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General Discussions

The Spirit needs buffs.

Member Posts: 29
edited September 2018 in General Discussions

The Spirit really needs a speed buff to 115%
The looping, really hurts her overall and her ability does not help her, if a decent survivor player know how to counter her.
I don't mind nerfing her terror radius from 24 to 28, if that is the only way to make her walk speed to 115% Beause her walk speed is the FIRST buff, she needs badly.

2nd buff shall be, seeing blood during her ability. It's the only way to track down an injured survivor. It's easy to lose in a chase during her ability as the scratch marks can lie.
Right now, the only use, for her ability is to quickly rush over to a repaired gen to damage it.

3rd buff shall be, using her ability, even if it is not fully-charged.

4th buff shall be, removing the sound of her ability.

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  • Member Posts: 543

    level of entitlement: I know bettar!!

    the heck. why does she need 4 bufs?
    even with all nerfs, the sound (which was not mentioned, it's a bug) is the only thing the needs to be fixed.
    Everything else is to make her stronger/weaker. And devs have their own reasons to make the changes.

    And you're just like a golden boy, coming here and telling people what to do. This level of entitlement is amusing, to be honest

  • Member Posts: 29

    I am sure, you've never played the spirit before.

  • Member Posts: 441

    Spirit is actually weak right now, but her main problem is the cooldown on her power is way too long. 20 seconds wouldn't be a problem if you could use her power without having to wait for it to fully recharge, but since you do, it's actually insane how unforgiving her power is. Change the cooldown, fix the sound bug, make Father's Glasses base, and allow her to see auras from aura-reading perks at base. With those 4 changes, she immediately becomes a high-tier killer and one to be truly feared. Right now, she's anywhere between low and mid tier; nowhere near as bad as Freddy but is about as bad as Leatherface in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 29

    The spirit is extremely weak against a decent team in red ranks. There is nothing she can do about it.
    There is no point of releasing this killer, when she is literally a low tier character. No point of making her into prestige 3 and I have just wasted my hard earned money by buying this killer.
    The devs needs to buff her, if they want me to keep supporting the DLCs. I've bought a ton of survivor DLCs for Feng and bought each killers.

  • Member Posts: 441

    @SpiritFeng said:
    The spirit is extremely weak against a decent team in red ranks.

    Not gonna lie, rank means nothing other than how big someone's ego is. But I see what you're saying, really good teams will gen-rush her. But this is a problem shared by every killer other than Billy and Nurse, and even then, Billy will be gen-rushed on bad maps for him, like Lery's and Haddonfield.

  • Member Posts: 29
    edited September 2018

    I just had a match, where they found my hex-ruin totem in the early-game. I got one survivor hooked, and by that time, 3 gens were repaired. Instantly a game-over for me.

  • Member Posts: 29

    Fun fact, survivors PM me, when they all made it out alive and write "GG" to me. Sure, it's a GG, when they've an easy time counter the Spirit. I am about to stop playing the spirit and return back to the "OP" killers again.
    Money wasted and time wasted into her.

  • Member Posts: 282

    People need to realize that just as survivors learn how to fake out the spirit, killers need to learn how to fake out their fake outs.

  • Member Posts: 29

    Nickeh, I dare you to upload a match of you playing as the Spirit and do the "fake outs" atleast 4 times and see how well it will work in red ranks.

  • Member Posts: 441

    Spirit's cooldown got reduced to 15 seconds with patch 2.2.1, hell yeah

  • Member Posts: 282

    @SpiritFeng said:
    Nickeh, I dare you to upload a match of you playing as the Spirit and do the "fake outs" atleast 4 times and see how well it will work in red ranks.

    I don't really record games unless I'm on ps4 and encounter a funny glitch, but I honestly 3-4 k at least 80% of my games with her on ranks 1-5. Sorry if you don't believe me.

  • Member Posts: 29

    @Maximus7 said:
    Spirit's cooldown got reduced to 15 seconds with patch 2.2.1, hell yeah

    Its something, but I want her to see blood and 115 speed instead.

  • Member Posts: 25

    Some people in this thread mixing up to different things about "buffing" a killer and making a killer to "strong". With that 4 things that @Maximus7 posted she would be to strong, she could be on a same level as the nurse with that kind of buffs.

    As Nickeh said, you need to know what survs do to "juke" the spirit while she is using her ability.
    And @SpiritFeng about your match in the video you posted, it's kind of dumb to say "The killer is to weak because the survivors completed 3 gens after ruin got destroyed in the early game".

