Dbd is NOT as buggy as people think.

How many times did you encounter a game changing bug.
Be intellectually honest, how many times you actually found a completely game changing bug? not a sfx bug, not an animation bug, not a sound que bug ( important but in dbd not so much most times) ?
I've played dbd since jenuary 2017, and watched the game since 2016, where I was literally dying because I didn't have a pc to play dbd, and only because of this game I bought a 1000€ pc ( 250+€ for the monitor, keyboard and mouse and all the other stuff) . I remember when you would get stucked into a hook ,and never be able to get out of it. I passed all the era of lag switchers, where it was not fun at all, and after almost 5 years since 2016 and all my experience in dbd, including 6000/7000+ hours in game and twitch / youtube videos watched, the massive game changing era of bugs is finished people, and it finished in middle 2017, after the Bill release and the game engine update the game had.
Dbd still has bugs, sometimes, even GAME CHANGING, that's unalienable, but rarely, really. So the major dbd problem right now is not bugs of course, bug game's health, game's BALANCEMENT ( word that hurts a lot of people ( especially since dbd is not a competitive game ( for now, who knows in the future, I hope so)) because they do not understand that if a game is not almost balanced for both sides of a game there isn't any reason to play a certain game ) , and game's quality of life.
In 3/5 games today I had a bug that wouldn't let me finish healing my teammate to full... Sooo like yeah it's still prettyyyy buggy imo
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well ok, that's huge, if you're not lying
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The micro lags come into play like every game if you have it and can make you swing at the air like once or twice a game. That is not game changing in every game but surely can be if you have it twice per match in the wrong situations. And I call it game changing if it steals you a kill, not just when it switches a 4k into a 0k.
Same on survivor side btw when it messes up your timing at pallets/windows, especially against insta down killers.
Would also like to know from nurses how bad the bugs are. Sound bugs on killer side definitely can be game changing as well. Hard to tell how often they occur though, as you simply miss the survivors in most cases that you should find by grunts of pain
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those are not bugs, just connection issues
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the micro lags are confirmed by the devs that these are game issues
And nurse/sound bugs are no connection issues
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To be fair, the game is in a good state which prompt players to see even the minute issues with the game.
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I got the bug (twice) where you loaded into a match and couldn't move, struggle, anything. Also you were stuck staring at the hook you died on until the match ended. Played a match very recently against a Spirit where one survivor bugged out and the Spirit couldn't pick them up, they couldn't bleed out, and she couldn't pull me out of the locker I was in (I was answering a phone call). The survivor had to d/c because she couldn't hook them and they wouldn't bleed out. Had a couple games around when I think Freddy came out where the locker bugged out and I could see other parts of the map but not outside the locker itself.
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Lol this argument is harder to grasp than a survivor off a gen. Bugs galore, my friend. But I love it anyways. Or I will again once they fix the auras.
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Let me name some that I have encountered through my lifetime of DBD, not just the recent patch but since 2017 hallows eve (Thats when I started)
-DS not stunning
-Endgame collapse timer being incorrect
-No Hud
-Legion being unable to vault some windows
-survivors being unable to vault some windows
-Flashlights having wrong angles (not blinding properly)
-here is an oldie, flashlights not needing to aim at the killers face, but chest
-Getting stuck in pallets
-getting stuck in vaults
-Literally grabs still
-old sole survivor literally not working
-Nurse not being able to blink through some walls
-Nurse losing an entire blink
-Just Nurse in general
Some of these have been fixed, while Nurse has not been fixed
Games buggy but its the understandable buggy
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oh you mean those. Sorry I read bad
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I just put my trail of torment on stairs on The Game at the very start of the game when I sapwned and it made a survivor 20 feet away proc the notification and then made them tormented. That was funny to say the least.
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that's true, a lot of those bugs i faced them myself, but right now are pretty much gone
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Except Nurse
god rest her soul
EDIT: Not religious, just saying that as she is buggy as hell
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- Sounds are broken half the time.
- Infinite loading screen (this has been going on YEARS now)
- Basement hooked people being teleported to the upstairs of wherever the basement is located (sometimes locking survivors inside objects)
- SERVER SIDE disconnect issue (these are bugs, caused by BHVR's servers)
- People getting stuck in healing animation, forcing them to have to DC cause even EGC doesn't kill them (Again, years now)
- Archive challenges not triggering as complete sometimes.
- People not getting their rift rewards sometimes.
- People's bloodpoints disappearing into thin air.
- MULTIPLE crash bugs
These are just the tip of the iceberg of bugs in this game, and this doesn't even go into the ######### they constantly fix and RE-BREAK an update or two later. The only thing consistent about BHVR are the bugs, really.
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The sound are still bug. Right now sometime with freddy you get stuck in the animation when you put a pallet. Ormond is full of invisible wall where the killer cant pass i coyld continue like that but i will miss some bug are repeat myself
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Sound bugs.
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Have they fixed the bug(s) with Hag's teleport yet? I quit playing because those were never addressed for multiple months. Coming back now for some Survivor, but might play Lisa a bit if they've finally got her fixed.
Does Clown still have all the bugs that were present on Day 1 of his release? Or did they finally mash some of those?
Sounds get broken every single patch. Then get fixed in the next one, and hotfixed back into existence. It's just a "feature" because reasons.
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Oni can't activate his power.
Nurse can't teleport around some places.
Wraith is (or feels) slower.
Sound bugs.
Game not ending after EGC.
Game sometimes won't register pressing M1.
