Can we talk about survs gettin nerf AGAIN?

GoldieLegion Member Posts: 14
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

Can we talk about survs gettin nerf AGAIN? lightborn now makes imposible to blind and gives an aura for 10 minute of the surv, frankling not only makes the object dissapear now, it also shows an aura of the item to the killer, and dont even talk about billy cause chainsaw takes forever to overheat anyways, so that """"""nerf"""""" is bullshit. An yeah, those perks are situational, u can use better perks instead, blablablaaaaaaa... SAME WITH DS AND I KEEP READING KILLERS CRYING ABOUT IT, DONT TUNNEL, EASY, U MAKE ONE SURV PERK USELESS. It was really necessary? flashlights nerfed, toolboxes nerfed, all items nerfed in general with frankling now, what's next? gettin insta down if u use a med-kit on someone else? I KNOW I KNOW... Some survs are really annoying clicking all the time like #########, as a surv i dont approve that, also i dont tbag, but its a item that is there to use it. I'm not even goona talk about status effects in adons now and the auras in hooks or so, coz i read some killers saying that auras are a buff for survs and well... It's b*llshit up for everyone actually.

What about nerfing ######### Ebony memento mori so killers stop ######### everyones game using it at first hook, for example? Maybe force them to use it at last hook or just one surv at first hook...? What about do something against facecampers? I know, "it's a mechanic" yeah, also is genrush and once again, they keep crying about it. There u go, that doesn't matter coz killers are always the poor little ones gettin bullied, right? Bullsh*t. But hey... Make all the items an excuse for camping an object with frankling now or just taking off one of the most important resource for survs, make the flashlights useless with lightborn now, worth, it's to hard TO JUST FACE A ######### WALL RIGHT?

I used to have a neutral opinión coz i play both sides, but i can tell as a killer and as a surv that survs are not op, they keep gettin nerf once again and again and again instead. But hey, some killers facecamp, mori, tunnel or dc as soon they face a good surv player and it's totally fine.

And here's a main killer talking actually. Guys, if u cant handle survs, maybe you need to improve, try harder and do it better next time. I faced a lot of killers that actually made the game impossible to win no matter how many ds, borrow times, flashlights blabla you have, they just KNOW how to do their job and they dont even need to tunnel or camp, so it's not about survs beeing op and crying in reddit about it, maybe some killers just need to keep playing in orden to learn how to counter survs.

Playing both sides and in my opinión, killers definetly always get the favour from devs. It's a fact in my opinión, it's getting worse and worse. Come guys, u have tooons of op perks and adons to use, op killers to play and many ways to counter survs plays, don't be cry babys. (yeah i know survs cry aswell but its the killer who always get the favour)

That's all. I know i'll get tons of salty comments here, but... I don't really care, everyone can express itself.. But in my opinión... IT IS WHAT IT IS. Also sorry for my english, i tried my best :')



  • GoldieLegion
    GoldieLegion Member Posts: 14

    Yeah i mean, i knwo it's not a surv nerf itself, but by buffing those perks they are nerfing the survs again :c

  • GoldieLegion
    GoldieLegion Member Posts: 14

    Nah i don't need Billy get even more nerfed, that's not what i said, i'm talking about crying about it when it's not that bad, i played him and meh, not a big deal. Please read better next time. Didn't say Billy should get more nerfed, i said that people cry way too much about it and it's not that bad.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    So, a niche perk that continues to do it's original job, and provides the effect of another perk, but worse?

    Nerfs an item that is rarely used to begin with?

    You're better off running I'm All Ears for close range aura reading, and time will tell how the Billy changes will affect him and his pick rate. I can imagine a lot more Oni players, since they are similar. I have way more respect for Oni players, tho.

  • Suwusie
    Suwusie Member Posts: 26

    Yes it’s technically a flashlight nerf but it mostly effects swf groups if we’re being honest. The only time flashlights are powerful is saves, blinding a killer at a pallet or (for some reason) in a chase is pointless unless you have maybe sprintburst.

