Killer seems really easy to me?

I know I've never posted anything before but hear me out here! This isnt bait. To me it seems like everytime I play killer it's an easy 4k. I play on ps4 and mostly main Pig and Ghostface. I've played hundreds of games (from rank 20-1) and still seems like if I dont give hatch to someone or pretend to not see some claudette crouched in a corner it's super easy to 4k. I have been playing this game since release and there was a time when killer seemed harder. Just dont understand why everyone complains about killer being so hard when to me it really doesnt ever seem that way. I've felt this way for a while now so I figured I'd finally post something about it and see what other people had to say.
Just bought a new fishing rod and reel to go with this bait.
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If this is not a bait, then chances are the game has put you with players of a different rank or you have never been touched by a decent group of SWF.
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I mean I'm actually being dead serious lol. I really cannot wrap my head around why people truly think that killer is so hard. Swf doesnt even seem that bad, sure theres a lot of communication in swf. But it's not much more then your terror radius already gives away?
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If this isn't bait, then you are either only playing top tier killers with their best addons, and lying about your mains, only getting terrible survivors that don't know what a gen is, or are playing at a high ping.
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So, you must be the 1% of those players who 4k as perkless clown on Haddonfield against red rank SWF
I need an autograph now
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I said I'm maining pig mostly and sure I use rule set #2 and tampered timer a lot. But when I play against pig it's so easy to get the helmet off. No real reason any decent survivor should be dying to a helmet when I dont tunnel down the people going to jigsaw boxes.
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I mean this is serious? Lol. Can someone please give me a reason to why they think killer is actually hard? What seems to make it so hard other than once in a while getting a game against a good swf that knows how to hold m1 on a gen?
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Then you are probably at high ping, are only going against terrible survivors, both, or are so good at the game that you could play survivor with no hands.
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It's hilarious how when someone makes the claim that their killer games are relatively easy, everyone assumes that this person has played against nothing but potatoes (I mean do yall really believe that? What are the chances?)
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I guess I'm just that good then!
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Because Killer is not THAT hard unless you face the 4 men SWAT team or a group of 3-4 insanely good Solos in a very bad map, regular SWFs and Solos are perfectly beatable or at least get 2 kills.
I think it is because people overestimate their skill, if 4 Survivors beat you, maybe you are not good enough to beat them (yes I know sometimes is the map or external factors like lag or some weird bug). As a rule thumb "I win, the game/bad luck makes me lose", this applies to Survivors and almost any game in existence. Also people tend to remember that one crushing defeat against 4 gods but forget those 100 games steamrolling solos.
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I'm not really sure why people get so mad about the claim that killer seems easy. I actually wanted someone to tell me why they think it's so hard. I'm not even sure if its sweaty survivors who get upset or killer mains at this point?
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Because it is really easy.
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I agree with this. Most of the time I brush off that sweaty 4x swf because I just steamrolled the last 25 games! This cant be only my experience. I have thousands of games as survivor and am always a rank 1 not that that means much anymore. and even as swf we get obliterated all too often. I think people overreact to 1 L compared to the hundreds of games they won.
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I can confirm that it can go this way.
Ps4 is a super strange world for DBD.
But heres the thing:
When I took a break from taking a break on DBD I won like 50 games in a row with 4ks. I had a weekend off just for playing DBD. It was super easy and I got rank 1 survivors every match, but they just were super bad.
Then I could only play in the evening/night and voila:
Only SWF. usually 4 man at PS4 nighttime.
Games went from enjoyable 10 minutes to stressfull 5 minutes.
You win by slugging 3 of them and then kinda farm hooks when they lost already. I swear If there were 100 Ranks I would say during the day the best survivors you get are rank 50 max
but in the nighttime they are at least rank 50.
Its just nother world.
I dont want to say youre no good killer, but im sure you arent as great as your matches go, the BAMFs are just not online when you are.
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Because statistically the game is stacked how ever much in favour of the survivor. I won't break it down here, just search the forum there are several posts about that.
It is just 1 against 4 in itself is imbalanced and survivor have more/better tools (more "second chance" perks than "one hit" perks for example, and yes I know some killer have build in onetaps) and killer efficiency is dependent on the character you play. The last part in itself is a heavy flaw of the game.
