The problem With Decisive Strike

BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282
edited June 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Deteling and starting over this thread

Post edited by BLUE_APE on


  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    @BLUE_APE said:

    Also big question, has anyone who plays doctor been hit with DS? I have never been able to land the skill check after I have hit madness.

    I can hit a decisive strike skill check with a doctor on Tier III Madness who's using Unrelenting.

    But idk, I like the obsession only idea.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    I think would only make sense

  • redjasper
    redjasper Member Posts: 143

    I had suggested before that DS should only work on non-obsessions if the obsession is dead, downed or on a hook. I recently dealt with a wave of slugging killers and wished I had decisive strike... Decisive strike was create when hook breaking and slugging was an issue. If DS goes away, slugging will definitely come back and Unbreakable will be a super meta.

  • The_Manlet
    The_Manlet Member Posts: 474
    edited June 2018

    There are no killer perks that counter Decisive Strike. In fact, most survivor perks can't be countered. You can make the skillcheck harder but it won't stop survivors from hitting the skillcheck. You can run Enduring but it will barely make any difference. You can run Iron Grasp or Agitation but they'll still get to 30% especially on bad maps or with bodyblocking. More importantly, killers really can't afford to run those perks. They have to run Ruin, a paid DLC perk, just to stand the slightest chance of winning unless they're a really good Nurse. Killer perks are dictated to them by the limitations of their killer and the fact that the developers fix bad game design issues with killer perk bandaids like Ruin and Blood Warden. Meanwhile survivors can run anything they want with Self-Care being the only perk that feels mandatory.

    Yes, Decisive Strike should be a once-in-a-match thing. Not a four-times-in-a-match thing. Any amount of bodyblocking, being downed in a bad place or just being in a bad map will guarantee 4 unearned escapes per match, which adds an insane amount of chase time and translates to an automatic survivor victory against anything but a Nurse.

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    @redjasper said:
    I had suggested before that DS should only work on non-obsessions if the obsession is dead, downed or on a hook. I recently dealt with a wave of slugging killers and wished I had decisive strike... Decisive strike was create when hook breaking and slugging was an issue. If DS goes away, slugging will definitely come back and Unbreakable will be a super meta.

    errr...what? What the heck does DS do to stop slugging?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    I main doc/huntress and if you start reaching green ranks, then the skillcheck is basically not missed anymore, no matter if you run doc with unnerving or not

    On low ranks people miss DS even without any madness/unnerving somtimes, but on the other hand you can easily catch them too (if they are true low ranks)

    Just watch some of the dedicated DBD streamers with thousands of hours. If they are actually concentrating on the game, then a "good" skillcheck is a bad thing for them already because they use to get great ones only

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Master said:
    I main doc/huntress and if you start reaching green ranks, then the skillcheck is basically not missed anymore, no matter if you run doc with unnerving or not

    On low ranks people miss DS even without any madness/unnerving somtimes, but on the other hand you can easily catch them too (if they are true low ranks)

    Just watch some of the dedicated DBD streamers with thousands of hours. If they are actually concentrating on the game, then a "good" skillcheck is a bad thing for them already because they use to get great ones only

    Hm, okay so now I know people have tried, thanks for telling me. But do you think this idea will balence out DS's op. the thing is to many people can use it.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @redjasper said:
    I had suggested before that DS should only work on non-obsessions if the obsession is dead, downed or on a hook. I recently dealt with a wave of slugging killers and wished I had decisive strike... Decisive strike was create when hook breaking and slugging was an issue. If DS goes away, slugging will definitely come back and Unbreakable will be a super meta.

