Can someone explain me what i did wrong?

She didnt respond.
Some info : The guy who DCt Flashlight clicked but after i downed him he DCt
And one guy killed himself and the other one played fairly normally until the end.
The last survivor just sent me this without any context after i got her when she tried to open the doors.
I have the sad feeling that she tried to report me because i got a way higher rank then she. .-.
Well the first one that dc’d was an ass and dc’d cause you got them. the other probably didnt want to play with a teammate missing. Then they decided to be nasty with you
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Wym they were the cherly? But I dont see what you did wrong. I wouldnt wprry about it
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What are you worried about? They don’t ban racists, sexists or even hackers. You will be fine let them report.
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You played Killer. Didn't you know that's toxic?
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I would not worry too much. Even if they report you, a screenshot showing nothing is not enough for a ban at all, and they clearly have no real reason to begin with. Probably the rank differences or the fact you wouldn’t farm after the DC. You won’t get banned just because someone makes a report without evidence.