This is terrible.

I stopped playing DbD some time back after ear surgery. I loaded the game for the first time in years and was disgusted with the new addons. They're trash. Is this really gonna be a 'thing' or is it some elaborate prank? I haven't even tried to play the game yet. Can't wait to see how an 'overheat' mechanic works. Poor billy. I can understand an adjustment by did you really have to make him a joke. Wow.
He plays exactly the same, you barely overheat unless you're messing up big time. His add-ons needed a rework anyway, so this was basically the best possible outcome.
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We got meme rework for his add-ons, just like Nurse.
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Well... I'm gonna try to wear headphones in a day or two and try it out. I dunno. I don't really care about the addons anyway. But that 'RARRRRR' though. #########? Is that necessary?
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billy fine.
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Whos gonna shine a flashlight on billy unless hes picking up or breaking a pallet? That was the one that made me mad as hell. I quit reading after that one. Garbage.
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Guess OP didn't get the memo on the occurring situation with Auras 🤔
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All i heard were some very unhappy ppl and i loaded the game and said 'yeah. That sucks." Is there more to the story? Some good news? Or are they gonna do something worse?
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Lol.. RARRRRR wasn't necessary but it was needed. I never knew how much RARRRRR was missing from my life.
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I don't like the scream either, it's just annoying. But Insta Saw and stuff like that needed to go, these add-on combinations were ridiculous. Basekit is in a good place and at least they changed the Mother's Helpers add-on into something more useful.
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In this forum a.lot have complained.
Seems there's claim it wasn't an intended aura style. So some have said the devs will be fixing the situation. But as of those. Seems noone has posted actual devs saying.
I think they're ok. Just maybe be a tad brighter. Or like I done, adjust the screen picture settings
Oh and it's brought up issues with colorblind understandably
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I used to think about a 'rubber saw' addon that instead of 'hitting an object an stopping' it would catapult you in the opposite direction and allow you to pinball the entire game unless you hit someone. Lol.
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scream is annoying