    It’s not like lightborn is going to become meta anyways, it’s only really useful against flashlight squads.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    in the beta it was that bad overheat in 4 seconds bad. DS is a fully minute(or 2) of invincibility that survivors use to be a scumbag and sometimes doesnt even prevent being hook twice in a row its just an ever-present pressure to slug every survivor you've hooked this year it needs to be looked got in the obilitory ebony mori is a win button and win button bad paragraph with no mention of the survivor equivalent. lightborne was and is a niche perk for flash bully protection if you think you need it its only over used now because people like to try the new stuff. saying your a killer main even though you seem to think DS is perfect and never abused and always does its job perfectly. btw killer get more favor rn because of better arguements

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Lightborn made it pretty much impossible to be blinded before as well, there is really not a big difference. And the aura is neglectable, bc you wouldn't really lose a surv trying to blind you at a pallet (10 sec btw, not 10 min). Maybe if he tries to blind you early when carrying someone and then runs away, it could show you his location after the hooking. But that endorses not to camp then, so its actually a good thing. Lightborn is still a niche perk and will likely not be equipped unless there are multiple flashlights. Since you can see what others are taking with them, and you can ask them about it, where is the problem in NOT taking a FL with you? You could also bait the killer in equipping LIghtborn, and then just switch it out or not use it. Then the killer has a wasted perk. I really can't see how anyone can find this problematic. Its a nice QoL update for dealing with bullying FL squads, nothing more.

    Franklins can now finally counter keys properly! Before you could make them drop the key, but that was no guarantee that it remained on the ground. I had multiple games I used Franklins against a key, but then still two or three used the loosers track to escape. Now I can finally camp the key until it is gone. And thats actually a REALLY BAD strategy. Since it take 90 seconds to be consumed by the entity, a killer hard camping it will likely throw the match entirely. If you want to "win" the game, you just cannot afford to guard an item on the ground, unless the survs play it stupidly. And you can't even prevent a healthy survivor from picking it up again to void the timer (except for one-hit downs, but even that is limited know with the bubba change). The survs could let themselves downed just to reset the timer, so additional 90 seconds for you to wait. More than enough time for the downed to crawl away and be healed again, rince and repeat. While the other two do gens undisturbed. You see, if the survs play it right, you won't even get the item consumed, even when trying your hardest to do so. Whats more, similar to Lightborn you could bait the killer to equip Franklins and throwing the game. Just equip four broken keys, lose them again and keep the killer busy trying to protect his items. YOu don't need any item to get out as a surv. Make him throw the game just bc he fears a multi man hatch escape.

    So overall, both perk changes are nice QoL updates, but they remain niche perks. The effects can be mitigated and the killer can even be baited into equipping it when he doesn't need it, wasting his perk slots. No need to baby rage about it. There were far more real survivor nerfs in tha last updates, this ones will barely have an impact.

    One last thing about the "JUST FACE THE WALL". First, thats not always possible. Second, even when scrubbing your nose on the wall, there are instances you still got blinded, even though you didn't even see the survivor holding a flashlight. THAT is real bullsh*t!

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    lets call this a factinion. It's imaginary like OP's sense of the game.

    The PTB overheat was just too much, imo it still doesnt really do what its supposed to do: revi'ng the chainsawin front of a hook. Still takes a bit too long imho, but thats fine. They changed all of his addons, which were the core of issues of his balance.

    Ds is "fine", as long as it is not used aggressively. Meaning going ballsy into the hook safe bc of your invulnerability. It just needs a few minor tweaks to deactivate/make the timer faster or decrease the timer and make it slower while in chase. I know devs said that DS wasnt intended to be an anti tunnel perk, but it became one in my factinion (read up on the first version of ds).

    While I agree on ebonys being strong, the whataboutism here is strong in this one. Ebonys can carry your game the same as a key can carry survivors by doing their objective and just finding the hatch.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited July 2020

    Holy <bad word>

    That's some nasty wall of texts

    It hurt my eyes same as the new aura

  • apples33
    apples33 Member Posts: 11

    Why are you booing him? He's right.

    Killers are strong enough. If you cant play well then thats on you.

    None of them need a boost. What does need to happen is more punishment for camping, slugging killers.

    Eboni Mori should be gone. Ends games far too quickly. Some killers have the one hit kills so they down you once and you're #########.

    Tell me how thats fair?

  • Erk
    Erk Member Posts: 230

    I really don't know what to say. Go watch the entitled survivor main video made by Yerv. I think you'll like it.

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    Killer main apparently. 'Cocaine is a helluva drug'.

