Auras - Devs, we want answers.

This is absolutely ridiculous. In four years of playing the game I have never seen such an absolutely horrible change made to the base game. I have no idea how this made it through development without a single person on the team bringing up the fact that visibility for auras has been drastically reduced immensely.
The entire change is an absolute downgrade in quality and visibility of the auras, on maps like Ormond it is damned near impossible to see even for someone with perfect vision. It's annoying for survivors, and it is downright maddening for killers, neither side truly benefits from this change and it's an altogether hindrance to most the entire player base.
And we're talking about all auras here, a critical and integral component to the entire game. For perks to work properly as intended like Kindred, BBQ & Chili, Detective's Hunch, Nurse's Calling, Empathy, Bitter Murmur, Aftercare, Hex: Retribution, and on and on. Even just the ability for killers to see the auras of normal generators, survivors in the dying state, hooks, totems, are all impeded. Trying to see anything at a distance all the way across the map can often be a struggle, for killers or survivors.
Worst and most abhorrent of all is the impact this change has had on the color-blind player base, I myself am not colorblind but if I as someone who has no need for even glasses to be able to see perfectly am struggling I hardly want to imagine someone who is colorblind can make out. And I don't have to imagine, many colorblind players have described being forced to play basically without being able to see auras at all.
"I'm red/green colorblind and my first killer game after the update was on Ormond. I essentially had to find gens and survivors with echolocation." -PuzzlePeace
"As a colorblind player I might as well play with my eyes closed" -marconde897
and just in general these are the responses of the rest of the playerbase:
"New auras are really bad especially on low end pc - cant see them at all like having perma blindness effect..." -Shadow Vasya
"I played on Ormond yesterday and my teammate died on his first hook because I couldn’t find where the hook was." -Alex Fialon
"Wait, they deliberately changed the auras? When I logged on and went to play killer I was 100% convinced that it's a bug and that they'll shadow patch it the next day, they just look so terrible. Why would they change them?" -Surtur Spawn
"I legit just installed the game today, and saw the auras AND THOUGHT MY PC WAS BREAKING IT" -Zachary Barkey
"It's like two red pixels" -not Otzdarva
Screenshots of Otz (a Fog Whisperer) looking at the aura of a bear trap from a medium distance on Ormond on 1080p60 HD video.
It is by no stretch or exaggeration by any metric of logic or reason that this aura change is fundamentally gamebreaking and examples can be cited across the entire game from Bear and Phantasm Traps for Trapper and Hag, trying to see Hex: Totems, the auras of survivors at a distance for both killers and survivors, distinguishing the auras of survivors repairing a generator from the generator itself, etc.
I'm especially angry that nobody at BHVR has not thought to comment on this problem, devs and mods continue to comment on other threads discussing topics of vastly lower importance but have refused to discuss the issue. The mystery of what goes on behind the scenes at BHVR is often endearing, but in this case a lack of communication is absolutely unacceptable.
This needs to be hotfixed as soon as possible. Not a few months, not a few weeks from now, and certainly not "Soon™". @Peanits @not_Queen we need a response now.
BHVR, I want to speak to your manager.
It has been commented on, as you can see above.
Post edited by Mandy on19 -
I haven't played the game since this patch released, and I heard all of the complaints about the auras and stuff. However, only now do I see how bad they dropped the ball. Hopefully, they'll address this in their upcoming Q and A
with something other than "We're looking into it" or "Soon".3 -
Yes, the new auras are horrible. I know. Lots of people think that the idea is cool, but also there is lots of people who love the old auras for example me. Please check my post for a suggestion that i have about the auras.
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Thank you for taking the time to respond and post this screenshot. I cannot understate that merely the confirmation alone that something is being done is immensely appreciated.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on5 -
The Entity tendrils on both of your posts almost align perfectly.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on0 -
This content has been removed.
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Correction, that is Otzdarva, not Not Otzdarva.
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I don't mean to sound like a jerk, but don't you think this should be pinned somewhere, or announced?
People are clearly upset about this, and we shouldn't have to dig through threads or pester mods to hear about basic responses like this.
It's kind of bewildering tbh.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on5 -
I already know the answer but did you really test the aura changes before releasing it ?
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Totally agree. It's an important enough issue to warrant pinning it at the top of the forums together with the Q&A announcement.
I thought the auras weren't so bad until I played a couple killer matches and on some maps it felt like the survivors all had Boil Over. It was tremendously difficult to find the closest hooks. Then I played a match with Hex: Ruin on Ormond and I couldn't find my own totem despite ignoring the survivors and walking around the map searching for it.
If the intent wasn't to significantly change the way auras appear, why were they changed at all, I wonder.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on1 -
That's impossible. How could Otzdarva be posting on not Otzdarva's youtube channel??? (Link to video where screenshots were taken from):
Were they doing a collab or something?
A valid point and very well put, I'm curious myself as well.
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So far people believe that Not Otzdarva has been stealing stuff from Otzdarva but since that guy never uploads no one can clearly say, there are many theories but no one knows.
P.S: sorry for being this dumb in a real thread that is asking for serious stuff.
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Personally I never liked that Otzdarva guy, I only ever watched not Otzdarva's videos and I didn't even hear about Otz 'till long after I started watching not Otz.