    Hm? Yeah I never really delt with slugging, but I do see where your coming from. What if to prevent slugging, a random survivor (Once per match) will be able to fully recover from the dying state,if all survivors have been downed and one is on the hook. Or something like that? I don't know maybe something along the lines without needing unbreakable or no mither. What would you purpose if they were to nerf DS? So its based on skill and not luck

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @The_Manlet said:
    There are no killer perks that counter Decisive Strike. In fact, most survivor perks can't be countered. You can make the skillcheck harder but it won't stop survivors from hitting the skillcheck. You can run Enduring but it will barely make any difference. You can run Iron Grasp or Agitation but they'll still get to 30% especially on bad maps or with bodyblocking. More importantly, killers really can't afford to run those perks. They have to run Ruin, a paid DLC perk, just to stand the slightest chance of winning unless they're a really good Nurse. Killer perks are dictated to them by the limitations of their killer and the fact that the developers fix bad game design issues with killer perk bandaids like Ruin and Blood Warden. Meanwhile survivors can run anything they want with Self-Care being the only perk that feels mandatory.

    Yes, Decisive Strike should be a once-in-a-match thing. Not a four-times-in-a-match thing. Any amount of bodyblocking, being downed in a bad place or just being in a bad map will guarantee 4 unearned escapes per match, which adds an insane amount of chase time and translates to an automatic survivor victory against anything but a Nurse.

    So you think this idea might work? or nah? sorry I'm a little confused.

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    The only reason I use Unnerving on my doctor is because of DStrike.
    Don't go on and speak for killers, if you ain't a killer.

    I use Enduring on my huntress just for DStrike.
    It wastes 1 slot for 1 perk, which still isn't countered by those perks.

    DStrike needs to be nerfed drastically and I hope they do it right and don't listen to survivors, thinking, they have the right to survive in 4 swf teams without loosing anyone.

  • Judicar
    Judicar Member Posts: 36
    edited June 2018

    In my opinion, I never saw what the big controversy with DS was. It's a one-use perk, once you use it, you're down a perk. Yes, in groups it can be maddening but if you're smart, you dodge the SWF squad that will use it 90% of the time. Like you said, in groups this perk is annoying as **** but as a guy who plays with randoms, I see it usually just once out the four of us unless I get put in with a lobby that is 2-3 man SWF. And before anyone says it, no, I don't use it. I'm not a fan of one and done perks but I do understand why many use it or did. So many killers camp and tunnel now it's almost a guaranteed death sentence if you're the first one to get caught.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited June 2018

    @Judicar said:
    In my opinion, I never saw what the big controversy with DS was. It's a one-use perk, once you use it, you're down a perk. Yes, in groups it can be maddening but if you're smart, you dodge the SWF squad that will use it 90% of the time. Like you said, in groups this perk is annoying as **** but as a guy who plays with randoms, I see it usually just once out the four of us unless I get put in with a lobby that is 2-3 man SWF. And before anyone says it, no, I don't use it. I'm not a fan of one and done perks but I do understand why many use it or did. So many killers camp and tunnel now it's almost a guaranteed death sentence if you're the first one to get caught.

    Just dodge the DS guy, just dodge the looper they say
    So does that mean if a non-obsession DS hits me or if there is no noob in the game, I simply go afk in the basement?
    Sure, such strategys might be valid in some games, but if you need to avoid chasing a single survivor because of his overpowerdness, then there is sth wrong in the game :wink:

    Yes, the 4 man DS games usually happen when you face a toxic SWF, but I avoid every large SWF now and it still happens. All the debate about DS made survivor realize how strong it actually is (in my noob days of survivor I thought its a ######### perk because I sometimes didnt hit the skillcheck and it can onyl be used once), now I see it a lot often, even on low rank since the shrine had DS:...

    Oh and btw, talking about myself, I dont care anymore whether I "win" or lose because thats in the hand of the survivor team anyway. But if you use DS, then I will make your life as miserable as possible :wink:

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    thats exactly what i always say. dont go around and try to add a complicated new downside to this perk but then give it another upside and try to balance it out and stuff. just make it an obsession only perk. thats it. you dont have to add new things to this perk, just make it obsession only. thats a nerf i would really appreciate, since it would actually get rid of some problems:
    you wont face a SWF group with all 4 running DS.
    toxic players would have to rethink weather they actually want to use this perk or not, since there is a chance for them to have a useless perk slot.
    you can actually down a not obsession survivor without having to fear a stun.
    you wont be screwed over more than one time per game.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    The problem with decisive strike is that it exists.