And I also don't believe you can "easily" 4k on all ranks but let's not get into that.
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I know this is true on ps4 because at night when I play survivor it's great killers, during the day doesnt seem so good. But I'm sure I'm not as great as my games seem to go. When it comes to killer games tho, that difference is player skill for survivors from night to day doesnt seem to change. My games are much more fun late at night tho!
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Because you play on ps4. That's the only reason. Play on pc and you'll be crying your eyes out.
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You're seriously gonna say that because I'm on console it's not as hard? You do realize that everyone who plays on console faces the same adversity as the next guy right? You dont have to own a $2,000 set up on PC to be good at a game just so you know.
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Try playing nurse. At red ranks. On console. You'll be wanting to uninstall in frustration within seconds
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Try hag, trapper, huntress, nurse and slinger on PS4 and then we'll talk. I'm a PS4 player as well.
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I experienced the exact opposite. I ranked from 20 to 5 in about 10 hours as Survivor. The funny thing is that in 2016/2017 when I still played a lot of DbD I never even reached rank 10 survivor at all, it's weird as ######### lol. No Ruin so we just push through gens and run some loops, that basically gives you already at least a safety pip.
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I will say I absolutely am a potato with nurse but her playstyle just isnt for me. That would definitely make things more challenging.
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I actually love playing as huntress and slinger when I'm bored. The hitboxes are wider than the broadside of a barn. And playing slinger takes me back to the days of cod.
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This game is always 4k against solo, and swf can be 1-4k
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I can't play huntress or slinger, I'm just a potato. 2 days ago I played slinger, and I only got 3 kills from camping, and the only shots I got were from camping. The survivors were overly altruistic, and that's the only reason I won. Goes to show how ######### I am at him.
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Lol. I actually think huntress is a little harder than slinger. Her gen pressure and map control is really #########.
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I'm not going to give you the annoying bait comments because that doesn't help anything.
Typically the problem of killer in comparison to Survivor mistakes tend to be a lot more punishing if you mess up as a survivor even if you're not working in a swf you still essentially have 3 people to cover your butt.
As for killer mistakes can very easily cost you the game especially as you have nothing else to really back you up without using endgame perks (but then again you do run into people who shake their entitlement stick about the perks you use this is not just a survivors but it also goes other Killers players as well)
For example playing a loop to safe as a result could not getting a head can possibly extend a chase for 15 to 30 more seconds depending on the score of the survivor. In that time a generator or two gen pop.
All in all is killer difficult or extremely hard. Not really. Can it be really frustrating and annoying yes. Is it easier than survivor well honestly that's always just going to be down to you a subjective opinion is always a subjective opinion
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Survivors on console have extremely bad movement and can't loop so yeah it's the same as going against green/yellow ranks on pc.
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Thanks for the no bait comment lol. Those always suck because you dont put any input, but I agree with "killer easier or harder than survivor?" I dont really know, I have plenty of hard and easy games as survivor. I know that as a killer its 1v4 , if you make a mistake it's all on you. As a survivor you have 3 other people to make mistakes and if you dont make any mistakes it's almost a easy 2 pip escape. But I probably play 70-30 survivor main. Just those games I play as killer always seem like a breeze as to when I play survivor.
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Personally I hate solo survivor usually because it's a coin toss between whether your team is competent or a bunch of potatoes and for some reason you never getting in between it's always one or the other.
Hell during one of my streams I managed to die on first Hook because one of my team into an afk.
Another decided they wanted to take a tour of the map before saving me.
Lastly despite the fact that even the Killer (Wraith) tried really hard to get the third one to get me off hook even bringing her to me the Meg disagreed.
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Survs ranks up so fast because other way there were no survs in 1-5 ranks. That's why it's more difficult to rank up as killer, so you don't see all killers in rank 1-5
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Maybe you're a dbd god but if you often see Claudettes hiding in a corner that probably means you're playing against noobs.
You say that you play on PS4 and I've seen people saying that console survivors are often easier than ones on PC. Can't confirm or deny that as I don't have a PS4.
Maybe you could record a few of your games so we could see if you're actually that good or just get noobs that often. Preferably games on purple or red ranks, as noobs on brown to green are very common. And with only purple and red rank survivors.
