BHVR please let ScottJund work for you

He is arguably one of the best streamers and has very logical though processing, tries to have no bias and tries to see both perspectives. He also has very good ideas (watch his recent discussion videos on youtube) and I think he wouldn't even demand money because he just loves dbd and would love to help make it better.
Seriously, hire hardcore gamers into the team.
Other dev teams did the same and only improved the game by doing so
If they consider hiring a "hardcore gamer" they should pay him lol. But I agree. He had a lot of great ideas in the past.
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Thats why the fog wisperers program exist¿no?
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Many streamers have many good ideas so are people on these forums so they have a lot of ideas from just that.
Adding someone that just throws ideas to a development team is a worst idea from developers perspective. Imagine working with someone that does just that and then expects you to implement it only to dismiss it after realising it won't work for this case. This is most likely what already happens anyway.
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It honestly baffles me they don't seem to take what any of their fog whisperers think into account. Like you would think they would trust their opinions.
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Ok, so? Interviews are a thing and people apply for positions.
Besides fog whisperers opinions are gathered on some ideas and they sign NDA's on them.
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Would rather Tru3
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Hell no
Better hire Tru3 who knows a lot more about balance
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Just because he expresses his own ideas and opinions?
Hey, I can do that! They should hire me
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No, that's mostly to sell cosmetics
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This might just be the dumbest thread I've read all day.
A player having what you consider good idea's isn't even close to be requirements for hiring them, let alone the fact I doubt Scott would even want to work for BHVR.
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Isn't that the guy that mains Huntress and still uses a crosshair even after (I assume) thousands of hours playing her?
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I think they listen to fog whisperers. But im not sure. I remember Scott talk on his youtube about adding EGC but at start of the match. and they will make it.
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Precisely, why pay people when you can harvest ideas for free?
This is exactly why I do not post my ideas for game dev, becuse you can literally make a video, post in a thread and your idea gets implimented into a game and you get./..... nothing.
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Despite how much I question BHVR's balancing team decisions, I believe they are the best to do what needs to be done. I haven't seen any DbD streamer who hasn't been biased in one way or another, so I highly doubt it's a good idea to let them do balancing.
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I should work for BHVR, since I can express my opinions as well.
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Surprisingly being a youtuber doesn't qualify you for most real jobs.
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Tru3 is a killer main who complains way too much and blames alot fo his losses on swf. Plus dude got mean for like a minute on an unsafe pallet must be that swf again. Or like when he lost the huntress game after committing to a good survivor.
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He'd delete SWF and deadhead for sure and would still complain to be outplayed by a full team of randoms lol.
I'd rather stick to no YouTuber influencer streamer in the dev team it's way too dangerous for game health.
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I think I'm gonna agree with you the youtubers are a no. If the devs would just listen to some ideas and tweak them a bit for balance then I could accept.
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Tru3 is not a killer main, this argument is very tiresome. He plays both sides on stream.
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He plays both sides but he prefers killer and also he isnt very good at survivor any good killer could kill him. He makes simple mistakes in looping and at pallet efficiency. For someone that plays both sides why csnt he be good evenly? He still bad mouths swf, stretched rea, and even low settings(apparently) even though none of those are technically cheating.
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Most players prefers one side, but he still plays both. He has tons of hours on survivor and has fully legacy Claudette. Everyone makes mistakes as survivor, and nobody can play perfectly. He has looped and won against some of the most efficient killers. None of those are cheating (besides maybe stretched res), but he is doing what fog whisperers do: give feedback.
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Doesnt he only have legacy 1 claudette. Anyways ofcourse every ok ne makes msitake but he really is not that good when I watch him he just throws pallets subpar looping at best. When you say efficient killers wdym? An efficient killer would leave a chase before getting out of hand.
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No, he doesn't even play Huntress much at all. I think you're thinking of someone else.
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I'd say he plays survivors better then 95% survivors I see on this game and on "high level" it is all about guessing if the killer will go for the swing and miss or not do that and you get hit.
SWF still has overwheling advantage in this game, regardless if they make use of it.
Stretched res makes you able to literally see above almost all loops. I think FarmerJohn did a video on it when he stretched it to the limit and you actually see waay above corn on farm maps. Is that ok to you?
Low setting still make killer red glow appear through the walls in few maps(I think the game) .
He calls out that they are unfair and you say they aren't technically cheating... well, using ebony mori and spirit with stridor isn't cheating either but people do complain against them... funny how that works.
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He does. He used to be considered the best huntress in the game before Oni became his main. He still plays her a lot.