    On a more serious tone : it's a very unfun perk from the killer perspective, that rewards survivors when it shouldn't, while giving no downsides like obsession perks should give, like EVERY SINGLE OBSESSION PERKS in the game but THIS ONE.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    I just found it kinda interesting how you said if someone doesn’t like your idea for them not to call it dumb but you didn’t like the idea the devs had and you said “because it’s dumb”. Very interesting indeed 
  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405

    @BLUE_APE said:
    Also big question, has anyone who plays doctor been hit with DS? I have never been able to land the skill check after I have hit madness.

    Many, many times. It's depressing because annoying DS users is my favorite part about Doc.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930


    You’re right... the main thing about DS, it’s drawback is being the obession; but people other than obession can use it. Simple nerf for now, just make only obession be able to use it, anyone else wastes a perk. Yeah it has issues and isn’t perfect, but it’s better than just no mither or how it is now.

  • Onehouse
    Onehouse Member Posts: 46

    Decisive Strike hit the point of blatant abuse because of two things.

    1. It's use doesn't apply to only the designated obsession.
    2. They could've set this from the start to only apply to the final survivor on the map, which would have better suited the "Last Girl" trope that the Halloween movie helped popularize.

    I wish devs would, please, apply either of the above to DS as their official nerf. The current use mechanic could stay the same. Only the when and who of its use is constrained.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282
    edited June 2018


    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Runiver said:
    The problem with decisive strike is that it exists.

    On a more serious tone : it's a very unfun perk from the killer perspective, that rewards survivors when it shouldn't, while giving no downsides like obsession perks should give, like EVERY SINGLE OBSESSION PERKS in the game but THIS ONE.

    Well sucks to be a killer main because news flash DEVS can't get rid of any perk. Oh and any obsession based perks for survivors (which are only 2) suck as well, and I do care about killer mains which is another reason why I made this ( most killers except maybe you now any ways)
    so yeah waste a comment somewhere else if you don't mind, People are to fricking harsh when it comes to this dumb perk.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    edited June 2018

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @Runiver said:
    The problem with decisive strike is that it exists.

    On a more serious tone : it's a very unfun perk from the killer perspective, that rewards survivors when it shouldn't, while giving no downsides like obsession perks should give, like EVERY SINGLE OBSESSION PERKS in the game but THIS ONE.

    Well sucks to be a killer main because news flash DEVS can't get rid of any perk. Oh and any obsession based perks for survivors (which are only 2) suck as well, and I do care about killer mains which is another reason why I made this ( most killers except maybe you now any ways)
    so yeah waste a comment somewhere else if you don't mind, People are to fricking harsh when it comes to this dumb perk.

    Object of Obsession is actually super strong. I'm not sure what ranks you're playing, but I see OoO half of the rounds at high ranks.

    The last one is, indeed, useless, I agree, and could use a rework. But so could killer obsession perks.
    Also, I'm free to give my opinion in here. You're not stopping me with a good old "I like everyone but you now for some reasons, don't waste your time here".
    The day I'll be breaking a rule, we'll discuss.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    @BLUE_APE said:

    Also big question, has anyone who plays doctor been hit with DS? I have never been able to land the skill check after I have hit madness.

    Yes, it happen more often that you think it would once you hit the purple/red rank

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282
    edited June 2018

    @Runiver said:

    Object of Obsession is actually super strong. I'm not sure what ranks you're playing, but I see OoO half of the rounds at high ranks.

    The last one is, indeed, useless, I agree, and could use a rework. But so could killer obsession perks.
    Also, I'm free to give my opinion in here. You're not stopping me with a good old "I like everyone but you now for some reasons, don't waste your time here".
    The day I'll be breaking a rule, we'll discuss.

    Hey I'm sorry over reacting, I get vary upset over people fussing over this perk. But I see you feel the same about object of obsession (if used right) its one of the strongest perks in the game. Its just when I got the game I bought the halloween DLC and Laurie was who I started off with. No one really uses Laurie's perks because they only look for DS. Do think think this would be a fair nerf (only obsession gets to use it for instant free once per match) while everyone else gets to wiggle faster? (not by much though, to make it more fair)

    In the end I honestly just want the game to be fair for both killer and survivors, also do you main Billy boy?

