Being toxic causes others to be toxic

EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
edited July 2020 in General Discussions

A short story directed to the Jake that I faced yesterday on coldwind farm. I didn't bother to remember your steam name and if I did I wouldn't mention it because shaming isn't allowed on the forums.

I decided to dust of my Nurse for old times sake. We got sent to coldwind, which sucks for me because I am corn blind. Corn is my kryptonite. Anyway it's a good game. I get several hooks, I run MYC so I have incentive to go after the rescuers, got some good blinks in, the survivors managed to juke me a few times in the corn. 1 gen left, 3 survivors alive and I am chasing a Jake. This Jake has been constantly trying to flash light me all game but I put on lightborn for this very reason :P I injure him and chase him to the shack. He gets to the shack, teabags several times, then touches the gen and pops adren. He deliberately left a gen at 99% for who knows how long so he could do this. I never patrolled the shack gen because it was out in a corner so I let them have it to protect the ones closer together. The match could have been over a few minutes prior had someone bothered to finish this gen. Maybe he wanted to be toxic or maybe they were going after totems for fear of noed. Seeing as how he rubbed it in my face right before popping adren, I'm going with he wanted to be a douche. Anyway, once he pops the gen he quick drops the pallet and tries to block los. I blink through the shack and hit him. Gates are opened and I down him. I hook him inbetween both gates to discover he is only at stage 2 on the hook. This guy has been a ass to me all match so against my better nature, I face camp him to death. Normally when the gates are open, if everyone is healthy and I have no one shot, then I cut my losses and secure my remaining kill. Even if I don't have noed when I play nurse I tend to let them try to rescue them because I can usually catch them before they get out. However this Jake was toxic so I felt it was poetic justice. He struggles on the hook until he dies then the other 2 leave.

No talk in the end game chat. I guess he didn't want to argue seeing as how he deserved it. Either way, let this be a lesson survivors. You piss off the killer and they are more likely to play dirty. Even if you manage to get away with it that killer will most likely be toxic to the next group of people they come across and they didn't do a thing to deserve it. This is by no means saying killers are not toxic because some are. You act like a dick and people usually respond in kind. "Toxic begets toxic"

I just felt like ranting before work :P



  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Some think it is. I've been "called out" for it in post game chat a couple times. What they don't understand is that if you didn't rush through the gens against a baby Huntress learning how to best use her power and we all actually had a fun game I wouldn't care and would probably have just hooked and walked away both of those times, lol.

  • djalmafreestyler1
    djalmafreestyler1 Member Posts: 13

    I definitely agree. Sometimes survivors were toxic with me when I didn't get at least one kill, sometimes it makes me play the next trial very dirty.

    When survivors think that is camping when the gates are open, you have one survivor on the hook and don't go after another survivor to let them unhook the survivor and probably everyone escape the trail, that's crazy. If that was the fair play killers should not play, let all survivors do gens and escape, that's easier.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    It's not toxic but "for me" it's unsportsmanlike. Under certain conditions I will do it but when I'm nurse I tend to refrain from it because I can catch them again. Had that Jake not teabagged several times I would have gladly left the hook and someone could have saved him.

  • KissingxToast
    KissingxToast Member Posts: 30

    How is camping a hook end game toxic or make you a bad killer? I don't understand. Aren't you just securing the guaranteed kill? Why would you chase and run the chance of getting no one at all? I'm new so maybe my lack of game time is why I don't understand.

  • VaJaybles
    VaJaybles Member Posts: 658

    While I agree with you, an eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    There are 4 possible toxic players on the survivor side, and 1 on the killer side.

    In my experience the toxicity borns on the survivor side, and then the killer as a reaction of that he might get toxic/dirty. I faced sometimes iris Huntress that literally said "tired of genrush + BM on the door so iris addon for you".

    Only if survivors could notice this the community would be so much better.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Yes. Several times I play a lower lvled killer that isn't meta, for fun. Only to be destroyed by a swf. Then I switch to my meta killer and crush the next group of survivors. In the end game chat I often apologize and say "My last match was toxic. I needed to vent"

  •  Antares2332
    Antares2332 Member Posts: 1,088

    You did the right thing, it is very likely that any killer would do the same as you.

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194
    edited July 2020

    i have the theory that so many people are toxic because the game is becoming less and less fun(boring killers, boring maps, broken s'hit). the only fun thing remaining is bullying others. I myself am toxic exactly for this reason.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I just ignore them. If I am on the verge of losing anyways, I will try to secure my kill.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited July 2020

    “A lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinion of a sheep.”

    That's my response whenever survivors complain how I play :P

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Same applies to the forum too. If you’re going to belittle people for having a different opinion they’re going to be uppity back.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    My son and I play this game and I go through this with him all the time. He gets toxic players then sits there for twenty minutes going back and forth with them in chat and im like dude shut up. i went into his xbox and blocked chats now so only friendly comes through did the same on mine helps for the most part. As for face camping during endgame if they are toxic and had horrible game but other wise hell no but BUT as for everything else 1 or less genny's left all survivers alive rulebook/my concience goes out the window I'm bringing the heat whatever it takes.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I had a Adam call me a tunneler yesterday because i came up to a genny and there was 3 of them and I chose him to go after. i made this choice because he was the only one without Sprint burst.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 965


    An. Eye for An. Eye.

    Will leave the whole world, Into a Pirate's Life 😉