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I disagree. There was also much better Huntresses. He also doesn't use crosshairs.
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I'd rather not, even when so many players/streamers sounds like they want the best for the game they are still biased on some level. Overall playerbase feedback is only thing that should impact balancing of DBD, can't give a single person so much authority over DBD's balance when they aren't even a part of the dev team.
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He does use crosshairs, he has admitted it himself. There was much better huntresses, I agree, but they weren't discovered until recently.
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If anything, they should at least have a Fog Whisperer related poll or whatever where all the various Fog Whisperers can leave their feedback or something. Having one Fog Whisperer starting to have an impact in the game is not viable. Everyone's biased and Scott's a DbD player with countless hours.
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Yea that could be. Even if, it was like 2 years ago lol
It's cheating but we're not here to argue about that. But just so you know, I am one of those guys that put tape on the TV screen to win the shooting gallery in Zelda: Ocarina of Time no N64, I am well aware of the advantages it gives.
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Bias towards money is good since it means they are (or should be) biased towards healthy gameplay since unhealthy gameplay drives players adn their money away. It's been a while since they released any really bad change to live in a while so I think they're doing just fine without external interference.
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The first time I heard of people talking about using cross hairs was him admitting he did, I was like.... umm, I thought he was making those hatchet hits on his own. He admitted it on stream. I believe him and Zubat both talked about it in chat one day too that their monitors have them built in. Not saying its bad or good, but he definitely said he used it.
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Check ouf "Ralph" . Not sure if he still streams the same way but back in the days he played Huntress only using her hatchets, he refused to M1 people. Good guy, fun streams.
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I'd say hes an average survivor which is 95% of the player base. They also play at a high level survivor also isnt about predicting swings and dodging.
Swf I can agree with that but it still isnt cheating I think with the start game collapse time to pressure survivors would make swf way less strong but we'll see.
Stretched only gives an advantage on 108p x 1080 but most of the youtubers who use it only use 1440 or 1600 x 1080 with exception of ayrun using 1811 I think. But like I said it only gives an advantage on 1080 x 1080 but even then ussylis made a whole clip showing you can see the same thing: the killer over loops. The only extra is distance of the map but what can that information give you the whereabouts of loops? Doesnt matter if you scouted before hand. One more thing 1080 x 1080 gives an advantage for killers including built in lightborn and non existent fatigue but you sont wanna mention that because survivors are too "op."
Anyone can play low it's not it's not cheating because 1. Ultra makes the game too dark and 2. The game has sbit optimization and low works best with the added benefit of red stain through walls but it really isnt that big of a deal. You can still mindgame survivors the same I wonder why.
People complain because that has NO counterplay. While only the top swfs dont have counterplay which is not common.
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I watch him. He's a really chill guy :).
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A guy who said "Wraith is an example of balanced killer"?? Hell no
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I didn't hear tru3 say that anything other then stretched res is cheating. - good example of "corn vision" on stretched.
If survivors see the red glow through the wall, they know where you are all the time. It is fixed on most maps already but still it isn't fair game imo. Not survivors fault.
I only remember him saying that it is unbalanced to go against swf group because if you go against the actual good swf team as a killer you have no chance to win(as in get a pip) unless they farm with you which most of them will do but after they solidify their victory.
I have a feeling we're talking about different things here. None of that is really cheating(save for stretched res which shouldn't be allowed) but it is very unbalanced. Devs are already working on swf part to some degree so maybe we will see some good stuff SoonTM.
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I would rather them hire someone like OhTofu who isn’t always complaining and doesn’t think he is above the developers.
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Or - you know - let's not hire one of the most toxic players to the team. Literally boycott BHVR if they put ScottJund or Noob3 on their team - it's bad enough they already promote these players. Like even ScottJund had a part in getting Billy nerfed that was never needed, right after mocking the playerbase that wasn't okay with the ruin changes. More Cahlaflour, TrU3Ta1ent, and FunGoose please, at least they respect the playerbase.
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Adding Streamers to the dev team would be a bad move, as most Fog Whisperers got that role from sucking up to the devs (no offense to any Fog Whisperers out there).
Scott hasn’t been doing that recently, but not everyone agrees with what he says at times. As well as that, he can be childish on social media when certain problems arise, such as the whole thing with SpaceCoconut. The people that are in the Dev team (hopefully) have gone through specific Video Game Development/ Computer Science schooling to get the position they’re in now, and whether or not we’d like to admit when they make stupid mistakes they made the game and the current state of balance. A Streamer with suggestions can’t help the game development as much as the game developers themselves: they have to fix it.