    Why would anyone use lightborn in the first place, there are enough counters to flashlights without the need for the perk anyway. You can still last second switch into your flashlight meaning the likelihood that the killer uses lightborn is slim.

    'camping an object with frankling now' - in a time sensitive game why would anyone in their right mind camp an item for 90 secs. 'Let me sit on this key cos they might need it' whilst 3 gens go pop.

    Only decent perk is tinkerer and even that isn't as good as discordance (especially for low mobility killers).

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    Killer main apparently. 'Cocaine is a helluva drug'.

    Why would anyone use lightborn in the first place, there are enough counters to flashlights without the need for the perk anyway. You can still last second switch into your flashlight meaning the likelihood that the killer uses lightborn is slim to none.

    'camping an object with frankling now' - in a time sensitive game why would anyone in their right mind camp an item for 90 secs. 'Let me sit on this key cos they might need it' whilst 3 gens go pop.

    Only decent perk is tinkerer and even that isn't as good as discordance (especially for low mobility killers).

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited July 2020

    I've got a counterpoint and a mental excersize. First, the excersize: Go back in the last year's worth of patch notes and produce every direct survivor need in the game, then every direct survivor buff. Every time I do that, it's it's pretty 1-for-1. Even BL got directly buffed in its "nerf", which only removed an ability that was already completely useless unless abused to create infinites.

    Okay, giant glaring counterpoint: Lightborn is situational and bad since you can always just... Well, look down. You compared it to DS, an absolutely non-situational perk that you can get extreme value from regardless of whether or not you stab the killer or even equipped it that match, and it is entirely non-situational unless you think that "getting hooked" is "situational".

    Don't believe me? Run DS and immediately go do gens/heal the moment you are unhooked. If you see the killer coming, jump in a locker. Situational my arse.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    OP I agree with you 1000%.

    This game has been killer-sided for the past year (and maybe more). Every patch is filled with killer buffs and survivor nerfs.

    The whiny killer mains that dominate these forums and reddit will come in here and claim differently, but that's just because the whiners (not all killers) can't get a 4K despite endless OP killers. They want a 4K on Clown every game. Get real!

    The upcoming patches better have mori changes.

    Also, the change to the beginning of the game had better not allow for kills or there will be riots. The game is long enough as it is. If they add a bunch of crap to the front of the match, the opportunities for 0Ks for survivors will dramatically decrease and the balance will go from 2K to 4K. What the beginning of the match should be is no killing but both sides racing to do something. Whichever side gets it, gets some sort of advantage. Of course, you'd have to even the odds a bit for that since it would be 4v1, so the killer would have to have a starting advantage or something.

    BHVR needs to keep in mind that you need 4 survivors to play and 1 killer. If they keep focusing on the 1 guy and screwing over the other 4, they won't have anyone left. That's why they're moving toward crossplay. They're trying to aggregate a dying population.

    Mark my words. The beginning of the match change will be the death of this game if it is not done properly.

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    Lol recently i have played a lot of survivor with my friend and most of the time only one person die not only that but because we want to ruin the killer experience we all have DH, unbreakable, BT and DS them those killer are hating us because we are unfair

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I think your frustrations is due to proper balancing and bugs (because flashlights are now bugged...)

  • GoldieLegion
    GoldieLegion Member Posts: 14
  • GoldieLegion
    GoldieLegion Member Posts: 14

    Ds is a situational perk, u can only use it if killer decides to tunnel, and thats killers decision, i had lot of games where ds was totally useless cause killer decided to play fair. so ds is op cause it wont allow u hook the same surv that just been unhooked? wao. If those perks are so useless whats the need of buffing then? sorry but all u said makes no sense to me

  • GoldieLegion
    GoldieLegion Member Posts: 14

    Again... Whats the need of buffing those perks then if they are so useless? bte ask the 3 killers in a row woth that perk once the see a single flashlight

  • GoldieLegion
    GoldieLegion Member Posts: 14

    Try to write that in spanish and lets see how much you hurt my eyes. At least i know a third language, more or less ;)

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596


    "This game has been killer-sided for the past year (and maybe more). Every patch is filled with killer buffs and survivor nerfs."

    So changing Ruin was a killer buff? Recent Billy basekit and addon changes are a killer buff? Nurse changes were a buff? Do you recognize how ridiculous you are making yourself?