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Iean I've played on PS4 since launch too.. it varies incredibly the type of response you'll get, and I believe region also has an influence, but in all honesty, I think this guys not being honest, and it doesn't matter what you say to them about it..
As killer mains who've been playing for several years, we know better than to take this serious, right? Even the best players in the world say the game isn't easy for killer at high ranks, some may disagree about solo survivor being harder (which I disagree with) but hardly anyone sits here and says killer is easy if they are actually a killer main.
So if one person wants to believe that, inspire of years of evidence to the contrary, than allow them to and move on.
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That's because killer is easier than the killer players let out to be. They're just really loud with their crying.
I'm not a 3,500 hour player, only 660 hours at the moment (still no life), but I got to rank 1 killer with more than half of my hours being only survivor.. and still reside in red ranks thanks to the rift challenges making me play killer. Didn't even use NOED - and got bullied by SWF plenty of times. PC as well.
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“Killer is easy to me, I always 4k, why are players complaining if I find killer easy to play and I always get a 4k”
Do you realize how dumb and self-centered that sounds?
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You were actually playing with a bunch of potatoes...please tell me they were red ranks lol
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I dipped from the lobby right afterwards so I can't remember
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I personally believe the broken record of "killer is so hard" "nerf swf" "4k is the only way to win" has just become what people feel they have to say. As many hours as I have in this game i know from experience as a killer and survivor player, that solo survivor is harder than getting 2 or 3k as a killer.
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I think your right, killers mains only wanna be upset because they think 4k is a win.
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If it's so esay and you never kill less then 3 or 4 survivors maybe you should start streaming ? I'm sure there's a lot of people who would love to see your godlike skill in action, never losing a single match even vs good SWF teams with midtier killers.
Maybe there's just too many casual players on console ? Dunno, without seeing the caliber of survivors you face there's no way to tell if you're just stomping potatoes or you're DBD killer god. From experince I'd say it's the first one.
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A 2k isn't a win, and I know for a fact it's easier for ME to pip as survivor, whether or not I survive, than it is for me to pip as a killer. It's the same echo chamber as survivors saying Hillbilly, Freddy, nurse, Deathslinger and Spirit need a nerf.
You must remember the review bombing this game received on steam because survivors wanted Freddy nerfed? Don't remember killers doing that over anything, but people get upset that killer side has valid issues that need addressing for some reason and that's where the impasse lies.
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I'd agree with that, except for the fact that no one can tell me that every red rank player I face is a potatoe.
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As a survivor I've had great spirits and nurses and potatoe spirit and nurses. It doesnt define how good the killer is by what they use. Anybody can get a 4k infantry belt/iri head with huntress. Huntress is one of the worst killers. So this leads me to believe that my dog can pick up the controller and get a 4k.
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I face potaotes on red ranks consistently for the duration of 4 years of playing DBD almost daily. So yeah, vast majority of red ranks are potaotes, not that they are horrible players but that they aren't good enough when they face seasoned red rank killer who's generally more skilled then average red rank survivor.
There are some good solo players in the mix but they themselfs can't hard carry the team unless killer tunnels them hard while they loop well and teammates actually hold M1 (nobody does that btw even at red ranks). Only saving grace for red ranks potatoness is good SWF teams, they're the ones who use everything in survivor's arsenal efficiently which then results in sweaty games that can sometimes be near unwinnable.
As I said, if you're so godly and face off great players consistently and beat them every game go steam. I'd watch you decimate good SWFs game after game after game to learn from your amazing skills.
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Ok, I never even mentioned add ons, if you're constantly using the best ones then you're likely to get great results, yes. That's like saying a coordinated stacked SWF with BNPs aren't expected to "win" alot of matches. I also don't know who said Huntress was one of the worst killers, that's news to me.
But hey, if that's what you actually believe I'm obviously not going to change your mind, but you aren't the only person out there that plays killer.
People stopped replying to this thread for a reason. Think I'll do the same.
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Ahh I see, but that makes no sense to me.
If reaching red ranks is more a matter of time rather than actual skill, it's pretty much meaningless, I guess we can all agree on that.
The more you play, the more likely you're going to reach red ranks regardless of your skill. That explains why even potatoes like me end up in red ranks sooner or later... Nice ranking system!
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I actually do stream. And I'll post something on her soon of actual evidence of how easy killer seems to be for me.