Lol it's okay. A little break from being serious is nice and appreciated every once in awhile.
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I assume they did this to make it easier to notice auras through things?
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The whole point of this thread and everyone who has been echoing the same sentiment is that it is more difficult to see auras, not just through objects but in general.
Did you not see the screenshots?? Otz putting his hand over his eyes and squinting at his screen??? You tell me if it's easier
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400 IQ Dev: “Players eyes have been over performing so we decided to implement nearly invisible auras so that players eyes become useless”
21 IQ player: “You have already rendered our ears useless because your sound guys are terrible, do we really need invisible auras”
5000 IQ Dev: “We made some new skins you can buy.”
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They didn’t want to change it this much but the fact they wanted to change it at all is mind boggling
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on2 -
My first impression of the auras when I played the game after update, was that "oh gosh, whoever coded the aura should be fired! This is some high school level coding."
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Maybe turn on a PC or a PS4 and actually look at the spaghetti nonsense that gets pushed out before pushing it out. Who gave the “ok” to let this be pushed out? I mean, it’s really not hard to see how much hot garbage this is.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on1 -
They seriously can’t be so inept that they’re missing these during tests, the only answer is they are literally not testing the final version before patch releases.
Shhhhhhhhh, here come the white knights to tell you cosmetics and bugs are two different teams
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These changes make perfect sense if we assume the community wants killers underperforming across the board.
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It's true facts though, they are separate teams and have nothing to do with each other.
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It’s been A DAY chill tf out
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It only took a day for both survivors and killers to realize how bad and gamebreaking this change was. That's when you know you've ######### up, when the entire community that has been biased and partisan for 4 years now has rallied together against a feature. If anything, the response needs to be overbearing to match the frustration the community is feeling so the devs prioritize this change before anything else, and rightly so.
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This proves without a doubt, they don't test new changes.
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Yes, it’s true. It’s always true that they couple pull some budget from cosmetics team and add to tech. I don’t want anyone to lose a job, but sometimes tough things need to happen
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Yes it’s been a day. Precisely a day too long. Hopefully only a day but time will tell. I cannot begin to comprehend who saw this in action and said “yes, this is good” before releasing it in not just any update, but a mid chapter one. I can only assume they want to watch the world burn. That’s how bad of a misstep was taken here. Fix it. Immediately. With a time machine if possible.
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Yet again can’t post something because reasons? I’ll paraphrase: this should not have happened whatsoever. Whoever approved this needs a serious time out and a snickers. Fix it immediately please and place whoever responsible under sober adult supervision. Thanks.
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Oooooohhh I've had that happen to me before, if it won't let you post something real quick copy and paste whatever you wrote and then refresh your page afterward. Although, your problem could be different than what I'm thinking I don't know, hope this helped.
It's not worth potentially losing an entire lengthy post just because the forums doesn't want to work.
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It’s almost like they have a betting pool, how far they can push players and how badly they can mess up before we quit. And we’re making them looking really good by just tagging along
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All I know is that this aura thing has rendered the game so unplayable for me that I’ve had to stoop to playing mobile to get my fix. Imo mobile is now superior until auras are restored. Dark times indeed.
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For fricks sake it did it again lol. I’m playing the superior mobile version until auras are restored. It’s sad. Very sad.
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Yes it’s been a day. Precisely a day too long. Hopefully only a day but time will tell. I cannot begin to comprehend who saw this in action and said “yes, this is good” before releasing it in not just any update but a mid chapter one. I can only assume they want to watch the world burn. That’s how bad of a misstep was taken here. Fix it. Immediately. With a time machine if possible.
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I only knew about him because I used to play dark souls (a lot, really a lot) in the old times but this guy Not Otzdarva is really chill and doesn't yell "wat" that often lol
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Just revert it back, we don’t need new auras. Plain and simple.
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I mean , maybe actually test your updates , usually a great idea xD this game never fails. Of course 0 bugs in the store system and outfits that are overpriced xD
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today I played all my matches with BBQ, It was a struggle to determine wether someone was working on a gen or not. Time to start using thrilling tremors
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Just rollback this update, and fix it. Simple. There should be either no problem with approving an old version on psn steam what ever
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Link to the post in the screenshot:
For anyone like me who prefers posts over screenshots of posts.
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Thanks so much for this +1
Seriously, they should pin these responses which have a huge impact on most of the playerbase.
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@Seiko300 Are you aware of these accounts?
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I don't think that's related to this thread in any way, shape, form, or fashion. You could have left a comment on my profile or something instead.
But I assume by "accounts" you are referring to the Seiko301 and Seiko299 accounts? Yeah I'm aware. Some dumb friends of mine IRL who are messing with me and the integrity of these here forums. Lol.
From my understanding they were actually banned lol. Which, not surprising, they were troll accounts so no love lost.
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Ah sorry, i would have replied on your profile, I was just tired.
Thanks for clarifying, I just found those accounts to be hilarious.
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They probably were lol, I don't think I saw everything they posted. Also I missed one, there were actually three.
"SeikoThreeHundred" also met an unfortunate end alongside the aforementioned accounts as well.