    "BHVR needs to keep in mind that you need 4 survivors to play and 1 killer."

    This bs talking point works the other way around, too: Entitled survivors need to keep in mind that you need 1 killer to play for 4 survivors. Killers STILL have a very rough life in high ranks against competent survivor groups. Just search a bit in the forum, there are plenty of posts of green or yellow ranked killers having to play against purple or red survivors, nearly every game. There are just too few high ranked killers available for all the red rank survivor groups, so the not-so-good killers have to stand in, which frustrates many so hard that they quit playing killer, making the situation even more loopsided. I can see that every evening in my region, killer queues are instant, survivor queues take considerably more. Bc mush more players play survivor than killer, at least in my region.

    Ranking up as survivor is easy mode compared to killer. You can consistantly pip even when you die all the games. So it feels more rewarding to play survivor, and it's just more chill for many. I recently encountered so many survs in my killer games with a red or pruple rank that were just plain bad at the game. No awareness whatsoever, no clue about the basic defences, not even using pallets they run past. You feel all game you are bullying a group of brown-ranked newbies, but on the tally screen you see that they are supposed to be purple or red. That tells you enough about which role is easier in this game.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    I never play with flashlight, so I dont mind that killer can waste one of perk slots on in. :^) Survivors who dont intent to use flashlights now can bait killer to waste one perk slot, switching back to med kit on the last second. Noice.

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    You will have more killers running the perks after the changes - because they want to test it. I did the same for tinkerer and I am not going to be using it going forward, its not bad but I don't see the value in it still unless I run a high mobility killer. The rest aren't great.

    Lightborn change isn't much different to the way it was before - near impossible to blind with one flashlight on old Lightborn (unless you play a potato killer).

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Lightborn isn't much of a buff. Once survivors know the killer has Lightborn then they won't use the flashlight anymore. Good killers won't use Lightborn since they know how to avoid Flashlights.

    Franklin's is a brilliant buff to counter keys, but not enough. The only time you should really be losing your item is if you get hit early in a chase and get hooked for 30 plus seconds. It's a good buff that won't affect really good survivors.

    Billy didn't need nerfed anyway so I'm happy the overheat thing isn't terrible now.

    Also I'd say Ebony Moris and Keys both need nerfed together. Franklin's helps with Keys but it just isn't strong enough.

  • Sinister0208
    Sinister0208 Member Posts: 253

    Buffing something doesn't necessarily make it better than other perks. They buffed bitter murmur and dark sense a while back - I hardly see these used even now.

    The 'buffs' (some seem like side grades) might make them more usable but unless you run a specific or meme build then why would you use these over the meta perks.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    The Billy “nerf” was disgusting. Really shows how spineless the company is.

    Their forums got infested with whiny killer mains and now the development team is too terrified to rock the boat. They just keep pandering to the loudest voices.

    I’m sure DS will be nerfed into the ground too so that killers can have their fun and go back to tunneling everyone out of the game asap. Throw in the dc penalties the killers begged for and I can see survivors getting fed up and quitting the game.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I literally just have you the most common DS situation under the sun, and you call not letting survivors get free gen time or heals to be "tunelling"? Tunnelling is when the killer exclusively goes after 1 survivor, not the killer punishing an otherwise bad play.

  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    I can't win with this community, god forbid killers get some buffs.

    If survivors get a buff, the game is suddenly "survivor sided", if killers get a buff, the game becomes "killer sided"

  • Kira15233
    Kira15233 Member Posts: 473
    edited July 2020

    You wanna talk survivor how they get it easy, I play both side equally and even when I play survivor, we have life pretty easy sometimes, gen speed is actually fast af, matter of fact, you can pop 2-3 gens in Red Forest or Ormond before the killer gets a down, now let's talk about maps, Red Forest and Ormond being the 2 I hate the most, survivor sided maps, now let's talk perk, they get a lot of notifications when something happens (MYC/HG and more) also what about the SAME PERKS BEING USED OVER AND OVER AGAIN? DS/DH/BT/Unbreakable and all meta perks, you are allowed to use those perks but killers have no skills when NOED pop, very nice 👌 same goes for survs who uses the meta perks. Changes should be made both sides in all honesty

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    LOL. Not had your coffee yet this morning? So triggered!

