So what's the purpose of forbid killers to change killer in lobby?

This is one of the dumbest change done so far...
Tbh I have no clue what difference it even makes, I wouldn't care if I was a survivor and the killer wanted to change characters quick. Seems really pointless to me as well but what the hell do I know lol
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It seems dumb at first - but with the new MMR coming out, killers will have their own individual MMR. Meaning, if you're a god tier Nurse, you'll go against people of similar MMR, but if you're just trying to learn say...Trapper for example, you won't be put against death squad survivors. In theory.
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It's for the upcoming Killer Specific MMR
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Also most killers including myself queue up first and then choose killer, addons, and so on, to win some time while we wait.
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So another MM change, i wonder how will that turn out. None of the changes worked well so far.. Rainbow MM is still a thing.
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Locking the killer allows the matching system to take into consideration what killer you are using, your hours played, skill and so on when searching for lobby. In theory it should reduce-over time- stuff like someone who never played nurse being paired with high rank swf.
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Long and short of it is that the new matchmaking system revolves around the Killer you're using. Since the Survivors you get in your lobby are supposed to reflect your "rating" on that specific Killer, you're not allowed to swap it.
It's designed to allow people to practice Killers they're not familiar with without being thrown to the wolves.
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basically it helps people with certain programs to know who they are going against for free now, wich is sad because we cant change killer in the last second anymore.
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should of waited to add this locked killer in when the new MMR was added.
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As somebody playing with it rn, It seems to be quite a bit better.
I have better teammates, and the killers I'm getting aren't babies/terminators
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Supposedly there's a new encryption in place that has rendered that impossible to do. For now at least.
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So you're complaining that it's BHVR's fault that people are cheating?
Also, supposedly they fixed that in the new update.
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They did fix it, yes.
Also - t's fair to blame BHVR for that one. They left the information in LITERAL plain text in the appdata folders. That was as much a screw up on their part as it was people cheating.
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they didnt, is still working. and i know it because i saw it due a friend who used it, i would never said who he is especially when he didnt even send me pictures but somehow he knew wich killer we were going agaisnt 5 times in a row, or he is very good at doing 1/20 (20 killers very lucky) or he was hacking he told me he just wanted to try the program and he erased it because he knew was unfair, so he is no longer using it anymore. IS STILL WORKING after piramid head, and lots of people are using it somehow BHVR doesnt know.
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It was working since Pyramidhead.
They literally patched it 2 days ago.
It doesn't work.
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it wanst the old way by reading the notepad or so was with an exe, is a new form.
edit: but i can ask i guess, he erased the program but he knows the name and how to get it. so i may ask he may try or not.
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They encrypted the log file. In an update, again literally two days ago.
You can't do it with notepad or one of those programs anymore.
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if thats the case im happy.
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So, we should expect hundreds more of these same posts?