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Dying on first hook because of a facecamp

I don't think survivors should depip if they die on the first hook because of a facecamp. I know rank doesn't matter, but it's kind of a slap in the face after getting near 0 points in anything other than boldness. Am I wrong? Or is this something that doesn't happen enough to matter? Guess I'm just looking for some feedback.

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  • Member Posts: 3,742

    Going by what'd be needed for that in terms of code (proximity to the killer and other survivors, duration etc) I'd say it'd be a bit easier (and more satisfying for survs) to be able to do two things:

    1. if the killer is close enough to kick them and if one succeeds to stun them thus one automatically gets off the hook
    2. if a killer stays within a certain range the chance of unhooking oneself is tremendously increased, stunning the killer due to disbelief.

    both these would simply use the mechanic that prevents PH from making a trench right under the hook.

  • Member Posts: 618

    just no, this could be easily abused or it would be totaly useless mechanic

  • Member Posts: 17

    I don't understand this I guess. Haven't played enough killer to understand how looping is toxic. I understand that survivors getting gens done too quickly makes for an unfun killer game, and honestly I don't like rushing the gens out because i miss out on points in all the other categories. But why looping? What's so bad about it and why dedicate to that chase?

  • Member Posts: 17
    edited July 2020

    I feel like this would be complicated and easy to abuse. I think maybe the hook timer should pause if there are no survivors within a certain range and the killer is just standing there. That way the killer couldn't face camp hard, but also wouldn't be punished for stopping the unhook when everyone else is there

    Edit: spelling

  • Member Posts: 749

    Umm no. If you can't a kill against your average solo que red ranks than thats on the killer.

    Also I don't why you even bring this up as survivors literally have no defense against facecamping besides ds. If your teammates aren't using bt than you pretty much doomed.

  • Member Posts: 629

    I just suicide out of that match and move on to the next one.

    I don’t get any points whatsoever for sitting on that hook and watching my teammates do gens (or worse, try to save me)

  • Member Posts: 17

    I don't think this is inherently true, especially with killers that require a lot of setup like trapper. Sometimes those gens just fly and I could see that being annoying. But when I see a legion complain about being gen rushed, this holds up.

  • Member Posts: 3,755

    Because looping is bad m'kay your suppose to let the killer down you otherwise your playing toxic😂

  • Member Posts: 375

    Just for the record:

    A Killer can ONLY EVER facecamp a Survivor once they get hooked. What does this mean? It means the Survivor had already messed up / played bad in several situations prior to the actual facecamp:

    1) The Survivor failed to hide from the Killer and got found

    2) The Survivor failed to lose the Killer and gets hit

    3) The Survivor once again failed to lose the Killer and gets downed & hooked

    So if anyone else dares to bring up the "If you can't get a kill, git gud" then just remember that each hook is the result of a Survivors poor plays.

    You mostly get facecamped for two reasons;

    • You are a toxic piece of ######### so the Killer wants to get rid of you really badly
    • You are really good at the game so the Killer wants to get rid of you really badly

    If you were really good at the game, you would only ever get facecamped after running the Killer for 3 minutes straight at which point it's not a big deal anymore. If you're a toxic piece of ######### then you deserve to get facecamped. If you happen to get facecamped for no reason at all very easly in the match then that Killer is a toxic piece of ######### and deserves to get looped and gen rushed into oblivion.

    Simple DbD rules.

  • Member Posts: 77

    I don't feel like this happens often enough for me to find a problem, and I'm a survivor main (Albeit only like 590 hours). When I do get facecamped, I just punish the killer by staying alive on hook, giving my team more time to do generators. I had this match two days ago where the last 2 survivors repaired 2 generators together and opened an exit game throughout me being facecamped from first hook. Just find ways to punish the killer. They either have to leave you to pressure other survivors, thus giving your teammates a window to help you, or distract the killer enough that they suffer for the rest of the match. And ngl, for that one match where you depip because of that, you will pip like 10 other matches as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 194
    edited July 2020

    If the killer knocks you down first, excuse me but then you're bad at playing, following someone who knows how to play with 100% of the pallets (a survivor who makes mindgames and combines structures) is always a mistake for the killer.

    By the time the killer catches you and makes you a facecamp, but if you had it behind 4 ~ 5 gens, at least for me it is already victory and I managed to make the killer get frustrated

    Unless you play meme (bubba insidious) facecamp is not profitable.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    Most killers that face camp either don't know what they are doing is inefficient or they want to piss off the person on the hook. Whether it's deserved or the killer is being toxic. Face camping ONLY works in the killers favor if the survivors try to save that person on the hook. Most experienced survivors will see the killer is face camping and do gens. The person on the hook will stay there for as long as possible. 3-4 gens will pop by the time that person dies and the killer is at a major disadvantage. The only time face camping works in the killers favor is if the survivors all stop doing gens and try to go for a save. Which is a terrible idea if the killer is face camping. The problem is new survivors dont know what to do when a killer face camps. They go for a save only to add to the body pile. The killer is getting several kills playing like this and they think "I must be doing something right". That killer ranks up thinking they are playing well only to discover they will get crushed playing like this against experienced survivors.

  • Member Posts: 317

    Umm no. If you can't survive against yout average red ranks killer than that's on the survivor.

    Also I don't know why you even bring this up as killers literally have no defense against looping besides moonwalking.

    See how silly that sounds?

  • Member Posts: 749

    No because your statement is ridiculous. Your average survivor is not as good as your average killer, otherwise survivors would win the far majority of matches.

    Killers have more than just moonwalking to counter most loops, yet survivors literally have nothing else besides ds and bt to help against a killer that just hits you as soon as your teammate unhooks.

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