    Its easy to explain what has gone wrong in that match, you simply did not built up enough pressure on the survivors and they were able to do the gens in a chilled way .. that what happened in your match was not because of the killer.

    And by the way .. the spirit is not to weak you need to learn how to play her and you also need to learn that survivors do not automaticly drop to the ground because youre not able to down him within 20 seconds.

  • Member Posts: 8

    The Spirit really needs a speed buff to 115%
    The looping, really hurts her overall and her ability does not help her, if a decent survivor player know how to counter her.
    I don't mind nerfing her terror radius from 24 to 28, if that is the only way to make her walk speed to 115% Beause her walk speed is the FIRST buff, she needs badly.

    2nd buff shall be, seeing blood during her ability. It's the only way to track down an injured survivor. It's easy to lose in a chase during her ability as the scratch marks can lie.
    Right now, the only use, for her ability is to quickly rush over to a repaired gen to damage it.

    3rd buff shall be, using her ability, even if it is not fully-charged.

    4th buff shall be, removing the sound of her ability.

     1- her movement speed is a bit slow. 
     2- she has add-ons that can see blood and you got the bloodhound perk. You can make use of it.
     3- it has to recover just like the nurse's blink. Permanent spamming her ability is a bit OP, a cool down helps balancing a bit.
     4- the sound is a glitch.
  • Member Posts: 1,893

    @Maximus7 said:
    Spirit's cooldown got reduced to 15 seconds with patch 2.2.1, hell yeah

    Was that today? Cause if so, its time to run the gambit and test this out.

  • Member Posts: 29

    the buff is not going to change her chase game. She is still the same in the previous patch. ^

  • Member Posts: 29

    @Sprinkles said:

    @SpiritFeng said:
    I just had a match, where they found my hex-ruin totem in the early-game. I got one survivor hooked, and by that time, 3 gens were repaired. Instantly a game-over for me.

    Since my previous post was deleted, all i'm going to say is that gameplay was all on you, you failed in playing as the Spirit.

    What previous post? since when was it made and where? Can you explain it?

  • Member Posts: 1,857
    Buffs confirmed, cooldown is stupid long, poorly done ptb etc etc, so many dead horses getting beat. 
  • Member Posts: 29

    The buff does not make her any better. She still needs to receive a 115% speed walk.
    She is too easy to dance and loop with.

  • Member Posts: 66

    I agree with you 100%. The spirit needs to be faster and have more tracing capabilities, she is slow and her ability is even slower when you try to track someone and you get lost, I think a lot of the killers really needs more power, since any team up survivors area against you, you really can't do anything and probably they will when because it's really not fair.

    Give the spirit more speed and power!

  • Member Posts: 1,273

    The buff does not make her any better. She still needs to receive a 115% speed walk.
    She is too easy to dance and loop with.

    I do just fine. First, you’re at one of the strongest Loops in the game. Nearly an infinite. Secondly, that Spirit player didn’t try any mind games, and made bad predictions and just blindly chased you like a normal M1 Killer. Of course you danced circles around them. 
  • Member Posts: 406

    She is so garbage. This is really sad, we need scary killers!

  • Member Posts: 123
    The key to her tracking ability is to stop relying on scratch marks to do it. Lol. With the Spirit you want to have a good headset and use your ears! She is better at tracking sound than trying to follow prints. Also you have to be really intelligent and predict survivor movements before using yamokas haunting, especially if they arent injured. I get the jump on a lot of people by just knowing where they are going or how they are thinking. 

    Also people are forgetting that her phase walk gives her a massive advantage over every other killer, except nurse and billy, for being able to patrol gens and not have to camp. She moves around quickly. With the right perks in the right hands she is an effective killer at any rank. Im rank 2 before people critisize. Practice makes perfect with her just like nurse 
  • Member Posts: 441

    She's now one of the hardest killers but more like high-mid tier, kinda like Myers (except she can't snowball as hard but is more consistent overall). She's the most mindgame-heavy killer and requires ears (like the person above mentioned) and outwitting your opponent. I suggest Rancor, Ruin, Sloppy, and Nurse's as a good build for her, Rancor gives you more tracking while phasewalking and Nurse's is amazing to use on her since it activates before her terror radius does. The other two perks are to slow the game down. MYC, BBQ, and M&A are also good perks on her.

    As for add-ons, the amulet and the saya are the best imo. The saya gives her a crazy windstorm-like effect out of phasewalk and the amulet is basically her Carburetor Tuning Guide.

