd pretty well. I love the flowers and the details you put into the mechanics like fertilization. I think the seedlings should be able to be placed everywhere (a trap from the Trapper also can block pathways) but maybe they could be taken out on an alternative way than just flashlights (hags traps dont trigger when you croutch).

    The second perk needs a timer eg. when a survivor is longer than X seconds in your Terror Radius the next time he comes close to vegetation it triggers, otherwise it would be op. Additionally the gate blocking perk is okay-ish but i wouldnt play it as you can see that a killer has this hex on and you just dont cleanse everything as survivors.

    The old guy survivor thing was always funny but really doesnt fit into the game. Just imagine the granny using sprint burst or falling off a high building with balanced landing. It would just be a joke instead or horror survival.

    The survivors perks are not that cool imo (i guess you put all your effort into the killer), so i think you should rework the survivor or cut it.

    Also, dude I love the map idea!!! Greenhouse with the corn maze would be awesome af.

    I really hope the devs have a look at your killer and the map.

    See you in the fog

  • Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2020

    @SadCyclops thank you for your feedback!

    Yeah I did neglect the survivor for my chapter concept but I just made some changes to it.

    With the whole seeds concepts the Shamblings when they mature become quite large that they can potentially block doorways so having them not be able to be planted in tight/narrow spots I thought would negate such a strong/op factor.

    I feel having a constant active threat/zone control from the Shamblings opts for a drastically different play style for the survivors. Especially since the kit opts for a late game design the pay off should be worth these constant active threats. (Solo's might struggle vsing it but SWF would most definitely be a struggle for The Shambler)

    Perhaps when a shambling is reeling in a survivor in the dying state and another survivor can run up and begin to rip off the vines which dazes the shambling when they free the survivor. but they would need to still heal the survivor from the dying state.

    I also made some adjustments to the killers second perk.

    The first perk is going to be adjusted too.

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