Object of Obsession on Midwich

I was playing a killer (Plague)
There were at least 2 friends playing vs me on Midwich Elementary School.
The map was requested as offering before the match.
Friend 1 - Cheryl -- running Object of Obsession
Friend 2 - Claudette -- regular perks
Unfortunately, I had no whispers. Playing Plague.
I have killed 2 others.
Friend 1 start mirroring my moves on the other side of the map,
it is almost impossible to catch "object" when they doing this on midwitch.
Friend 2 was hiding somewhere. Not doing gens.
After 20 minutes of running circles on midwitch, I have decided to DC and report "object" and their friend for trolling.
What else could I do?
They should change this ugly perk.
It's a perk that gives you free information and you won't even need to work for it, and offers no counterplay for the Killer since all the survivor needs to do is look at where the Killer is.
It should only work if both you and the Killer are looking to each other. Or you need to do X action for it to work, like stun a Killer x times, or get hit by x times, then you can get rewarded.
I love that devs don't like perks that requires no efforts to get the effect yet there's a lot of Killer/Survivor perks that does exactly that.
It just needs to be changed.
2 -
as everyone should
the map is awful, OoO compounds it and the new auras make it even worse somehow
1 -
I would of just kept going then down him since killer is faster but I understand your frustration.