Terrible optimization on console after the recent patch.
Can't pick up survivors at certain places.
Auto-aim (aim dressing) makes me whiff or miss survivors (see my last post).
Can't reveal GF even when directly staring at him.
Is this enough?
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*cries in nurse*
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I mean game changing bugs
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your teammate probably pressed SHIFT, which stops the healing process
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I am way more concerned about the amount of cheaters that have been present as of late on PC. The current report system is trash which only gives a free pass for many cheaters to continue to cheat. That's one thing that really needs to be addressed and quick.
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Yep, nothing game changing about not being able to blink to certain sections of the map for a killer with less than 100 movement speed.
Countless game changing bugs are being listed post after post and you're still playing like they're not ever common. Just yesterday I got both the false gen grab bug that gave a survivor a head start because I got stuck in place and the 10 second hook bug that allowed survivors to finish a gen at the jungle gym right in front of me because I couldn't move.
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Yeah Nurse still has all of her bugs
She still loses 1 blink at random
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Sometimes 2! I've had it where I can't even get the first blink to charge and it feels awful being the slowest m1 killer until it randomly returns to me.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, just today, a rock blocking a pallet path. Nothing out of the ordinary, just your perfectly well generated map.
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Lets add:
Ruin not activating after being grabbed off of a gen. - Game Breaking
The camera bug that breaks survivor movement when being unhooked - Game Breaking
Still getting hit after dropping pallets
The many invisible collision boxes.
The Oni still not being able to enter blood fury at times. - Game Breaking
The many sound bugs that still occur. - Game Breaking
Survivors 3rd Person camera clipping into objects that it shouldnt be able to.
Survivors getting perma spring burst if they activate it while being struck by feral frenzy - Game Breaking
Flashlights not lighting up hag traps - Game Breaking
Hag traps not appearing when using Maps.
Massive FPS drops every time you get a HUD update - Game Breaking
Shrine of Secrets stealing your Iridescent Shards and not giving you the perk(s) you buy. - Game Breaking
Hex Ruin's Totem doesnt spawn and remains active the entire match - Game Breaking
Offerings dont burn if you switch characters in a lobby
Rank Update Error still occurring after matches. - Game Breaking
Ghostface & Myers "unable to stalk" bug is back. - Game Breaking
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I'm fairly convinced that Ghost Face himself is just three bugs standing on each others' shoulders wearing a cloak.
Besides his stalking woes at the very least, his Reveal mechanic isn't working properly again (well, if it EVER was). If I'm playing him, the survivor I'm following will break me out of Night Shroud through rocks, walls, or any other object that should be completely obstructing their line-of-sight on me. When I'm playing survivor, he cannot be broken out of Shroud at all, even if he's carrying me or sitting right in front of my hook.
I want to enjoy playing as and against him, but he's basically an RNG killer like Pig who is situationally overpowered or pathetic depending on which side gets "luckier".
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I agree the only bug I regularly encounter is the oni one
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Bro I'm a rank 6 survivor (not flexing cause bad just proof of concept) I know how the mechanics work it was also a friend I was in chat with 2 of 3 times. I appreciate you trying to help and all but this was most certainly a bug.
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if you say so
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well, i do lose games when i hit a hitbox that is larger than the actual model and they get past or get hatch
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Tell that to my CloudIP bug where I can't get ANY bloodpoints.
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I mean, flashlights are bugged now too soooo
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You’re right, DBD isn’t as buggy as people think.
It’s worse.
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What would I stand to gain from lying? 😂
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this is cool
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There is a lot of game breaking bugs buddy.
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Nurse would like a word with you.
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Which bug? that of the blink sound? that isn't game changing
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Nurses entire existence right now is a bug filled mess. Just ask anyone who plays Nurse.
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I've followed Marth for a really really really long time. I know there are some unblinkable areas, problems with blinking out of the basement, objects you couldn't blink through, etc. But right now, WHERE DBD IS RIGHT NOW, NOT IN 2018, most of these problems are gone. Yeah maybe you can say that hawkings and the game have still big stuff to solve which I am not aware of, but I don't think this is the case
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I think the chest blinding was a design thing not a bug since since the camera wasn't in the head for a lot of killers. I might be wrong on that one though.
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Fair enough
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"nurse sounding like a vaccuum cleaner" god I love that bug even though it takes away an entire blink I should've had. it's just fun to hear her go WOOOWOWOWOWOOWOOO and then it's also fun to watch her hand grab the blink out of mid air and lose your second blink. and btw @Leonardo1ita I encounter this bug at least once a game and it is indeed game breaking. I encounter oni not being able to activitate his power at least once a game. I encounter survivors getting teleported to a different spot than they are hooked at least once a day. I encounter the generators left number to be broken at least once a day. and this is a very minimal amount of bugs I encounter. the game is still bugged af. and the bugs are indeed game breaking. just go and watch Yerv lol.
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Oh well if all this is true I will change idea right now, I'm serious
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That's like saying "This crap sandwich doesn't taste as bad as you think".
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Sync error. They say they fixed it and its still not fixed. No word from any channel and It sucks.
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So on top of the no sound, which IS GAME BREAKING.
Ive lost 450k bloodpoints from shrine of secrets.
Ive been hooked by Wraith and then for the rest of the game had his point of view while my survivor was stuck on hook never dying and unable to be rescued.
Ive been stuck inside a pallet as killer for entire games, multiple times.
Ive been unable to heal teammates at all.
Shoupd I go on
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well why not? Maybe you'll change my mind even more