Nerf Bloodlust

If the killer misses a swing, they lose all bloodlust.
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Game isn't quite ready for it. If a survivor gets hit and just holds w, you literally get into bloodlust before you catch up to them. Gens fly by too fast in the early game and a few maps are still terrible and large. Once those things are fixed, sure.
At the same time though, bloodlust represents the power of the killer, the killer will eventually get you, no matter what, it's just a matter of time. And if you get downed while the killer is in bloodlust 2-3, you won that chase, because the killer also just lost 3 gens while that happened.
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I kinda wish they would disable bloodlust on maps that have fair/weak loops like hawkins.
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Nice bait
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I'll be okay with bloodlust getting nerfed/removed when maps like Ormond, Haddonpenis and Midwich don't exist in their current form, or maps like Torment Creek don't spawn a long wall next to an "i" loop next to shack, all in sequence.
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If a killer gets bloodlust 3, I think he's losing, right? I think it takes about 45 seconds to reach maximum, 3 free survivors can repair almost 2 gens in that time.
Well, I don't see such a long chase as profitable for a killer.
In Gas Heaven if you get a certain window combo and repair the gen you get an infinite double, there I see that bloodlust is necessary.
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you can waste your bloodlust when you broke a pallet noob
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Nerf survivor crouching 👍
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Blendettes around the world just shrieked out in pure terror...
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Ok,then nerf haddonfield and all the maps full of pallets as well
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no, bloodlust has a reason in the game. the meaning to end chases faster for dragging them on to long. remember the age we live in
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^ This sums it up well.
Bloodlust does eventually need to go, but the maps aren't there yet.