    There have been little nerfs to killer stuff over the past year, but it's been predominantly buffs to killers and OP new ones.

    And you can complain all you want about "entitled survivors" but the math is there. Treat survivors like crap and see where it gets BHVR as a company.

    And don't use rank as a justification for your opinions. Rank is meaningless and has no real rewards.

  • claudetterealness
    claudetterealness Member Posts: 92

    loool billy can still hit you around a wall and holds his chainsaw forever, a bit OP still

  • Joshawoo71
    Joshawoo71 Member Posts: 23

    What a bait...

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    Tasty bait.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    To be fair, any buff to either side inherently nerfs the other sides potential. Not that I agree with the op. They are put of their mind.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Technically true, but if you start seeing it that way then every patch will be dissapointing i feel.

    Especially now where most of the buffs aren't that big of a deal

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    If you take the op's view it would be disappointing. I just view them as different moves towards balancing the game.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503
  • clem1710
    clem1710 Member Posts: 275

    It's a supet situational perk that is useless for most matches. Don't be surprised if you bring 4 flashlight Meghead

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227
    edited July 2020

    i wonder why would someone punsih killer for a legitimate playstyle? You mean if i keep laying on the groound one person and start chasing another that walks nearby i should be "punished" for doing it? Lol.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209
    1. Buffs to killer perks are not a nerf to survivors
    2. Lightborn already gave immunity to blind it didn’t change not to mention what does an aura do when the survivor is 3m in front of you?
    3. Billy is more balanced now it was never meant to be a hard nerf
    4. DS doesn’t get complained about cuz someone tunneled it’s because it doesn’t work as intended no one wants a nerf but a rework lasts same time or more but ends once someone else is hooked or you start doing objectives
    5. Items got nerfed for obvious reasons toolboxes did gens too fast, medkit insta healed you off the ground, flashlights could chain a million times
    6. None of the items got nerfed with new franklins as new version is no better then old version
    7. No one really uses status effect add ons but those aren’t new they have been around for a long time
    8. Mori and key will both be reworked in the near future
    9. If someone is being camped while it sucks know they do get punished for it and best bet is do gens or bring bt and camaraderie
    10. I’ll admit you right on this one people do cry gen rush a little much cuz most of the time there is a chance to protect gens but at the same time there is times where you can’t
    11. Now here you say killers will just look at a wall instead of run lightborn so why cry about lightborn? Besides the part of being immune to blind didn’t change it was always like that to even blind a killer it took a dumb killer and 3 flashlights
    12. You also say people camp people for items I think that’s only for keys and that’s less now cuz new franklins can destroy the key so no one has to be moried tunneled or camped
    13. What you also need to understand is camping tunneling and slugging are a must in the current state of the game you have perks to counter that so you can’t whine much there
    14. Both sides dc not just killer I see more survivors dc then killer and I play both sides equally
    15. Survivors barely get any nerfs lately so I don’t know what you mean especially when you call every killer buff a nerf that’s not how it works nerfing would be taking away your ability to run not making a certain killer run faster you understand?
    16. Sometimes needing to learn how to play better is what’s wrong but sometimes it’s not there are squads who make it their goal to depip killers with every crutch imaginable and you may not be camping or tunneling and they end up forcing you to and get away with it cuz of perks
    17. On the last note couldn’t the same be said about you because you are trying to act like survivor is so oppressed when it’s not just learn to play better if these things bother you
    18. You are so wrong in many ways this game does not favor killer and nor do I believe it favors survivor it’s just seems like that to some such as yourself
    19. Difference between the main killer perks is they are utility based while survivor perks are second chances that for everyone used make the game have a 5th imaginary survivor
    20. I am gonna end this on an even number here for ocd purposes I hope my points help you at all if you even read them feel free to discuss point by point with me anything you feel I am wrong on but peacefully
  • jrosedaily1966
    jrosedaily1966 Member Posts: 10

    I have said for a long time that moris and keys are unfair. They cut the games short. Getting rid of both would level the playing field a little better. Then killers would have to work for their win abs survivor have to work for their exit.

  • vogit10102
    vogit10102 Member Posts: 225

    Guy, killers don't need to work for nothing, they only need to camper or tunnel a bit to 4k. And I'm not talking about a good freddy. You need a SWF team of 16 survivors to win against a good freddy. And win for survivors is 1 escape, not 4