  • Member Posts: 3,647
    When the buffs come shes going to be a lot better... no more foot steps to be heard while phasing, no more directional sounds, prayer beeds will make the sound be mute now (I'd stack up on this add on because its going to be so good), you wont hear her moans etc. While phasing... better then Myers and up there with hag and huntress..
  • Member Posts: 4

    There are a variety of buff combinations that The Spirit could have that would make her a really good killer.

    1. If she got a Movement Speed and Duration increase to her ability. Making the wait time worth it by having an actual worthwhile ability would be nice. I think all her numbers on her ability need tweaking to be better, Movespeed, Duration, Recharge time and maybe even use time if you want it to be used more frequently in chases.

    2. Give her a much shorter recharge time, and more movespeed either in base or in Phase Walk.

    3. Make her less noisy. Add this to any other buff that is done, she makes so much noise there's no point in her being invisible

    @SovererignKing said:
    SpiritFeng said:

    The buff does not make her any better. She still needs to receive a 115% speed walk.

    She is too easy to dance and loop with.

    I do just fine. First, you’re at one of the strongest Loops in the game. Nearly an infinite. Secondly, that Spirit player didn’t try any mind games, and made bad predictions and just blindly chased you like a normal M1 Killer. Of course you danced circles around them. 

    In the video you sent, I just watched the first chase where he gets the Nea. That Nea played that really poorly. She deserved to be downed, but that is not going to be the general experience. They either wait under the pallet for you, or they loop you like most survivors do, waiting for the last moment to use the pallet. It's impossible to really mind game unless you use her power, but when they see her using her power, they just need to like, leave
    Like run or walk away.
    It's really easy to escape the spirit.

  • Member Posts: 3,688
    edited October 2018

    @SpiritFeng said:
    Fun fact, survivors PM me, when they all made it out alive and write "GG" to me. Sure, it's a GG, when they've an easy time counter the Spirit. I am about to stop playing the spirit and return back to the "OP" killers again.
    Money wasted and time wasted into her.

    LOL it's DBD. Of course you only get a "GG" if they make it out.

    Only once in a blue moon do you ever get a "GG" if you win, normally they accuse you of camping/tunneling/hacking/being psychic/performing witchcraft.

    edit: I watched your first video. At one point you go the wrong side of some hay for Meg when she can clearly be heard on the other side of it. Since you're playing on console, I'm assuming you're using TV speakers? I'm on PC using headphones. Perhaps headphones would help, they play a big role in a game like this but especially on the spirit when you're going by sounds as you can more easily tell the directions of the survivors in this way.

  • Member Posts: 604

    If 2 out of the 4 buffs you suggested were added she'd be fine. Not all 4. All 4 would make her insanely OP.
    115% would be a lot better for her as would using her power when it's not fully charged to make mind gaming a lot more viable.
    But silent phase shifting would remove any and all counterplay to her. The PTB change to make it so you don't know where the sound is coming from is already good enough. And even though I've suggested seeing Blood on base constantly using Father's Glasses makes me realize just how strong that effect is.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    i agree with the 1st suggestion (115% speed), but i feel like the others are unnecessary...
    also, an increase of her terror radius would actually buff her, since she'd have a larger radius where her 'whooosh' sound is covered by the fake heartbeat, so that would be nice too.

  • Member Posts: 1,256

    Her speed doesn't bother me so much in that her lunge is not proper. I can lunge fantastically well on any other killer, including Hag and Huntress whom move at the same speed; however, the Spirit, for whatever reason, lunges like 2/3rds of the max distance as other killers. I miss hits on people right on top of me, or hits go through survivors and hit objects and debris. It's absolutely ridiculous how many hits I "miss" with her.

    Something is not right with her hit recognition/attack 'box'/lunge.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    If she moved at the normal killer speed I would be fine with her power in its gimped state. However, since they made her so slow, she RELIES on her power for hits. It's simply too unreliable for a power she relies on. She either needs normal killer speed so that her power is just supplemental or her power needs to be made more reliable. If they want her slow, she should see blood during her power at base or have survivor sounds massively increased while using her power to make it a little more readable. I personally like the blood change as it would only make her stronger when they are already injured and would make certain builds more interesting on her like sloppy butcher/bloodhound. Side note, she's probably one of THE best cases where predator would be a good perk and it's still trashy. Even with their current proposed coming changes to her she will still be too weak imo as they aren't anything that significant. She's a less rewarding, more unreliable and more heavily penalized nurse.

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