A band-aid for the toxicity.

I am going to try and keep this short. In my opinion the toxicity in this game derives from the clear division between killer mains and survivor mains. That leads to bias and then toxicity. I don't think that this issue can easily be fixed so my suggestion is making people play the other side.

There should be a rift pass that only has survivor cosmetics but all the challenges are killer challenges. The next one is the exact opposite, killer cosmetics for survivor challenges. This is far from a perfect fix but I think it would help. I am open to discussing this matter and I want to see suggestion.


  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    Two passes? It's like I had barely enough time to grind one already.

  • Bloodlust_Gamer69
    Bloodlust_Gamer69 Member Posts: 167
    edited July 2020

    It would be two separate ones each with how much time one normally has

  • Susinagi
    Susinagi Member Posts: 21

    Killer main here... IDC how good the cosmetics is... No way in hell am i playing survivor to get that cosmetic

  • Bloodlust_Gamer69
    Bloodlust_Gamer69 Member Posts: 167

    That is........you. Maybe other people would.

    As I said I would like to see your suggestions to how we can make players try the other side. What would convince you to try and play survivor?

  • jack321
    jack321 Member Posts: 28

    Toxicity isn’t going to go anywhere people play this game to be toxic.

    SWFs players don’t play because they enjoy the game or even enjoy playing with their friends. They play to bully killers and flame them after.

    toxicity isn’t a byproduct it’s the selling point.

  • Susinagi
    Susinagi Member Posts: 21

    I don't think there is anything that would make me actively want to play survivor. its not that I hate playing against killers... Its that holding M1 to do my objective is way to boring

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    So quite noone would by a Pass. Great idea.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    I love this idea but it would do little to curb toxicity. Let’s be real- the amount of popular streamers on social media setting out to be toxic attracts a certain type of gamer, and this game simply encourages that atmosphere. The toxicity isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,155

    ∆ This is bs.

    I don't really think it would help.

    Toxicity stems from somewhere general not related only to dbd.

    People have been toxic since they are protected by online anonymity and hidden behind an alias. Noone has to fear any real consequences online if they don't behave socially like they would do in real life. Before PvP games there were already forum trolls or online bullies in forums, being toxic.

    The competitive aspect of online PvP games just brought it to a whole other level since people can get agitated more easily when pitted against other people.

    Everyone let's if some form of steam or wants to behave different from their social self when anonymous.

    I for my part try to still be social in PvP games but in my pen and paper group I play an evil rouge and even sometimes plan to stab my teammates in the back because it is fun to be a bad guy some times where it has no real consequences.

    So you will never get rid of toxicity because you can't get rid of the root of the problem. Pent up stress or just the feeling of relief to be something else than just a piece in the puzzle of social standards.

    FYI all this is by no means an excuse to behave like a jerk towards other people.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    Not going to work. The issue is less what one plays, but what goals people put up for themselves. Lots of toxicity comes from this 'dog eat dog' mentally we have irl, resulting in people thinking they not just have to win with flying colors, but to degrade and humiliate their opponents.

    By it's design dbd sets clear tasks:

    look at the four original survivors and the add-ons:

    map, flashlight, med kit, toolbox.

    the idea seems to be to have someone with a map taking care of totems and pointing the group towards gens, etc.

    but in practice it's more of a 'how fast can we rush this and how obnoxious can we be to the other side'?

    i mean, how often have you seen people get nasty in the aftermath chat because... they didn't even die, but the match took longer than 5 min? how often have you seem them mock the killer if they managed to hook only one survivor, ignoring them all very much killer-tunneling with flashlights.

    how often have you seen people throw a tantrum for a killer mori'ing them despite hooking others, when they were nothing but a pain in the backside?

    same goes for killer mains. how often did you have people gloat how 'ez' a match was, despite them excessively camping and tunneling and generally being a pain. how often did you see killers bring ebony mori not as an insurance against obnoxious survivors, but just to get 4k and STILL complain how little BPs they get.

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101

    I agree, I think the way the rifts work right now still incentivizes playing the other side, just like dailies do. A better fix would probably actually be the queue time indicator like they have on dbdm. Wouldn't do much, but maybe blurring those lines would help.

    Alternatively, they could make survivor more fun and then enforce bans for death threats and slurs more.

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    another major reason its the fact that the game is more and more boring(boring killers, boring map, broken stuff). if the only fun thing remaining is bullying others, what do you expect players to do?

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    Or maybe things like tbagging near the exit to wait for the killer/ general toxicity when exit gates are powered and open. And actual face camping. (I'm not talking about a pig being near the hook and patrolling. I'm talking about literal face camping in situations where it wouldn't benefit in any way) should receive bans. These are the most common methods of toxicity in the game. Let alone the fact that their report system is absolute garbage in the first place.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    Your comment has one fatal flaw. Totems didn't exist when this game came out.

  • Rock20xx
    Rock20xx Member Posts: 1

    Or you All can follow Instagram dead_by_garbage and submit your videos of the toxicity of players. A remedy is to show the killer gamer name. Then any time someone is being toxic just put them on blast. After a while you notic killers and survivor who are know to be toxic and you can opt out of the match.

  • Lejeanrocks
    Lejeanrocks Member Posts: 2

    I think that would be a great idea except! I have friends and also know people who can’t play in 1st person due to getting motion sickness and such so to force them to play killer to get survivor cosmetics wouldn’t be a good idea. especially if you’re “forcing” them to play killer to get cosmetics they would want for their survivors.

    i think there should be an incentive to play the other side but I’m not entirely sure what a good “compromise” would be. Award Auric Cells for switching over to the other side for a short period of time or more BP.

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    Remove campers and tunnelers. End of the toxicity in the game

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Why do people try so hard to "get rid' of toxicity. Its in almost every game you just need to deal with it.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    Who exactly are you talking about? I have watched all the big streamers and I don't see any of the popular ones setting out to be toxic to people. I am genuinely curious, not trying to argue.

  • JeffLebowski920
    JeffLebowski920 Member Posts: 13

    It's who you are or aren't as a person. Decent folk say gg and move on, small brains lurk in the end game chat to stir the pot because they can, maybe it's a compulsion, who knows.

  • ArcticWolf
    ArcticWolf Member Posts: 44

    Are you okay? Have you gone against that many toxic swf groups? My friends and I play together cause we do like the game and most of the time the 4th random person we have is the toxic person who stays behind and butt dances the killer.

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    In Friday the 13th the killer is chosen at random from the players in the lobby, and you can set a preference for which side you want to spawn as, but it's not a guarantee. I think this curbs some of the toxicity of an asymmetrical pvp game and is a good mechanic for forcing people to try both sides.

    I don't see it working with this game or community tho because people are already attached to having control over who/what they play as and have committed to their preferred role a lot with time (the grind) and money (cosmetics), plus this community hates everything.


  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183
    edited August 2020

    Like I said, against rules but you are clearly missing out on some popular options- funny how they’re almost exclusively survivor mains minus the one guy we all know of that gives killers a bad name. Edit: meant to say must’ve been another post, but yeah you can’t ‘name and shame’ on here as I’ve been notified. I think if these people are intentionally jerks and get acclaim for it you should be able to say what you want regardless of their feelings or that of their fans, but rules are rules.

  • DCash
    DCash Member Posts: 170

    Ah, I wasn't aware that was an issue. I wasn't trying to shame anyone at all, like I said genuinely curious. That's unfortunate though because without any examples or evidence you will never dissuade me. I don't see the toxicity you speak of in popular streamers and I watch the popular ones regularly.