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Techn0 said:

    Many, many times. It's depressing because annoying DS users is my favorite part about Doc.

    Huh? well I guess then I'm just someone you would annoy while carring me then.
    Well do you think this nerf would be fair? Laurie's perks all about obsession. so I think those who are the obsession and running the perks should get the good stuff.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited June 2018

    What about an additional perk slot designated for a perk that is used in place of Decisive Strike if the survivor is not the obsession? Then Decisive Strike can be an obsession-only perk.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    The "problem" with DS is its entire existence. The whole perk needs to be canned and replaced.

    There should not be a perk for Survivors that literally rewards them for failure. That's exactly what DS does. Some people treat it as a free pallet stun, and others require it to even survive the game.

    Such a huge crutch should not even exist in a game with the gall to have the tag "Survival Horror."

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Nos37 said:
    What about an additional perk slot designated for a perk that is used in place of Decisive Strike if the survivor is not the obsession? Then Decisive Strike can be an obsession-only perk.

    Oh yeah kinda like when your near someone who has Leader, Vigil, Street Wise, and when you have increased healing speed for others when the killer runs dying light. Yeah that would be perfect.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @weirdkid5 said:
    The "problem" with DS is its entire existence. The whole perk needs to be canned and replaced.

    There should not be a perk for Survivors that literally rewards them for failure. That's exactly what DS does. Some people treat it as a free pallet stun, and others require it to even survive the game.

    Such a huge crutch should not even exist in a game with the gall to have the tag "Survival Horror."

    Well hate to break it to you but the Dev's have stated they can't get rid of any perks. I know DS is unfair the way it is, but they can't get rid of it now. All the people who have invested bloodpoints for it would all have been for nothing, and thats more so unfair. I did consider people like you saying it should be gotten rid of, but honestly, I think you killer players would have a much more easier time chasing and hooking if only one person could use it. then any other survivors who have it would hope they are far away from a hook, so they can wiggle free.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @weirdkid5 said:
    The "problem" with DS is its entire existence. The whole perk needs to be canned and replaced.

    There should not be a perk for Survivors that literally rewards them for failure. That's exactly what DS does. Some people treat it as a free pallet stun, and others require it to even survive the game.

    Such a huge crutch should not even exist in a game with the gall to have the tag "Survival Horror."

    Well hate to break it to you but the Dev's have stated they can't get rid of any perks. I know DS is unfair the way it is, but they can't get rid of it now. All the people who have invested bloodpoints for it would all have been for nothing, and thats more so unfair. I did consider people like you saying it should be gotten rid of, but honestly, I think you killer players would have a much more easier time chasing and hooking if only one person could use it. then any other survivors who have it would hope they are far away from a hook, so they can wiggle free.

    cough cough

    Tinkerer rework

    cough cough

    Reworking a perk to the point of totaly changing it's effect is the same thing as getting rid of said perk.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @weirdkid5 said:
    The "problem" with DS is its entire existence. The whole perk needs to be canned and replaced.

    There should not be a perk for Survivors that literally rewards them for failure. That's exactly what DS does. Some people treat it as a free pallet stun, and others require it to even survive the game.

    Such a huge crutch should not even exist in a game with the gall to have the tag "Survival Horror."

    Well hate to break it to you but the Dev's have stated they can't get rid of any perks. I know DS is unfair the way it is, but they can't get rid of it now. All the people who have invested bloodpoints for it would all have been for nothing, and thats more so unfair. I did consider people like you saying it should be gotten rid of, but honestly, I think you killer players would have a much more easier time chasing and hooking if only one person could use it. then any other survivors who have it would hope they are far away from a hook, so they can wiggle free.

    I'm not a Killer player. I'm a Survivor main.

    The perk is nonsense and is a mistake and a blight on the game. They could remove if they wanted to.

    They just won't because it'll make all the crutch using survivors leave the game. There was a time when DS didn't exist and it was much better.

    If anything, they need to lock the usage of DS past Rank 15. It needs to get the boot somehow, and for the people who "invested" so much in it, I have some advice.

    Try actually getting better at the damn game.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Also @Dragonredking damn good point. Completely changing Tinkerer is the same thing, they just didnt change the name.

    The same could happen with DS. They are just too scared to lose them baby survivor profits.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    @weirdkid5 said:
    Also @Dragonredking damn good point. Completely changing Tinkerer is the same thing, they just didnt change the name.

    The same could happen with DS. They are just too scared to lose them baby survivor profits.

    Thx, but where is my upvote tho?

    Jk I don't give a #########

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    So your telling me that they already did this with tinkerer huh?

    Interesting, but I still say DS needs to be in the game, other wise the halloween DLC is ultimately more of a waste of cash then it already is

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Dragonredking said:

    @BLUE_APE said:

    cough cough

    Tinkerer rework

    cough cough

    Reworking a perk to the point of totaly changing it's effect is the same thing as getting rid of said perk.

    So your telling me that they already did this with tinkerer huh?

    Interesting, but I still say DS needs to be in the game, other wise the halloween DLC is ultimately more of a waste of cash then it already is

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095
    edited June 2018

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @Runiver said:

    Object of Obsession is actually super strong. I'm not sure what ranks you're playing, but I see OoO half of the rounds at high ranks.

    The last one is, indeed, useless, I agree, and could use a rework. But so could killer obsession perks.
    Also, I'm free to give my opinion in here. You're not stopping me with a good old "I like everyone but you now for some reasons, don't waste your time here".
    The day I'll be breaking a rule, we'll discuss.

    Hey I'm sorry over reacting, I get vary upset over people fussing over this perk. But I see you feel the same about object of obsession (if used right) its one of the strongest perks in the game. Its just when I got the game I bought the halloween DLC and Laurie was who I started off with. No one really uses Laurie's perks because they only look for DS. Do think think this would be a fair nerf (only obsession gets to use it for instant free once per match) while everyone else gets to wiggle faster? (not by much though, to make it more fair)

    In the end I honestly just want the game to be fair for both killer and survivors, also do you main Billy boy?

    Wiggling faster would make some hooking impossible in quite a lot of corners of maps, especially in Suffocation pit and Grim Pantry.
    Survivors exploited these spots a lot at some point, and even if it got improved since then, it could prove very annoying to deal with survivors running in a corner repeatedly not to get hooked.
    The devs are actually considering something like : Decisive strike stunning the killer in place, but not letting go the victim anymore, which could lead to more flashlight plays, and eventually some ways not to get hooked once if planned, that could be allright I suppose, to be tested.

    I think they'll release it in the next PTB to test.

    I main Billy, Hag and soon, Clown!
    But I play all killers except for LF, Freddy and Nurse since I find these 3 unbearable to play.

    P.S.: Don't worry about the "over reacting", I'm a grown up person and can take up an "offense", don't stress it out

    Post edited by Runiver on
  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Runiver said:

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @Runiver said:

    Object of Obsession is actually super strong. I'm not sure what ranks you're playing, but I see OoO half of the rounds at high ranks.

    The last one is, indeed, useless, I agree, and could use a rework. But so could killer obsession perks.
    Also, I'm free to give my opinion in here. You're not stopping me with a good old "I like everyone but you now for some reasons, don't waste your time here".
    The day I'll be breaking a rule, we'll discuss.

    Hey I'm sorry over reacting, I get vary upset over people fussing over this perk. But I see you feel the same about object of obsession (if used right) its one of the strongest perks in the game. Its just when I got the game I bought the halloween DLC and Laurie was who I started off with. No one really uses Laurie's perks because they only look for DS. Do think think this would be a fair nerf (only obsession gets to use it for instant free once per match) while everyone else gets to wiggle faster? (not by much though, to make it more fair)

    In the end I honestly just want the game to be fair for both killer and survivors, also do you main Billy boy?

    Wiggling faster would make some hooking impossible in quite a lot of corners of maps, especially in Suffocation pit and Grim Pantry.
    Survivors exploited these spots a lot at some point, and even if it got improved since then, it could prove very annoying to deal with survivors running in a corner repeatedly not to get hooked.
    The devs are actually considering something like : Decisive strike stunning the killer in place, but not letting go the victim anymore, which could lead to more flashlight plays, and eventually some ways not to get hooked once if planned, that could be allright I suppose, to be tested.

    I think they'll release it in the next PTB to test.

    I main Billy, Hag and soon, Clown!
    But I play all killers except for LF, Freddy and Nurse since I find these 3 unbearable to play.

    P.S.: Don't worry about the "over reacting", I'm a grown up person and can take up an "offense", don't stress it out

    Stunning the killer in place is the only change i can get on board with since it gives the killer reliable counter play and will not become a massive time sink. Under no circumstances will i ever be content with D strike so long as it remains a get out of jail free card. It is simply to devastating at high ranks to be force to chase someone down all over again not to mention it being one of the most infuriating and unfun things a killer can experience next to pallet looping.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Again... I do have idea on how to make decisive strike more balanced but it's unpopular so message me when you wanna hear it :unamused:
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Here's some thoughts and just to note I don't use DS and have yet to see it but have seen it on fellow survivors and as a killer. I think removing it from the game is a mistake and it's not about try getting good and the ppl using that just stop. You do nothing to advance your arguments and instead make yourselves look like petulant children. We can all agree even survivor mains that it needs to be balanced better, the disagreement is on what that balance means. So instead of playing the blame game and pointing fingers have an actual discussion.

    1. Make it a limited use perk and be scaling with the difficulty check. So if the match has just started and you're the unlucky victim that got downed it stays at the 35% difficulty meter. However after that the difficulty goes up and uses go down. You get 1 more usage but the difficulty jumps up to 75% or worse depending on rank/whether you're ina SWF group.

    2. For really high ranks say the 1-5/8(?) range it's 1 time usage but the difficulty starts at 75% but after x minutes goes up to 90% and if you fail there should be some type of penalty. You could bleed more heavily and move slower for x time or something along those lines or can't use adrenaline etc for x time..

    Now this sounds harsh and it is but the perk will still be valuable but won't be a free get out of jail I win card anymore. You're going to have to be really strategic on it's use and with SWF groups it can be tuned even more.

    1. Based upon the ranks it's usage could scale but it should have a much longer cd between uses so if you just used it it goes on cd for x mins based upon rank, match length and whether in group or not. For instance if in full 4 man SWF than the difficulty meter should be 75% bare minimum and after x mins it scales to 90-95% difficulty.

    Now if it's 3 SWF and 1 random the random gets elss of a penalty and for the SWF ppl your're still a group and still have an advantage, just not such a big one.

    I'm sure this will make some survivor mains mad but with some tweaking this could be workable, I just don't know if the devs could pull it off.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @BLUE_APE said:

    Also big question, has anyone who plays doctor been hit with DS? I have never been able to land the skill check after I have hit madness.

    I mained Doc for quiet a while and yes, there are survivor out there that can hit the skillcheck anyway.
    Even with UP running they hit the check in madness 2 anyway.
    I for sure would not be able to do it as a survivor, but there are those survivor who can do it,

  • Techn0
    Techn0 Member Posts: 405
    edited June 2018

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @Techn0 said:

    Many, many times. It's depressing because annoying DS users is my favorite part about Doc.

    Huh? well I guess then I'm just someone you would annoy while carring me then.
    Well do you think this nerf would be fair? Laurie's perks all about obsession. so I think those who are the obsession and running the perks should get the good stuff.

    There are a few fixes I would like and any of them would make me a bit happier with the state of the perk. I absolutely want the perk gutted personally but I feel like some things would hurt it a lot without touching the core mechanics of the perk

    • Make it require an item. Makes Franklins a hard counter to DS.
    • Give the killers more viable obsession perks, make people afraid to be the obsession. Remember me and Dying light are very rarely used.
    • Make it an exhaustion perk. Not being able to use the perk and SB on the same build might work wonders and disable a big part of the meta build.

    I believe the problem with DS isn't that it exists. It's that it ties so well with the current meta for survivors and drastically hurts the killers meta. If we made counters for DS and limited the meta perks we could tie with DS it would be in a much better state. If a perk like dying light was made that painted a target on the obsessions back and lead to them being tunneled down then a lot less people would be using DS, if the killers had a perk that could stop DS a lot less people would run it, if people had to sacrifice a sprint perk for DS a lot less people would run it. It needs counters and it needs more downsides for survivors that run it, it does not need a nerf to it's sole purpose it's combos are simply too good and there is no downside to running the perk.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    @Runiver said:

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @Runiver said:

    Object of Obsession is actually super strong. I'm not sure what ranks you're playing, but I see OoO half of the rounds at high ranks.

    The last one is, indeed, useless, I agree, and could use a rework. But so could killer obsession perks.
    Also, I'm free to give my opinion in here. You're not stopping me with a good old "I like everyone but you now for some reasons, don't waste your time here".
    The day I'll be breaking a rule, we'll discuss.

    Hey I'm sorry over reacting, I get vary upset over people fussing over this perk. But I see you feel the same about object of obsession (if used right) its one of the strongest perks in the game. Its just when I got the game I bought the halloween DLC and Laurie was who I started off with. No one really uses Laurie's perks because they only look for DS. Do think think this would be a fair nerf (only obsession gets to use it for instant free once per match) while everyone else gets to wiggle faster? (not by much though, to make it more fair)

    In the end I honestly just want the game to be fair for both killer and survivors, also do you main Billy boy?

    Wiggling faster would make some hooking impossible in quite a lot of corners of maps, especially in Suffocation pit and Grim Pantry.
    Survivors exploited these spots a lot at some point, and even if it got improved since then, it could prove very annoying to deal with survivors running in a corner repeatedly not to get hooked.
    The devs are actually considering something like : Decisive strike stunning the killer in place, but not letting go the victim anymore, which could lead to more flashlight plays, and eventually some ways not to get hooked once if planned, that could be allright I suppose, to be tested.

    I think they'll release it in the next PTB to test.

    I main Billy, Hag and soon, Clown!
    But I play all killers except for LF, Freddy and Nurse since I find these 3 unbearable to play.

    P.S.: Don't worry about the "over reacting", I'm a grown up person and can take up an "offense", don't stress it out

    @Techn0 said:

    @BLUE_APE said:

    @Techn0 said:

    Many, many times. It's depressing because annoying DS users is my favorite part about Doc.

    Huh? well I guess then I'm just someone you would annoy while carring me then.
    Well do you think this nerf would be fair? Laurie's perks all about obsession. so I think those who are the obsession and running the perks should get the good stuff.

    There are a few fixes I would like and any of them would make me a bit happier with the state of the perk. I absolutely want the perk gutted personally but I feel like some things would hurt it a lot without touching the core mechanics of the perk

    • Make it require an item. Makes Franklins a hard counter to DS.
    • Give the killers more viable obsession perks, make people afraid to be the obsession. Remember me and Dying light are very rarely used.
    • Make it an exhaustion perk. Not being able to use the perk and SB on the same build might work wonders and disable a big part of the meta build.

    I believe the problem with DS isn't that it exists. It's that it ties so well with the current meta for survivors and drastically hurts the killers meta. If we made counters for DS and limited the meta perks we could tie with DS it would be in a much better state. If a perk like dying light was made that painted a target on the obsessions back and lead to them being tunneled down then a lot less people would be using DS, if the killers had a perk that could stop DS a lot less people would run it, if people had to sacrifice a sprint perk for DS a lot less people would run it. It needs counters and it needs more downsides for survivors that run it, it does not need a nerf to it's sole purpose it's combos are simply too good and there is no downside to running the perk.

    I threw out the idea for DS to require an item. But some idioit didn't see how it would nerf it.

  • Violator
    Violator Member Posts: 17

    make it so you need to struggle 75% (or more than 35% at least) if you are not the obsession.
    make it so the stun time is reduced.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Decisive Strike:
    Once per trial, when in the killer's grasp, wiggle to 200/175/150% total during the trial then succeed a skill to fill the rest of the wiggle meter.

    This would be a huge nerf but your talking about a perk that gives the survivor huge value. Thoughts?